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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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23 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

For what? What for? You have a plan to go see someone in Leicester say, you going to pour over hospitalisations and deaths before you go? 'Oh they've had 100 deaths over the last month, and 23 of them were fully vaccinated but over 70, better not go'? Crazy.

Perhaps it would help those unsure about getting vaccinated to make an informed choice. Didn't Wrighty mention a UK hospital with 28 on ventilators (26 unvaccinated). If I was unsure about getting a jab, that would sway it for me.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

On the boat it's mixing indoors with folks in close proximity.

We were on the first "2+2" sailing. The boat was rammed. Very few masks and no social distancing.

We didn't enjoy the experience.

What didn't you enjoy? 


If I'm being honest unless I'm going away with mates and we are on the drink I hate the boat. 

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11 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

What didn't you enjoy? 


If I'm being honest unless I'm going away with mates and we are on the drink I hate the boat. 

I’m on the boat this Friday with mates, on the hack.

Already petrified.

A round on that fucker is a weeks wages like.

Edited by Nom de plume
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38 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The more info you have the more likely you are to make the right decision. Basic stuff. The facts aren't that clear...

The fact is covid can be dangerous. Beyond that I can't see how knowing the figures you're seeking, helps. 


12 minutes ago, cheesypeas said:

Perhaps it would help those unsure about getting vaccinated to make an informed choice. Didn't Wrighty mention a UK hospital with 28 on ventilators (26 unvaccinated). If I was unsure about getting a jab, that would sway it for me.

If by now people haven't made an informed choice about vaccination and ceased with the fence-sitting then so be it. I very much doubt that any extra info would help to convince people, in fact it might prove counter-productive in the long run. 

The hummers and harrers just add to the problem. 

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

The more info you have the more likely you are to make the right decision. Basic stuff.

The facts aren't that clear. I can understand avoiding identifying folks by their medical condition but general info such as I have mentioned can't do any harm. For example if all those in hospital haven't had any vaccines it's worth knowing.


The facts are that if you’re unvaxxed you’re far worse off with covid than the vaxxed. There are admissions in vaccinated patients, inevitable as 90% are now vaxxed, but they’re more likely to be ‘admitted with’ rather than ‘admitted because of’.

Beyond that, I’m not sure how it helps to know more detail. Would it inform your choices if it were made public that one of the patients in hospital was a Mr P.K., 64, admitted with septic piles but tested positive for covid pre-op?

You and your visitors should be double vaccinated, and if vulnerable for some reason take sensible precautions and avoid unprotected social intercourse, particularly in Ramsey. 

[Disclaimer - all patient details and demographic insinuations fictional. Any resemblance to persons or towns, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and included for comedic effect]

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3 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Would you rather we were back to Jan/Feb/Mar last year? Vaccinations are working. End of. They may need some tweaking in the coming months but they are keeping people out of hospital and from serious illness. The same can't be said for influenza/pneumonia. Over 1K people/week have been dying of that for quite some time. But no one seems interested in that.

Quite. We should start publishing those stats on Manx Radio ….

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Afternoon guys, I'm trying to assist a close acquaintance in their decision making process as to whether or not get a vaccine.

Can we do a roleplay?

"I am a 23 year-old male. Healthy, smoke 5-10 a day and do a bit of exercise here and there.

I understand smoking is a self-destructive habit. So can we extract that from any belligerent comments regarding "won't get vaxxed but will smoke LOLOLOLOL xDDDDD"

I understand vaccines are effective for COVID. I also however, understand that my risk regarding COVID is most likely going to be a common cold/chest infection. 

My main concern with the vaccines is that there is no clear evidence as to whether or not there are any long term side effects, what will happen to my body in 5/10/20 years time? Will it effect my health, and has there been ENOUGH research done around this?

I have a young son, and I really worry that something may happen to me in 5/10/20 years time, such as the potential for any of the ingredients to cause cancer  inter alia down the line or anything like that. I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's not ruled out as a potential possibility is it? Hence the reason for consent forms that come with vaccines?"

This is the narrative he has provided to me, and I hope for some mature and balanced discussion in regards to this, and not beratement from the usual suspects towards him.


Edited by Hugh G Rection
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4 minutes ago, Hugh G Rection said:

Afternoon guys, I'm trying to assist a close acquaintance in their decision making process as to whether or not get a vaccine.

