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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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8 hours ago, AoM said:

For those who prefer to not follow the link above, from the video description:

Patriot Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Covid-19 Virus exists, and they were forced to admit that they had no evidence whatsoever. The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. Since this shocking confession came to light, the Province has since rescinded all Covid-Restrictions and now officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu! WE WON

King has shown the template to be followed WORLDWIDE. This is what can happen when you are not re-presented by a BAR (British Accredited Registry) Lawyer who's first obligation is to the Corrupted Courts and not their client.

Was this a real court? Or one of the made up “Freeman” “Common Law Courts”?

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6 hours ago, Barlow said:


The Isle of Man, for a split nanosecond (maybe it was a few weeks or months) was just about leading the World in this pandemic.

We had it more-or-less sussed.  All eyes was on us.

Then the Isle of Man bollocksed it up. Big Time. From praiseworthy to pariah. Just like that . . .

that's where we are now.


I am at a loss as to what people honestly expected them to do differently.  With the exception of utilising the two week break we had in vaccine administration.

They kept us relatively protected until the vast majority of the vulnerable were vaccinated.  The UK and CI were cracking on and opening up, as are other parts of the world, especially to double jabbed people and we needed to open up as well.

To me it made sense to do this in summer and just before the schools broke up.  It allowed the virus to start to spread (and so create natural protection) in kids who are ultimately all going to get it anyway.  Time off school in the last week of term when they only watch TV anyway is better than in the autumn.

All that is happening is that we are catching up with the rest of the world in terms of natural spread, but we have the benefit of most of us being protected.

They could have provided better support for business and should have never put people in 10 day isolation but they fixed that pretty quickly when it became an issue.

What should they have done instead?  Kept us all in a bubble for longer and let it sneak back in at a time when viruses spread more readily and the hospital is already full of people with flu and it’s usual winter pressures.

So far two people have unfortunately died.  Personally I don’t know anyone who has more than a few days of feeling under the weather.  Without any details around the 2 awful deaths I can’t pass any comment on if they were avoidable or inevitable.  Sorry if that sounds harsh but it is fact.

It is easy to say they screwed up but what should and could they have actually done differently?  I could argue that no real mitigation, thousands of infections, and the hospital having less than 20 in when it can cope with at least 30 is actually a pretty perfect result.  Maximum natural spread at a time when Nobles is managing to cope whilst also allowing travel for residents and letting tourists back in to help hospitality.

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Just now, snowman said:

He says he's covid free and then goes on to say he's still here and fighting for his life 

You realise that covid causes massive lung damage. I have people I know in the UK that have lost half a lung because of it and spent months in hospital. Others like Michael Rosen, the author, have been left partially blinded. It is not just a flu.

The issue here is that people think there is more capacity than there actually is. 

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6 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

You realise that covid causes massive lung damage. I have people I know in the UK that have lost half a lung because of it and spent months in hospital. Others like Michael Rosen, the author, have been left partially blinded. It is not just a flu.

The issue here is that people think there is more capacity than there actually is. 

I know plenty of people who work at the hospital who say it’s all fine.  So who do you believe?

Personally I am going to go with the friends and relatives I have known and trusted for 30-40 plus years.

When they start talking about nightmare days at work and a hospital that is struggling I will believe them.

Another harsh but real point.  If people want to know the vaccine status of those in nobles, what about asking the average BMI and age as well?

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12 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

You realise that covid causes massive lung damage. I have people I know in the UK that have lost half a lung because of it and spent months in hospital. Others like Michael Rosen, the author, have been left partially blinded. It is not just a flu.

The issue here is that people think there is more capacity than there actually is. 

But it is like the flu, statistically. Sure there will always be outliers and individual cases to highlight but we’re reaching a level of herd immunity now across society and our health service is coping, let’s keep things in perspective. 

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Just now, Ramseyboi said:

I know plenty of people who work at the hospital who say it’s all fine.  So who do you believe?

Personally I am going to go with the friends and relatives I have known and trusted for 30-40 plus years.

When they start talking about nightmare days at work and a hospital that is struggling I will believe them.

Another harsh but real point.  If people want to know the vaccine status of those in nobles, what about asking the average BMI and age as well?

I also know people at the hospital and we are massively short of nursing staff. If they need to open the private patients ward then where will they get the nurses from?

Also the guy that died was ventilated on the ward not the ICU so wouldn't have appeared on the stats as an ICU (ventilated) patient. I appreciate you want to diminish the situation for your own reasons but the Govt have been known to be distinguish with the truth over the course of the pandemic. Why would this be so unbelievable?

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7 hours ago, Barlow said:


The Isle of Man, for a split nanosecond (maybe it was a few weeks or months) was just about leading the World in this pandemic.

We had it more-or-less sussed.  All eyes was on us.

Then the Isle of Man bollocksed it up. Big Time. From praiseworthy to pariah. Just like that . . .

that's where we are now.


In your head maybe. 

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2 minutes ago, Danoo said:

But it is like the flu, statistically. Sure there will always be outliers and individual cases to highlight but we’re reaching a level of herd immunity now across society and our health service is coping, let’s keep things in perspective. 

Have you spoken to any nurses about that statement?

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Fortunately for us, we have a guy on the inside. I’m sure @wrightycan put some more meat on the bones in regards this “hell” that Peel Tommy refers to …….

However, the big question should be - do we believe a patient currently fighting for his life or a surgeon at the thick end of it (who Ashy might have got at).

Edited by Nom de plume
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6 minutes ago, Danoo said:

But it is like the flu, statistically. Sure there will always be outliers and individual cases to highlight but we’re reaching a level of herd immunity now across society and our health service is coping, let’s keep things in perspective. 

Interesting, show me those stats.

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