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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, Roxanne said:

What did you think would happen Thommo? Did you think we would lift all restrictions at a time when only 50% of the population were double jabbed and when the Delta variant was making its way over here due to the relaxation of the border rules and nothing would happen apart from us all ‘going back to fucking normal’? 

Please, I’m genuinely interested to know what you thought would happen and also why you’re so surprised that the virus is running rampant and people (employed and otherwise) are dropping like flies. 

People aren’t “dropping like flies” if we weren’t making them test and isolate and just relying on people staying home if not well enough to work (like the good old days) there wouldn’t be an issue

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18 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Government has certainly mis understood its own words and actions. What is clearly happening here and in the UK, and what Wrighty suggests a few pages back, is one great big burn out that should right itself over the summer holidays so that the country is settled by winter. Many people are getting covid but few are getting seriously ill and so acquired immunity rate is going to soar on top of the vaccinated immunity protection. This is entering the end of it. My only issue is that businesses should be compensated as we are not back to normal (ie, business as usual) yet and it’s unfair to expect them to take the brunt.

This hitting now is the less worse option of it hitting mid-winter. 

Restrictions can't continue ever, purely down to human nature. People grow bored and will stop complying. 

I'm actually amazed people complied as long as they did. We live in a very selfish society these days. Although the whole "all in this together" wore thin with the likes of Cummings, Hancock, Ferguson, Quayle and the like doing what the fuck they like.

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

People like me have been trying to tell you for months that this was going to happen. Places have to close down because the people who work there have covid and there aren’t enough staff left to carry on.

There’s a huge shortage of workforce in hospitality, building etc, there’s no staff available to cover. 

This is what happens when you decide to ‘live with it’. This is what you wanted. You’re now living with it and you’re still whining. 

Only because people are voluntarily going for tests.  This will end very soon.

Most people I have spoken to this week are clear they won’t be tested if they feel ill, but would stay home if they were to ill to work.

The current issues will be sorted in a couple of weeks and people being tested will drop massively.

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4 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This is exactly what is happening.  A few weeks and we will have all had it, a very small number will have unfortunately been ill and life will be back to normal.

The dear is quite alarming.

Anecdotally and having been in M and S and Peel shoprite this morning.  The only with the healthy food in their trollies are not the ones masked up and sanitising everything.  Those are the ones stocking up on ready meals, booze and fags.

Why should those of us who are prepared to take personal  responsibility make sacrifices to pander to the fear of people who can’t even be arsed to reduce their own risk factors by living a clean and healthy lifestyle?  If these people are so scared why aren’t they being encouraged to protect themselves in many way far more effective than a mask?  They have had 18 months notice that the lower your BMI the lower your risk (by a significant margin, not just a little bit). 18 stone and masked is far more likely to have an issue than 9 stone and living normally.

It’s very easy to pass judgement from a high castle. 

The people buying ready meals and sanitising everything? Might be working all the hours god send to keep a roof over their heads. The last thing they want to do when they get home is cook. But, sanitising everything might reduce their risk and mean they can actually work. Statutory sick pay won’t keep the kids fed and mortgage paid.  

Cigarettes or booze may well be what gets them through the day, god help you if you have a mental health crisis over here and need urgent help. You won’t find it very quickly, you’ll often find yourself turning to other coping mechanisms instead. 

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48 minutes ago, cheesypeas said:

those figures someone posted about Israel earlier can't be right can they? More cases in folks jabbed than un-jabbed?

Isn't it just a numbers thing? There are more jabbed people than unjabbed, so more people to infect.

The vaccines aren't the panacea some people imagined them to be. 

I think some people thought we were calling in the cavalry. Instead of tanks we got Mr. Bean in his British Leyland Mini.

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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

They bloody are you know. I know thirty with it just this week alone and they’ve all been working until their symptoms showed. By the time they’re sick enough to stay home, the spread has already happened. 

Yes lots of people have it.  I only know one who has said he wouldn’t have normally worked through the very mild symptoms and to be honest he is always ill.

People will stop getting tested.  Problem solved 

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2 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Only because people are voluntarily going for tests.  This will end very soon.

Most people I have spoken to this week are clear they won’t be tested if they feel ill, but would stay home if they were to ill to work.

The current issues will be sorted in a couple of weeks and people being tested will drop massively.

People are going out of their way to get tested because they want to do what they see as being the responsible thing to do. 

That blows your theory out of the water with nearly a thousand people a day presenting themselves to be swabbed at the grandstand. 

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8 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

This hitting now is the less worse option of it hitting mid-winter. 

Restrictions can't continue ever, purely down to human nature. People grow bored and will stop complying. 

I'm actually amazed people complied as long as they did. We live in a very selfish society these days. Although the whole "all in this together" wore thin with the likes of Cummings, Hancock, Ferguson, Quayle and the like doing what the fuck they like.

You missed Ashford shredding and saying what he likes. 

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3 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

People are going out of their way to get tested because they want to do what they see as being the responsible thing to do. 

That blows your theory out of the water with nearly a thousand people a day presenting themselves to be swabbed at the grandstand. 

Less than 200 by this time next week I reckon and most of those will be travel

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44 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The problem also is driven by the major employers. Many have invoked WFH leaving a lot of places with no trade anyway ... This isn’t back to normal at all. 

Mostly working from home, for many companies and occupations is a permanent change.

It's a shift which also means being able to recruit outside of an immediate geographical area.

From now on WFH will be normal for many.

Edited by pongo
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55 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Define symptomatic. Probably everyone, covid positive or not, has had symptoms of some sort over the past week or two. Headache, bit of a sniffle, coughed a couple of times, sneezy around grass cuttings…

75% is very high, and if true suggests an even bigger number of positives out there who are not being tested and are asymptomatic. 

Is there possibly something else doing the rounds at the moment? 

I know of 3 separate people who have come down with a cough/flu type thing. They did an LFT (negative) but 2 had a PCR (negative). 


Now they're back up and alright

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Living with it to me is all about doing your own risk assessment, that is not going back to normal.  That was when most people didn't have to risk assess their own susceptibility to an infectious disease. 

Anyone remember the impact of AIDS and how that changed what was normal?  There was a huge change in sexual practices, mainly using condoms and it is almost a given that despite using some other form of birth control, condoms are still used from an infection control angle.  That is living with it. 

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50 minutes ago, cheesypeas said:

.....those figures someone posted about Israel earlier can't be right can they? More cases in folks jabbed than un-jabbed? Hopefully someone got their spreadsheet headers mixed up.

I haven't had the time to reanalyse the figures as I'd have to do so from scratch and I'm not sure what periods they are using.  But apart from anything else I suspect they are including infections immediately after vaccination or after only one shot.

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5 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I haven't had the time to reanalyse the figures as I'd have to do so from scratch and I'm not sure what periods they are using.  But apart from anything else I suspect they are including infections immediately after vaccination or after only one shot.

A quite comprehensive 3 minute read, Roger...



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