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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, FUKJOHNWRIGHT said:

Who pissed in this miserable bastards Corn Flakes today?

Literally can't have a laugh can he? Tell me what my friend has said that is actually that bad.....

Such a lengthy ban for something so fucking minor.

I thought Lawyers were intelligent, just fucking twats clearly the lot of them.....



I have to be honest and say your new user name doesn't sound like you are ready to build bridges with our moderator.🤣

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12 minutes ago, FUKJOHNWRIGHT said:

Who pissed in this miserable bastards Corn Flakes today?

Literally can't have a laugh can he? Tell me what my friend has said that is actually that bad.....

Such a lengthy ban for something so fucking minor.

I thought Lawyers were intelligent, just fucking twats clearly the lot of them.....



You started posting reasonably, then increasingly aggressively and with paranoia.  We have seen it before. Accept that a rest is a good idea for your own wellbeing. 

PS it could have been a permanent ban. 

Edited by Gladys
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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well if they can't even get things sorted out with Guernsey, it's hardly likely they could manage further afield.  And of course Guernsey and the rest did manage to produce evidence of vaccination that Malta would accept, only the Isle of Man couldn't.

I think there's several interacting problems here.  The first is that Manx politicians are terrified to do anything off their own bat - they need to be told what to do by a civil servant.  So all those personal links with other countries, which can indeed be very helpful, simply aren't used because the civil servants don't want the politicians operating without their say-so.

Secondly, as we saw from Dr Ranson's evidence, while stopping any initiative on the part of politicians, the civil servants don't have ideas of their own.  All they seem capable of is copying what the English do and then sticking their own heading on it.  So in a situation which is specific to the Isle of Man they simply close their eyes and hope it will go away or that Mummy England will come and sort it out for them.

Thirdly there seems to be some sort of ongoing battle already taking place between DHSC and Manx Care where the DHSC just claims that everything is Manx Care's job, even when in this case it isn't.  So both will be demanding that the other sort it out.

Finally there's a culture where all decisions must be dragged out as long as possible and as many people included in them as possible.  This is partly to justify all these elaborate hierarchies and tiers of management and partly it's to spread the blame as thinly as possible.  A lot of these problems could be quickly solved by a few zoom calls between some lowish-level technical people, but that would undermine the 'proper' way of doing things.

What a difference 12 months make. Last year HRH The Chief Minister was basking in the adulation of the GMP and was certainly taking all the glory, for the IOM-Guernsey-IOM Air Bridge and it’s tie up with Aurigny. It wasn’t HRH The Chief Minister who actually did anything significantly. 

12 months on ………….. what’s gone wrong? Seems like Guernsey aren’t encouraging Manxies to visit. The Air Bridge has collapsed, and we can’t go on holiday direct to Majorca or any country on the green list, due to the red tape and bureaucracy involved. 

You would have thought that the pandemic would have created opportunities for closer cooperation between the islands - we either dick wave, create problems or excessively slather. 

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Did I just read that right from P.K? The unvaccinated could be giving the virus an opportunity to mutate? That’s certainly an interesting perspective, if anyone is going to allow an opportunity for a new vaccine resistant variant ( the one mutation we actually need to worry about) it is actually the vaccinated.

Edited by Annoymouse
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1 minute ago, Annoymouse said:

Did I just read that right from P.K? The vaccinated could be giving the virus an opportunity to mutate? That’s certainly an interesting perspective, if anyone is going to allow an opportunity for a new vaccine resistant variant ( the one mutation we actually need to worry about) it is actually the vaccinated.

It’s getting out of hand now. I have been double vaccinated and I have no issues, concerns, no magnetism or health problems. My only issue is with the inept Manx Care vaccination letter, and that can be applied to DHSC and it’s Dear Leader. 

I will take another booster vaccination which presumably will come in the next few months, but it’s annoying it’s taking ages for our vaccination records to come online, thereby preventing people from leading a normal life. I’m sick to death of hearing from people going on about virus mutation. If people are concerned then live a life in perpetual isolation, but enough is enough.

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5 minutes ago, 2112 said:

It’s getting out of hand now. I have been double vaccinated and I have no issues, concerns, no magnetism or health problems. My only issue is with the inept Manx Care vaccination letter, and that can be applied to DHSC and it’s Dear Leader. 

I will take another booster vaccination which presumably will come in the next few months, but it’s annoying it’s taking ages for our vaccination records to come online, thereby preventing people from leading a normal life. I’m sick to death of hearing from people going on about virus mutation. If people are concerned then live a life in perpetual isolation, but enough is enough.

Plus one.