Can we do a roleplay?

"I am a 23 year-old male. Healthy, smoke 5-10 a day and do a bit of exercise here and there.

I understand smoking is a self-destructive habit. So can we extract that from any belligerent comments regarding "won't get vaxxed but will smoke LOLOLOLOL xDDDDD"

I understand vaccines are effective for COVID. I also however, understand that my risk regarding COVID is most likely going to be a common cold/chest infection. 

My main concern with the vaccines is that there is no clear evidence as to whether or not there are any long term side effects, what will happen to my body in 5/10/20 years time? Will it effect my health, and has there been ENOUGH research done around this?

I have a young son, and I really worry that something may happen to me in 5/10/20 years time, such as the potential for any of the ingredients to cause cancer down the line or anything like that. I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's not ruled out as a potential possibility is it? Hence the reason for consent forms that come with vaccines?"

This is the narrative he has provided to me, and I hope for some mature and balanced discussion in regards to this, and not beratement from the usual suspects towards him.


The answer:

There is nothing to be worried about, and by vaccinating yourself you speed along the process to the end of all this restrictive nonsense in our lives. The available vaccines are incredibly effective and very safe, and sure we don't have long term data yet for these specific vaccines we do for many others. Even though covid infections in people of your age are generally mild, that is not always the case, and vaccinating yourself means you will be suitably prepared for the next two big waves.

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Just now, TheTeapot said:

The answer:

There is nothing to be worried about, and by vaccinating yourself you speed along the process to the end of all this restrictive nonsense in our lives. The available vaccines are incredibly effective and very safe, and sure we don't have long term data yet for these specific vaccines we do for many others. Even though covid infections in people of your age are generally mild, that is not always the case, and vaccinating yourself means you will be suitably prepared for the next two big waves.

A balanced and professionally articulated response.

From Teapot of all people.

Two points from me:

1): I am genuinely surprised, fair play.

2): How many billies have you smoked today? 

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31 minutes ago, wrighty said:

The facts are that if you’re unvaxxed you’re far worse off with covid than the vaxxed. There are admissions in vaccinated patients, inevitable as 90% are now vaxxed, but they’re more likely to be ‘admitted with’ rather than ‘admitted because of’.

Beyond that, I’m not sure how it helps to know more detail. Would it inform your choices if it were made public that one of the patients in hospital was a Mr P.K., 64, admitted with septic piles but tested positive for covid pre-op?

You and your visitors should be double vaccinated, and if vulnerable for some reason take sensible precautions and avoid unprotected social intercourse, particularly in Ramsey. 

[Disclaimer - all patient details and demographic insinuations fictional. Any resemblance to persons or towns, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and included for comedic effect]

I think that is very disrespectful towards an ex-MHK who was one of the very few who was not in it for personal gain.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

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2 hours ago, Hugh G Rection said:

Afternoon guys, I'm trying to assist a close acquaintance in their decision making process as to whether or not get a vaccine.

Can we do a roleplay?

"I am a 23 year-old male. Healthy, smoke 5-10 a day and do a bit of exercise here and there.

I understand smoking is a self-destructive habit. So can we extract that from any belligerent comments regarding "won't get vaxxed but will smoke LOLOLOLOL xDDDDD"

I understand vaccines are effective for COVID. I also however, understand that my risk regarding COVID is most likely going to be a common cold/chest infection. 

My main concern with the vaccines is that there is no clear evidence as to whether or not there are any long term side effects, what will happen to my body in 5/10/20 years time? Will it effect my health, and has there been ENOUGH research done around this?

I have a young son, and I really worry that something may happen to me in 5/10/20 years time, such as the potential for any of the ingredients to cause cancer  inter alia down the line or anything like that. I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's not ruled out as a potential possibility is it? Hence the reason for consent forms that come with vaccines?"

This is the narrative he has provided to me, and I hope for some mature and balanced discussion in regards to this, and not beratement from the usual suspects towards him.


The WHO has published some FAQs on vax.   Sadly, no one can foretell anyone's health 5/10/20 years hence without already having issues now. TBH, worry about your health now and you may improve your situation in  5/10/20 years.


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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

I think that is very disrespectful towards an ex-MHK who was one of the very few who was not in it for personal gain.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Your MHK namesake is 61.

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