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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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31 minutes ago, Hugh G Rection said:

I know of various government departments flat out refusing almost to let staff work from home. 

That’s because government policy is to live with the virus so why would they send their own staff home & they know a lot of the staff will do very little at home!

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11 minutes ago, Banker said:

That’s because government policy is to live with the virus so why would they send their own staff home & they know a lot of the staff will do very little at home!

Fair enough.

What about unvaccinated staff members that are relatively concerned about sitting IN the office knowing they can do exactly the same job at home without the additional risk.

Can you provide a response other than the Orwellian 'jUsT gEt vAcciNaTeDD tHeN hurhurhur" 

We must respect peoples human rights and right to free choice. 

I am double jabbed and I wouldn't want to be in an office especially as I have a newborn, yet I know a government staff member in the same position that is still being effectively forced into working in the office. Don't really think that is fair. 

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18 minutes ago, Hugh G Rection said:

Fair enough.

What about unvaccinated staff members that are relatively concerned about sitting IN the office knowing they can do exactly the same job at home without the additional risk.

Can you provide a response other than the Orwellian 'jUsT gEt vAcciNaTeDD tHeN hurhurhur" 

We must respect peoples human rights and right to free choice. 

I am double jabbed and I wouldn't want to be in an office especially as I have a newborn, yet I know a government staff member in the same position that is still being effectively forced into working in the office. Don't really think that is fair. 

How is it not fair?  It’s their job.

Tell them to apply for another if they don’t like it.  Do you think nurses, taxi drivers, kitchen staff etc get the option.

If you don’t like the job you apply for one more suitable or go self employed.

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15 minutes ago, Hugh G Rection said:

I am double jabbed and I wouldn't want to be in an office especially as I have a newborn, yet I know a government staff member in the same position that is still being effectively forced into working in the office. Don't really think that is fair. 

I'm sorry, what? 

You've been double jabbed but wouldn't go into the office?  What was the point in getting your jab if you're going to be isolating in a cave until covid disappears?  (for the avoidance of doubt, covid won't disappear).

Written from my desk in an office.  Where 95% of the people I know who work from an office are also working, who appear to be neither pussies, slackers, imbeciles, conspiracy theorists or govt workers (which mostly cover the aforementioned).

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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

They should think about changing their job if that is the case. Although it’s hard to work out why someone who isn’t concerned about catching the virus enough not to get vaccinated is also concerned enough about catching the virus to want to stay at home? From what I hear anecdotally government has a lot of lazy bastards citing a lot of different reasons as to why they need to work from home at the moment. It’s encouraging to hear that they aren’t all caving in to the demands.

To them, their concern about uptake of the Vaccine is the potential of Long-term side effects.

That is a factor which they can actively control. 

You can't control contracting COVID. 

I think it's just a bit of a risk-based trade off. Ultimately it has tipped in the balance of not receiving the vaccine, which, in my opinion, is completely understandable. I also understand their concerns of wanting to protect their newborn whilst spread of the virus is rife.

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2 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

I'm sorry, what? 

You've been double jabbed but wouldn't go into the office?  What was the point in getting your jab if you're going to be isolating in a cave until covid disappears?  (for the avoidance of doubt, covid won't disappear).

Written from my desk in an office.  Where 95% of the people I know who work from an office are also working, who appear to be neither pussies, slackers, imbeciles, conspiracy theorists or govt workers (which mostly cover the aforementioned).

This is a horrendously destructive attitude to take towards the virus and vaccine protection. 

It is not a free-for-all. There are still factors which should influence your decision making besides just running out into public and sitting anywhere and everywhere.

Why, whilst spread is so broad currently, would you not want to take some minor precautions? I certainly would.

If it's 20 cases a day or so happy days I'll go about my business as normal.

100+ cases a day on average, I'd rather not take my chances and take reasonable precautions. 

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5 minutes ago, Hugh G Rection said:

This is a horrendously destructive attitude to take towards the virus and vaccine protection. 

It is not a free-for-all. There are still factors which should influence your decision making besides just running out into public and sitting anywhere and everywhere.

Why, whilst spread is so broad currently, would you not want to take some minor precautions? I certainly would.

If it's 20 cases a day or so happy days I'll go about my business as normal.

100+ cases a day on average, I'd rather not take my chances and take reasonable precautions. 

No, this is getting on with life.  Everyone in my (and most) offices is 2&2.  

The only reason you'd not go to work, is if you come under one of my previously quoted points, or are un-vaxxed or high risk. 

Get a grip.  


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1 minute ago, The Phantom said:

No, this is getting on with life.  Everyone in my (and most) offices is 2&2.  

The only reason you'd not go to work, is if you come under one of my previously quoted points, or are un-vaxxed or high risk. 

Get a grip.  


"Get a grip" says everything there is to know about you. 

A dismissive approach and a complete disregard for the concerns of other members of the community. 

Another reason not to go to the office is because SPREAD IS SO LARGE at the moment. DESPITE BEING VACCINATED, YOU CAN STILL CATCH COVID. Why would some people want to needlessly take the risk when they can do exactly the same job at home without commuting and going into the office? 

Are you actually that fucking thick you can't see the bigger picture. Office staff should have the CHOICE as they can do the same job at home. Some professions can't, that's their problem. 

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1 minute ago, Hugh G Rection said:

"Get a grip" says everything there is to know about you. 

A dismissive approach and a complete disregard for the concerns of other members of the community. 

Another reason not to go to the office is because SPREAD IS SO LARGE at the moment. DESPITE BEING VACCINATED, YOU CAN STILL CATCH COVID. Why would some people want to needlessly take the risk when they can do exactly the same job at home without commuting and going into the office? 

Are you actually that fucking thick you can't see the bigger picture. Office staff should have the CHOICE as they can do the same job at home. Some professions can't, that's their problem. 

95% of the people I know who work in offices are now working in offices most of the time.  Sure, some are doing a couple of days a week at home, but that's because they prefer the lifestyle.  A few I know are home permanently, but this is because their company has completely abandoned the office as part of a global exercise until this all calms down a little bit.  

Admittedly these are generally diligent, intelligent realists working in the private sector.   

Last night I went to Tesco.  I wore a mask - not because I am that concerned about me catching covid, but because I am placating the concerned members of the public or vulnerable I am not aware of (personally I think the Tesco staff are more on the front line than the medical profession).  It's no great burden to wear a mask for others for 30 mins as I wander around the aisles.  Plus now the Govt has recommended, then why not comply unless you think you are some sort of anarchist? 

Last weekend my daughter had a temperature, so we didn't go anywhere (she's fine now and no covid) - again pre-covid there would have been little concern.    

But of course you know everything about me, I have a complete disregard for other members of the community and I am thick. 

Would it help if I swore, wrote in CAPITALS or BOLD?


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1 hour ago, Banker said:

That’s because government policy is to live with the virus so why would they send their own staff home & they know a lot of the staff will do very little at home!

I was going in about three days a week. A numbers started to rise again, we were told to work from home all the time. We have the capability to do that, so the bosses decided rather than have everyone off at once, even with a milder version to have us working from home.

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

That’s just plain ridiculous and doesn’t mean that you get the right to work from home for the rest of your life when people who have been vaccinated are happy to go in to work. Just listened to the Mannin Line today and honestly I’m amazed that so many vaccine crackpots live on this island. 

Frightening isn’t it.

These people can vote, and drive on our roads

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