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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I am still perturbed by the turn of phrase from the article: “a rise in people attending the Emergency Department who were then admitted for further treatment”. Somebody on MF mentioned that a possible reason behind the increased attendance at A&E could be due to a recent ‘heat wave’. I agree that the last couple of days have been uncomfortably hot, and that, because of global warming this is IOM’s warmest July ever, but I am not sure that 25C meets the definition of the ‘heat wave’, even though I strongly beleive that humans are heating the planet. 

I have no doubt that the pressure for ‘reuniting families’ was a factor in the IOMG decision to allow ‘2 plus 2’ visitors to come to the Island without any restrictions, as was the political pressure for the IOM to be ‘free’ on Tynwald day. My view however, is that the IOMG have decided to transfer the responsibility for ‘Covid-management’ from the government to individual residents so that IOMG could reduce the amount of financial support they were giving to struggling tourism and hospitality sectors.

The Council of Ministers have become the new sole custodians of Covid policies. The net result thus far has been an incredible rise in daily cases (over 650 in the last 3 days alone) and quite a lot of anxiety throughout the entire community. I bet the ‘wise men of Tynwald’ did not see this coming (but the EAG did) i.e., the 111-line being overwhelmed, the government’s Covid dashboard data misleading, etc. All of these abject failures are happening whilst the Chief Minister is indulging in a bout of self-pity as he still ruminating about what he perceives to be his ‘unfair treatment’ by MR.

Our leaders seem unable to handle the truth, but this must not scare off the media outlets from reporting it, or is it too much to hope for?

ETA. Technically speaking, temperatures between 24C and 29C are classified as 'warm', above 29C they use the term 'hot'. A heat wave would not be declared until temperatures reach 31C, like what has been happening in the UK. Hence, I doubt that IOM A&E admissions are due to hot weather.


Edited by code99
heat wave
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26 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

But a vaccine that’s been cobbled together in less than a year is ……

Well, it's several vaccines and they're really quite clever, and the evidence would suggest that indeed they are

10 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Here's a nice chart, lift some gloom



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35 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

But a vaccine that’s been cobbled together in less than a year is ……

You say cobbled together with your typical dramatic nonsense. 

They then went through the same trials as any other vaccination. Both technologies in use had been researched for a while. 

Like any large scale project, vaccines compete for funding, regulators time and even emails sitting in the inbox of someone important for things to be signed off. The difference was that the cogs were always turning to keep the process moving. 

Edited by AcousticallyChallenged
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33 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

But a vaccine that’s been cobbled together in less than a year is ……

Whatever your stance on Covid is, you have just blown all your credibility out of the water with that remark.

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7 hours ago, David Gashfed said:

I hope this is not a rumour, I personally don’t think you should be writing messages on here saying ”apparently” regarding a minors health. Especially if it is not your child, very disrespectful. I understand that people may want to know what is going on, but it’s abit touchy regarding children. 

The family put it on social media.

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7 hours ago, David Gashfed said:

I hope this is not a rumour, I personally don’t think you should be writing messages on here saying ”apparently” regarding a minors health. Especially if it is not your child, very disrespectful. I understand that people may want to know what is going on, but it’s abit touchy regarding children. 

The family put it on social media.

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1 hour ago, code99 said:

My view however, is that the IOMG have decided to transfer the responsibility for ‘Covid-management’ from the government to individual residents so that IOMG could reduce the amount of financial support they were giving to struggling tourism and hospitality sectors.

The Council of Ministers have become the new sole custodians of Covid policies. The net result thus far has been an incredible rise in daily cases (over 650 in the last 3 days alone) and quite a lot of anxiety throughout the entire community. I bet the ‘wise men of Tynwald’ did not see this coming (but the EAG did) i.e., the 111-line being overwhelmed, the government’s Covid dashboard data misleading, etc. All of these abject failures are happening whilst the Chief Minister is indulging in a bout of self-pity as he still ruminating about what he perceives to be his ‘unfair treatment’ by MR.

Our leaders seem unable to handle the truth, but this must not scare off the media outlets from reporting it, or is it too much to hope for?

I may not agree with the style in which anyone says anything on here (each to their own) but there isn't a lot here to fundamentally disagree with.

Good planning, better communications and the removal of political personality / ego issues should have enabled the island to deal much more effectively than we seem to be doing. 

However, all this is overshadowed by the threat to a child / children if the above posts are correct. I am sure many of us would indeed move heaven and earth faced with a similar situation for our children, and this situation may send some worrying signals for many parents contemplating their own child's vaccination plans. 

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12 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

This is why I find the oft used phrase that it’s all about ‘The survival of the fittest’, so very crass and insensitive. 

Is that not life though, as it always has been?  The old or very vulnerable are susceptible to many thing the rest of us aren’t so what are we suppose to do.

Back in the early 2000s when our group of friends were springing left right and centre one couple who we were very close to suffered so awful traumas with a new born.  He struggled through life between here and Alderhay and ultimately was taken by something he picked up at Nursery that all the other kids shook off.

What is the alternative.  Unless this (currently unconfirmed rumour) turns out to be a young fit kid who has contracted COVID and become ill solely as a result then worldwide that is incredibly rare)

If there is more to it, then as brutal as it sounds what more can we do?

There is a tipping point with risk and reward where as a community the reward of not doing eventually outweighs the risk.  That moment has passed.

Ir does however mean a few very vulnerable and unfortunate people will need to moderate their lives a bit but in reality the majority would have been before the pandemic anyway.

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1 hour ago, Nom de plume said:

What … I had some?


Yes, I think you did. You have expressed your opinions consistently and somewhat incessantly. And clearly not for amusement. I take my hat off to you.


40 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

There are whooshes a plenty this morning 

No, I got it, of course. In fairness it was a good 'un, but misplaced.  

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2 hours ago, code99 said:

 Somebody on MF mentioned that a possible reason behind the increased attendance at A&E could be due to a recent ‘heat wave’.

ETA. Technically speaking, temperatures between 24C and 29C are classified as 'warm', above 29C they use the term 'hot'. A heat wave would not be declared until temperatures reach 31C, like what has been happening in the UK. Hence, I doubt that IOM A&E admissions are due to hot weather.


Perhaps you missed my explanation.  The arbitrary definition of what constitutes 'hot' or 'warm' is irrelevant. Just because the temperature hasn't reached the heights of 31 doesn't mean the relative heat doesn't have an effect.

If your normal, best physiological state is 'on the edge', due to age, frailty, chronic medical conditions, polypharmacy etc, and there are plenty of people like that around, then the slightest thing - higher than average temperature combined with a bit of dehydration for example - is enough to tip you over that edge.  Once in hospital, many people such as this become difficult to discharge since the criteria required to discharge someone safely are more stringent than many people live with day to day.  We see this all the time with people admitted with relatively minor problems who can't be discharged afterwards because their mobility is poor, or they struggle with stairs, or have been existing on a sub-standard diet, or fall over all the time because they drink too much etc. etc. 

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1 minute ago, wrighty said:

Perhaps you missed my explanation.  The arbitrary definition of what constitutes 'hot' or 'warm' is irrelevant. Just because the temperature hasn't reached the heights of 31 doesn't mean the relative heat doesn't have an effect.

Indeed.  But have there been any public health warnings about this?  A campaign to remind older and other vulnerable people about what they should be doing in warmer weather would seem to be sensible and so is starting it before things do really get hot.  I haven't seen anything.

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