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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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39 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I’m not calling for unrestricted travel from beyond the U.K. borders, though our infection rates are higher than anywhere so unsure on the logic.

We need to drop the restrictions on CTA.

I’m still awaiting a reply from the experts on who we are now protecting given the fag packet math has exposed everyone needing jabbing (or prepared to have it) has had it.

There isn’t a reason. That’s why.


I went into a meeting last week and the regulations were we had to wear masks, there were 6 of us in the meeting and at the end we were talking and all of us had been double jabbed, I left wondering why were we wearing masks who were we protecting

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5 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I went into a meeting last week and the regulations were we had to wear masks, there were 6 of us in the meeting and at the end we were talking and all of us had been double jabbed, I left wondering why were we wearing masks who were we protecting

Virtue signalling by whoever organised the meeting and made the stupid decision.  That’s all.  Absolutely pointless exercise but good luck if you think the loonies will ever be accepting of people sitting in a meeting with a runny nose again.

This is going to change attitudes to minor illness and infections for all of use.  It’s madness, people are terrified of something that currently is almost zero risk of harming them.

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

And, when do you think that will be? The UKs borders are pretty firmly shut. Red list, over priced hotel isolation on arrival. Yellow list changes rapidly enough to act at as a deterrent to most thinking of going away on holiday. 

I agree, our local border controls should be scrapped, as should testing unless you have symptoms or are going into a healthcare setting such as the hospital. 

Don’t know where you get information UK borders are shut, more countries on green & amber list . Apparently interest in UAE has gone crazy since coming off red list & extra boats, trains etc for France 

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Don’t know where you get information UK borders are shut, more countries on green & amber list . Apparently interest in UAE has gone crazy since coming off red list & extra boats, trains etc for France 

Sure, until they change it again. The government are using their media mouthpiece to scare people, saying if things change that they may have to isolate. Yes, UAE is causing much interest, as is France, until they change the lists again and a few people get caught out. Sob stories on the news, etc. It will happen as it did today with Mexico. 

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29 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Sure, until they change it again. The government are using their media mouthpiece to scare people, saying if things change that they may have to isolate. Yes, UAE is causing much interest, as is France, until they change the lists again and a few people get caught out. Sob stories on the news, etc. It will happen as it did today with Mexico. 

Quite right. The carrot and stick appraoch to international travel is very transparent and wearing thin. If they just came out and told people 'we would like to restrict international travel for the masses to meet our agreed international climate agenda carbon targets' then at least people could save the time, effort and money by planning for trips they won't end up going on.

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19 minutes ago, Danoo said:

Quite right. The carrot and stick appraoch to international travel is very transparent and wearing thin. If they just came out and told people 'we would like to restrict international travel for the masses to meet our agreed international climate agenda carbon targets' then at least people could save the time, effort and money by planning for trips they won't end up going on.

The climate angle certainly can’t be ruled out as world leaders grapple to find ways of reducing emissions in a way that gives the impression all are feeling the hurt.

You’d be laughed out of the gaff as a conspiracy theorist of course.


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12 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

The climate angle certainly can’t be ruled out as world leaders grapple to find ways of reducing emissions in a way that gives the impression all are feeling the hurt.

You’d be laughed out of the gaff as a conspiracy theorist of course.

And quite rightly.

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14 hours ago, John Wright said:

No, I agree, it’s illogical. There’s an internationally agreed format for these, as to how the form or booklet looks, what it contains and the stamps. It used to be you could get your exotic inoculations at every GP practice. Now it’s a very limited few.

There is WHO guidance, and the EU has set its own standard based on that. It’s the first time this has been done in the digital age.

The big difference is that the number of travellers going to the countries, where things like yellow fever are endemic is few. The number who are going to end up short haul in Europe and, in France, ( and they’ll be the first of many ) will need to show a pass at a bar, restaurant, event venue, etc, makes paper unworkable. A QR scan is, allegedly, faster and more reliable.

And, of course, we are only in the roll out phase.

But where will this end up, and why? Flu vaccine? Under 30, single, arrives in Ibiza. "Sorry, you are not on birth control. You cannot come in!" 

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15 hours ago, wrighty said:

My point, in case you missed it, was that in comparison with most places, particularly UK, we've done pretty well.  Keep on carping 'Apple', it's what you do best.

I agree with your earlier post, with our geography being the main reason for this. IoM was certain a good place in see out the pandemic.

Regarding the government handling, two issues I have are:

(i) AFAIK the four deaths resulting from the SPC outbreak did not even receive a public apology from IOMG, and AFAIK no one was even sacked, Ian Kermode provides more details at:


(ii) With the roll out of the vaccination program. I was expecting a certain amount of (for want of a better term) fraud, but I cannot tally for example group 4, to be even close to the reported 4K+ in size.

Both items put the IoM in a bad light.


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