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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

He was a project manager for 20 years. I know this because he stated it himself.  Oh, and a coding expert

He did indeed write 'code', in the wider coding world no less!   Although the story seems to have changed from the person at nobles copied the code looking over Dr Glover's shoulder to asking the supplier to write it 


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Any thoughts of DA becoming the next CM are plainly absurd, if not actually horrifying.

There is a link on another thread: “Gambling (again probably)” to a rather captivating article which regales readers with some fascinating (and scary) insights into the workings of our highly-coveted e-gambling sector; a couple of well-known ‘pillars of Manx society’ are discussed in some detail.

If this article is factually correct, then we have been unknowingly living with ‘sharks’, and the IOM’s reputation is in a very risky place indeed. The consequences of what is revealed could be very embarrassing for certain associations on the Island and also the IOMG. These potential consequences might not transpire immediately, as these things will likely take a while to sieve through, but undoubtedly at some time in the future they will occur.

The next CM must be able to navigate through any type of tricky political ‘turbulence’ that pertains to our reputation, economy, public health and education, environment and food security, etc. And he/she must do this with integrity and intelligence. Shredding letters and engaging in ugly public spats with an eminent public figure are skills ideally suited for landing a starring role in a low-budget farce, but are wholly inappropriate/ unbecoming for a crucial role of the CM.

I fear the dearth of suitable candidates will undermine the choices for the next CM.

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

That is very worrying.  Who orchestrates this approach?

To answer that you have to analyse and understand why people elect to work in the health and social care settings.  There are different reasons for different people, just as in other roles in society.

@Gladys is one of the most insightful posters on a whole range of topics on here and I think fully understands human behaviours when it comes to the ambitions and aspirations of people so in that aspect there is not much to add.

However, with that in mind, in all other organisations there are ambitious people, striving to out manoeuvre others, seeking "power". , looking to earn favour, financial gains, more kudos, trying to "please" the boss, part machiavellian, part manipulative and keen to not only preserve their fortune but to enhance both it and their standing in the wider community. Professional jealousy and envy in the health and social care sectors. There are also those who genuinely believe in providing good quality services to help people. Sometimes the two are inextricably linked, often though without making those links. 

I did wonder, on a less serious note, that sometimes here as we are not really facing the same significant challenges such as the number and scale of emergencies, the actual numbers and complexities of patients being treated only on island and the actual sheer workload of what you would expect to have in the UK, whether that is a factor. Not during Covid probably but, as the report showed, there is still time to play at least some of those games at times. I may well be wrong, wouldn't be the first time, but would be interested in what you thinK @Gladys.

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9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Financial Armageddon?

All the evidence suggests we have a buoyant economy ( despite all the Covid stuff) Unemployment figures are very low and we seem to be doing OK despite the circumstances.

Be interested to hear your view of how we are barreling towards Dante’s Inferno.

This government has done a good job over the last few years 

Yes, Financial Armageddon. 

The government's stats are dodgy, remember when they redefined their measure of inflation because they didn't like what the previous one was telling them? 

Unemployment is 'low' but that's down to Government emptying almost 10% of the total population and a fair few in senior positions who would otherwise be unemployable in the private sector. 

Government has a thirst to spend money and it seems to be growing, that's unsustainable against the finances and living on borrowed money.

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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

They are now, in Afghanistan; that's working out well 😔

for the moment not so much, but once the power struggle is over and the US makes friends with and sells arms the winners all will be good.

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1 minute ago, Nom de plume said:

Canberra (ACT), population circa 400,000 going into a snap lockdown on the back of recording its first case.

Going to be a tough couple of years for the Aussies, who aren’t the most tolerant of sorts at the best of times.

The Australian government have lost their minds.

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

The Australian government have lost their minds.

There are still people on this Island who would happily have us living like that until (in their minds) the virus magically disappears. Which it won’t.

They are the same people who are assisting our struggling local tourism & hospitality market by daubing the hashtag #plagueisland all over Twitter.

They are the single biggest collection of self centred whoppers I’ve ever had the misfortune of encountering.

Their age demographic is telling.

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I went to Liverpool yesterday and what an uplifting experience that was people wore masks if they chose to others didn’t it was like being back to normal a great day trip only problem…


on the boat sitting down you don’t need to wear a mask to go to the toilet or the bin you did have to…


so on iom no mask on England no mask in the toilet on the boat a mask…

sooner we just get on with things and allow people to make their own decisions the better 

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