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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

We have however, agreed to talk about anything else in the world except covid so we can carry on being friends. She really believes it all tho. Truly. 

Yup, got similar agreements with a couple of anti-vaxxers I know.  Generally they are in the 'hippy camp' but I wouldn't have thought they were complete imbeciles before this. 

But also some medical/scientific friends - these were almost more worrying as they have gone from 'nothing to worry about' at the start of the Covid outbreak, to 'we are literally all going to die' last summer.  Both of which whilst at the extreme ends of the spectrum are completely wrong and have come from the people I would have previously considered the experts (or at least more up to speed on the situation). 

It's going the way of Religion, Politics and Money. 

It doesn't seem to me that anyone is really coming out with regular, viable and correct predictions.  But everyone has an opinion, which is fine, but you don't need to force your opinion on me. 


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if anyone literally anyone has a go at a health care worker doing their job over a fucking test they don't need then as far as i am concerned they forfeit their rights to be treated at our hospital end of.

We know why they want the tests so they can sell them down their shit pubs to their shit mates.

The island is fast disappearing down the shithole of anti social, selfish, criminal, don't give a fuck behaviour and i for one am fucking sick of it.

if i could move away i would, which upsets me as this is my home of 12 years and i've worked hard to make it so.


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12 hours ago, Gladys said:

You don't understand whistleblowing or data protection.  

ETA The author should have been quietly told to get a grip. 

Whistleblowing can be defined as “when an employee raises concerns about practices in the workplace” It is not just limited to drawing attention to illegal or dangerous acts. Say for example, someone continually being given, or taking, sole credit for a group effort.

The Data Protection issue, as has been discussed many times on here before, very much depends on what status you confer on the letter (private or official correspondence )

Please don’t tell me what I do or don’t understand.

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13 minutes ago, The Chief said:

if anyone literally anyone has a go at a health care worker doing their job over a fucking test they don't need then as far as i am concerned they forfeit their rights to be treated at our hospital end of.

We know why they want the tests so they can sell them down their shit pubs to their shit mates.

The island is fast disappearing down the shithole of anti social, selfish, criminal, don't give a fuck behaviour and i for one am fucking sick of it.

if i could move away i would, which upsets me as this is my home of 12 years and i've worked hard to make it so.


Totally agree. 

Why does it take a week for crimes like these to be brought to the public’s attention? It happened on the 22/7, exactly 8 days ago. What are the police playing at?

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Just now, 2112 said:

Totally agree. 

Why does it take a week for crimes like these to be brought to the public’s attention? It happened on the 22/7, exactly 8 days ago. What are the police playing at?

i assume it means that any CCTV is 240p standard and they can't identify the fucking wankstains.

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So if the figures quoted on gef the mongoose page is correct and 100k tests cost 270 grand we are now looking at getting 130k kits per week going forward so roughly 300 grand a week is going to be getting spent on tests. Am I the only one who thinks this us utterly insane? 



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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

There’s a lot more of it going about sadly as this all goes on you can’t escape it on Facebook now. Not sure if this is right but was talking to someone who reckoned there was about 20 nuts who turned up at that meeting and that video was simply the loopiest episode in a whole series of bizarre questions pitched.

This is the perpetual problem with PAG meetings and it's difficult to see what they can do about it.  Whenever the floor is opened for questions the same egomaniacs rush to be first and give long orations only remotely related to the topic under discussion or indeed to being a question, but very much all about themselves and their own hobbyhorses. 

Obviously this particular topic was always going to get even more of these types out of the woodwork and it's a pity because there are a lot of questions that do need to be asked about how the Manx government has handled matters.  But they are drowned out by the lunacies of these useful (to the government) idiots.

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4 hours ago, Gladys said:

Not that I am giving them any credence, but ignoring the vaccine, is it even scientifically possible for flesh to become magnetised and, if so, what effects would it have? 

(I fully expect the answer to be "no, and therefore none").

An MRI scanner uses some of the most powerful magnets there are - 10000x stronger than the earth’s field.  I haven’t seen an epidemic of the vaccinated having their arms ripped off.

Or I could just say ‘no’🙂

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