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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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36 minutes ago, iom_dave said:

Looking at your twitter page am really pleased that you are pushing Further Maths - I was the first to do Further Maths for 5 years at CRHS - would like to give credit to my Maths teacher Mr Horan as there was no timetabling for it but would have been better had some others had been encouraged too!

Thank you, and I agree, Further Math's is the gold standard as I see it for people going into STEM based careers. But just A Level Math's does not close that many doors, but no A Level Math's does. 25 years ago, math's people in finance were geeky people sat 2 floors under trading floor, now they are the business. Similar now happening in biology..... and tech world in general just booming. Quantitative techniques combined to technology & data are so powerful, and it fun too (at least to people like me).

I would like to encourage greater uptake of Math's post 16. Great if you came over spoke local guy and said I was in your shoes Y years ago, I did FM and went on to XYZ, why not you. If you are a local this message has such credibility. Also you understand local mentality/culture.

Respect to Mr Horan, testing FM with no timetabling. Thankfully now at all HS, FM is available and taught, and as far as I know timetabled. Also respect goes out to CRHS this year after timetabling Future/Additional Math's  at GCSE (2nd maths GCSE) which is perfect preparation to move into A Level FM. I also thought just GCSE Math's to A-level FM is some jump on one hand and for FM candidates single GCSE Maths does not stretch them. Guess what a Mr Derwick at RGS offered during the lockdown period FM provision online, how cool is that, which RGS and other students attended. So even during middle COVID people could still keep going.

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7 minutes ago, wrighty said:

That’s what I thought.  So you think we’ll need 10x more body bags if the top 6 2+2 groups just get on with it, rather than shield/isolate for 4 weeks? I think not. 

As I’ve already said, I don’t think it’s a bad idea for vulnerable but vaccinated to be cautious for a few weeks, but I don’t think they need to be hiding under the bed.  Perhaps avoid pubs, mask up in Tesco, stay off the bus if possible etc. But it’s more important for the unvaccinated priority groups to isolate.

I was thinking more binary base i.e. x2. I am not a medic and I naturally do not have access to IoM aggregated clinical risk factors. Just need a medic to go through this, and ONS has now produced real world data for the outcomes of 3rd wave (i.e. post vaccination) in UK. Where I got x1/20 factor from (I assume Director of Public Health too). For RA I saw (and have some where) a very detailed break down, with age/condition/comorbidity/gender/ethic group (maybe few others), seen similar for oncology. From data I saw some blood cancers had 30% mortality, surely they not going to be asking to attend face-to-face consultations over next 4 weeks. Chemo can understand.... feel bad even talking about this but the messaging is just not clear. In rough terms the vax priority groups give us a good idea of who ideally in risk adjusted based may be advised to take mitigation.

With pubs ideally drink pint in garden, thankfully this happening in July. With buses I am on a bus route and I see what are clearly 70+ sitting on bus with no mask. It sends a shiver through me, maybe I am a hide under the bed end of spectrum, but AFAIK mask is still not widely used. We know what will happen, when 'effective R' shifts, because people freak out they will all put on masks, hide under bed etc, but then vast bulk of infections would have already occurred.  

Agree unvaccinated priority groups are in very tricky situation so initial advice to shield back in March 2020 and then Dec 2020, has been reiterative for this wave for this group. Understand if you cannot tell me, but it about messaging, people may ignore advice but I think deserve to receive clear clinical advice from their doctor.

At present, care homes are in isolation, and 80+ general not that mobile and one I know like my father not that keen of dying either, so group 1 sorted. Rest groups behavior I do not know.

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59 minutes ago, Apple said:

This heat seems to be getting to some people. 

Henriette indicates modelling is a bit rubbish.

I can see what she meant now.

MR'S online blog coverage suggested during Ashford's questioning that no modelling had taken place?

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19 minutes ago, BenFairfax said:

Thank you, and I agree, Further Math's is the gold standard as I see it for people going into STEM based careers. But just A Level Math's does not close that many doors, but no A Level Math's does. 25 years ago, math's people in finance were geeky people sat 2 floors under trading floor, now they are the business. Similar now happening in biology..... and tech world in general just booming. Quantitative techniques combined to technology & data are so powerful, and it fun too (at least to people like me).