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9 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Did I just read that right from P.K? The vaccinated could be giving the virus an opportunity to mutate? That’s certainly an interesting perspective, if anyone is going to allow an opportunity for a new vaccine resistant variant ( the one mutation we actually need to worry about) it is actually the vaccinated.

I don't think you read it right. Allowing high infection rates increases the likely rate of genetic mutations. Like any reproduction each generation is slightly different to the one before. Now and again a different 'offspring' (for want of  better word) will inherit some feature or advantage that means in dominates. Just like normal evolution but on a shorter scale. It's nothing to do with vaccination but more to do with how much infection and illness there is. Vaccination is related as it is proportional to opening up but in an equal situation vaccination reduces infection and reproduction of the virus and therefore reduces the probability of new dominant strains. 

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39 minutes ago, Gladys said:

You started posting reasonably, then increasingly aggressively and with paranoia.  We have seen it before. Accept that a rest is a good idea for your own wellbeing. 

PS it could have been a permanent ban. 

Gladys, you are an extremely intelligent individual from what I have picked up on so far. Unfortunately my satire and humour in the COVID DENIER ANTI VAXXER thread was lost on you and John alike. 

I would just like to thank John for his fair moderation and supressing me initially for OVER A MONTH for some short handed comments and large amount of satire and attempts at humour to cheer myself up amidst my deteriorating mental health.

I would like to thank John for supressing me from the last social place on this planet where I can feel slightly accepted or make myself feel like maybe somebody is finding me funny or smiling because of my humour and satire.

John is in a bad mood today and unfortunately I have fallen victim of that.

I have no friends in life to associate with, and I unfortunately come here just to maintain some discussion with like minded people and people who may share similar views and interests to me. 

The initial ban of over a month over some satire that was not racist or homophobic in any way shape or form or anywhere NEAR is just absolutely crazy. What was wrong with a warning, slap on the wrist and don't do it again? 

Then to hold me culpable for sharing a screenshot of my ban with a family member who then decided to come here and abuse him by his own accord is just ludicrous? Where is the mediation? I was not in any way shape or form responsible for his comments, so to go on and ban MY account indefinitely for that has just shoved me into my hole of poor mental health even further.

SO thanks John, I feel like I've lost my last place of social interaction with anybody else, so I will just occupy my days sitting in my bedroom talking to myself. 

Really thanks so much for that.

And thank you to the others for failing to pick up on my attempt to do some satire and maybe make some people laugh. 

Means a lot guys. 😔

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7 minutes ago, Got My Dickens Cider said:

Gladys, you are an extremely intelligent individual from what I have picked up on so far. Unfortunately my satire and humour in the COVID DENIER ANTI VAXXER thread was lost on you and John alike. 

I would just like to thank John for his fair moderation and supressing me initially for OVER A MONTH for some short handed comments and large amount of satire and attempts at humour to cheer myself up amidst my deteriorating mental health.

I would like to thank John for supressing me from the last social place on this planet where I can feel slightly accepted or make myself feel like maybe somebody is finding me funny or smiling because of my humour and satire.

John is in a bad mood today and unfortunately I have fallen victim of that.

I have no friends in life to associate with, and I unfortunately come here just to maintain some discussion with like minded people and people who may share similar views and interests to me. 

The initial ban of over a month over some satire that was not racist or homophobic in any way shape or form or anywhere NEAR is just absolutely crazy. What was wrong with a warning, slap on the wrist and don't do it again? 

Then to hold me culpable for sharing a screenshot of my ban with a family member who then decided to come here and abuse him by his own accord is just ludicrous? Where is the mediation? I was not in any way shape or form responsible for his comments, so to go on and ban MY account indefinitely for that has just shoved me into my hole of poor mental health even further.

SO thanks John, I feel like I've lost my last place of social interaction with anybody else, so I will just occupy my days sitting in my bedroom talking to myself. 

Really thanks so much for that.

And thank you to the others for failing to pick up on my attempt to do some satire and maybe make some people laugh. 

Means a lot guys. 😔

You have a partner and a child on the way, apparently.  There is no need to sit alone in your bedroom.  Go out somewhere with your expectant partner and have some down time. 

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8 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

It's getting less of a mention on the news now so the pandemic will be over soon, it's all about afghan refugees and climate change now.

And you wait, Dafneeeeeeee will know doubt be banging on how IOMG should accept a load of refugees. We can’t provide breakfast, lunch and dinner to our own sick, poor and vulnerable children, would love to know what plans IOMG have? Perhaps they plan to build a refugee village in Onchan/Garff? You wait all the dogooders will be the first to whinge, especially if a few trees need to be chopped down.  There you are Afghan Refugees and Climate Change in a sentence.

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