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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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15 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

The climate angle certainly can’t be ruled out as world leaders grapple to find ways of reducing emissions in a way that gives the impression all are feeling the hurt.

You’d be laughed out of the gaff as a conspiracy theorist of course.


I'm laughing you both out of the gaff as conspiracy theorists😄

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10 hours ago, BenFairfax said:

I agree with your earlier post, with our geography being the main reason for this. IoM was certain a good place in see out the pandemic.

Regarding the government handling, two issues I have are:

(i) AFAIK the four deaths resulting from the SPC outbreak did not even receive a public apology from IOMG, and AFAIK no one was even sacked, Ian Kermode provides more details at:


(ii) With the roll out of the vaccination program. I was expecting a certain amount of (for want of a better term) fraud, but I cannot tally for example group 4, to be even close to the reported 4K+ in size.

Both items put the IoM in a bad light.


Your model still turned out to be a load of old bollocks.

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17 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

I'm not sure there is any need of the abuse of someone who is a new poster. Bit cowardly to all pile on if you ask me, which you didn't. That said, i'm embarrassed for you.

A new poster? I've been reading his utter shite for weeks now. 

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18 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

The climate angle certainly can’t be ruled out as world leaders grapple to find ways of reducing emissions in a way that gives the impression all are feeling the hurt.

You’d be laughed out of the gaff as a conspiracy theorist of course.


It's what the nutters in the environmental movement have been advocating for and we have seen how the UK and western government's are bowing to their increasingly ludicrous demands. They are already talking about climate lockdowns to reduce emissions. Just wait until our barmy Manx civil servants get wind of it, they'll be virtue signalling with the best of them. 

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This is an alright interview with one of the more rational voices of the pandemic. Bit of a surprise the guardian published it, seeing as they've been a bit on the side of the doom and gloom referenced. Worth a couple of minutes of your time


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The funny part is with all the wailing and nashing of teeth and witch hunts for carbon users etc. no-one says "Hang on a minute. Accepting what we didn't know before got us into this mess and what we don't know now is if and when we can get out of this mess with all of the experimental technology (electric compostable bicyles) wouldn't we be better of preparing for more cataclysmic events?

i.e when a town has been flooded out in 3 or 4 of the last 10 years, abandon it and move to higher ground. Likewise if you have massive forest fires, then actually do the work to prevent it or mitigate it. Or again move out of the way. Then you won't be wasting resources painting rocks below the tide line.

After all, even if we stopped producing carbon dioxide tomorrow (apart from respiration and biological decay) it could still a 100 or a 1,000 years to return to normal. Or it might never. So much energy is focused on reversing the problem (and projects always take way longer than estimated) we can't lose sight of the fact that we need to mitigate right now to survive or we won't be in a position to do anything.

It's like they are just standing pointing at the fire and going "See told you it was real. Now do you believe us?"

Someone else is like "Hey, did anyone bring a fire extinguisher? Anyone? Has NOONE got a bloody fire extinguisher?" 

"Well I've got a solar powered fan will that help?"

"Didn't we have a fire engine?"

"Yeah, but they were evil deisel so we got rid of them. The new electric one is in the garage agan. Here is a biodegradable compostable bucket pass it on before it goes all soggy"




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