I would like to encourage greater uptake of Math's post 16. Great if you came over spoke local guy and said I was in your shoes Y years ago, I did FM and went on to XYZ, why not you. If you are a local this message has such credibility. Also you understand local mentality/culture.

Respect to Mr Horan, testing FM with no timetabling. Thankfully now at all HS, FM is available and taught, and as far as I know timetabled. Also respect goes out to CRHS this year after timetabling Future/Additional Math's  at GCSE (2nd maths GCSE) which is perfect preparation to move into A Level FM. I also thought just GCSE Math's to A-level FM is some jump on one hand and for FM candidates single GCSE Maths does not stretch them. Guess what a Mr Derwick at RGS offered during the lockdown period FM provision online, how cool is that, which RGS and other students attended. So even during middle COVID people could still keep going.

Good to hear that it is heading the right direction.  The final bit re 18 year olds is the STEP papers, though that is a bit specialist - does anyone support that in the Manx schools, I just remember it seeming like another level at the time!  Getting a bit off topic...

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Mitre in Ramsey is closed. I believe that O'Donnell's was closed last night and Sam Webbs closed at 11pm instead of its usual 1am.

Thirsty Pigeon is keeping closed until after the weekend.

Is all this just a blip or is it the start of the new normal.

I remember the days when the Isle of Man was Covid free. I was never keen on Howard/Ashie's self fulfilling prophecy of "it's not if, it's when Covid returns".

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Australia and NZ pulling out of the rugby as they won’t even send a handful of athletes to the UK. Looks like the IOM hung it’s coat on the wrong mast. It’s impossible to integrate once you go down that route of total isolation. This is just the slightly uncomfortable process of opening up again. 

Well, Australia had the sense and the excuse to send Hopkins home. Any country keeping her off the air is a good one.

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20 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

MR'S online blog coverage suggested during Ashford's questioning that no modelling had taken place?

He said at the last briefing. The policy change was made because of CoMins spur of the minute decision. Which is why they weren't prepared with LFT's and there was no compensation put in place for businesses and indeed they completely failed to see how rapidly it would spread. Frightening really. The fate of the nation in the hands of a bunch of middle age men.

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Hopkins is an awful a right wing crack pot. But she showed that basically the Australian Government is where our government was about 12 months ago. Threatening to imprison anyone who fails to submit to the isolationist denialist strategy.

There is simply nothing redeeming about her.

She was acting like a petulant child, breaking rules she knew were there and seemed to be shocked that her actions had consequences.

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3 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

There is simply nothing redeeming about her.

She was acting like a petulant child, breaking rules she knew were there and seemed to be shocked that her actions had consequences.

She should marry Nigel Farage . A match made in heaven and BJ can be best man . 

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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

This would be a wonderful opportunity for someone to ask Dr Glover what her opinion is on this matter. 

I trust Wrighty’s basic principle that we’re going to get through this, and reading the maths stuff and hypothesis on here has been fascinating and thought provoking, but you know, this is a bloody gamble and frankly I’d like to hear an expert in genomics telling us the best way to go about it so we don’t all get deaded  

Its madness not to even consult with a local world expert, when the government are making decisions that are already seriously impacting the lives of many over here who are struggling to cope  Also decisions about the forthcoming weeks/months.  Crucial pandemic type stuff. Stuff she’s really good at. 

It really is time this crap was sorted but, when we have a CM who goes in the huff over a radio report and spits the dummy publicly then it’s not hard to see why an easily sorted issue (whether she worked for them or not. Yes, that’s ALL it was) turned into a HUGE affair.  A clerical matter perhaps but somehow it escalated into a PR disaster and an embarrassment all round.  That was down to him for sure, backed up by his yes-man Ashie  

They're  going to have to raid the piggie bank once more, and start keeping folks afloat  

Hopefully this will be the last time they’ll have to do it  

And after it’s all done (and it will be done - like a cold) every country will be skint so maybe it won’t matter so much any more.  







They're asking the EAG which she is a member of but...only after they have made the decision.... Fuckwits

At least Tynwald's backbenchers insisted on hearing the ERG's opinion before signing off the latest covid regulations.



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