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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

I am interested to see when MR finally stop trotting out the daily cases figures... My guess it will be spring 22...

That would be sensible. Get the winter over and look forward. There'll be more cases as the temperature drops, hopefully the vaccines will lessen the worst of the effects and keep people out of hospital. 

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1 hour ago, Debbie said:


Thanks for your opinion on lockdown. But that was not my question. My question was... which one of the possible candidates for Chief Minister offers us more guarantee to resist the damn lockdowners and keep the island open (as it is now); as well as avoiding dictatorial restrictions on the un-vaccinated (le moi being one of those “undesirables”).


Bloomberg is a stupid leftist media outlet known for sprouting the usual vaccination gospel. There are plenty of serious delusions in that Bloomberg article you quoted. For instance, it is not true that covid has been the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish flue: the Hong Kong flue killed four million people in its the first 1968 year in a world with half of today’s population (and back then they just took it on the chin).

Considering that a natural covid infection provides a more robust immunity than the covid vaccines by a factor of ten at the least (cf. that Israeli study); obviously the covid pandemic will end through waves of natural infections rather than with phantasmagorical gene therapies or other kinds of deviant vaccines. In the long run a covid infection is going to be no more serious than a cold, for nearly all of us.

Are you a virologist or just full of silly half baked views. 

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41 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

I am interested to see when MR finally stop trotting out the daily cases figures. There must come a time when the media/government calls time on the messaging and statistical updates.  My guess it will be spring 22. On a related matter, listening to a JPW pre election interview, if she ends up as CM we can expect more ‘mitigation’.

I agree with your sentiment, but I don't think MR do trot out the daily figures any more do they?

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5 hours ago, Out of the blue said:

Yep, Mr Wint always starts his shows with them. Also it was on the news recently. He gives all the vaccination stats too. It is starting to feel very unnecessary/meaningless now.

I agree. But then I don't listen to Mr Wint, I only check the website. They don't report it there anymore....well only sporadically.

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7 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I agree. But then I don't listen to Mr Wint, I only check the website. They don't report it there anymore....well only sporadically.

They do report the covid stats every day on the website. They're in the covid section (which they've had for over a year). I suppose it's to spare the delicate flowers who don't wish to know the numbers. 

They also include the numbers at the top of the radio news at 4 and 5 pm. 


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16 hours ago, Debbie said:


Thanks for your opinion on lockdown. But that was not my question. My question was... which one of the possible candidates for Chief Minister offers us more guarantee to resist the damn lockdowners and keep the island open (as it is now); as well as avoiding dictatorial restrictions on the un-vaccinated (le moi being one of those “undesirables”).


Bloomberg is a stupid leftist media outlet known for sprouting the usual vaccination gospel. There are plenty of serious delusions in that Bloomberg article you quoted. For instance, it is not true that covid has been the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish flue: the Hong Kong flue killed four million people in its the first 1968 year in a world with half of today’s population (and back then they just took it on the chin).

Considering that a natural covid infection provides a more robust immunity than the covid vaccines by a factor of ten at the least (cf. that Israeli study); obviously the covid pandemic will end through waves of natural infections rather than with phantasmagorical gene therapies or other kinds of deviant vaccines. In the long run a covid infection is going to be no more serious than a cold, for nearly all of us.


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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

They do report the covid stats every day on the website. They're in the covid section (which they've had for over a year). I suppose it's to spare the delicate flowers who don't wish to know the numbers. 

They also include the numbers at the top of the radio news at 4 and 5 pm. 


They are not ramming it down our throats though are they?

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17 hours ago, Debbie said:

In the long run a covid infection is going to be no more serious than a cold, for nearly all of us.

That's because of the vaccines, not because of natural immunity. Ask the relatives of those who died in the first two waves if they think they died from a cold. Or don't they count?

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3 hours ago, Itsmeee said:
18 hours ago, Debbie said:

. For instance, it is not true that covid has been the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish flue: the Hong Kong flue killed four million people

Wow, I didn’t know chimneys were so lethal!

That's because they were still sending little boys up them.

Actually what Debbie says isn't even true.  According to Wiki:

The World Health Organization and Encyclopaedia Britannica estimated the number of deaths due to Hong Kong flu to be between 1 and 4 million globally.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that, in total, the virus caused the deaths of 1 million people worldwide.

So a figure lower than 4 million seems likely.  The latest reported figure for Covid deaths worldwide is 4,789,813 based on government-reported figures, which we know are an underestimate even in places where health statistics are well-managed such as the UK.

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16 hours ago, Debbie said:


Thanks for your opinion on lockdown. But that was not my question. My question was... which one of the possible candidates for Chief Minister offers us more guarantee to resist the damn lockdowners and keep the island open (as it is now); as well as avoiding dictatorial restrictions on the un-vaccinated (le moi being one of those “undesirables”).


Bloomberg is a stupid leftist media outlet known for sprouting the usual vaccination gospel. There are plenty of serious delusions in that Bloomberg article you quoted. For instance, it is not true that covid has been the most deadly pandemic since the Spanish flue: the Hong Kong flue killed four million people in its the first 1968 year in a world with half of today’s population (and back then they just took it on the chin).

Considering that a natural covid infection provides a more robust immunity than the covid vaccines by a factor of ten at the least (cf. that Israeli study); obviously the covid pandemic will end through waves of natural infections rather than with phantasmagorical gene therapies or other kinds of deviant vaccines. In the long run a covid infection is going to be no more serious than a cold, for nearly all of us.

Anyone that refers to them as 'le moi' just sounds pretentious for the sake of it.

The Hong Kong flu killed between 1 and 4 million globally. COVID is currently at 4.55. So, at worst, your numbers could be lying by over 300%. It doesn't reflect well on your pseudoscience.

How exactly are we doing gene therapy? Or are you just demonstrating for us a fundamental misunderstanding of biology?

The closest to 'gene therapy' we've got, is injecting some instructions to make a bit that looks the viruses spiky bit. Your body makes these sorts of instructions all the time, they aren't weird or clever. The clever part is that we've made some that teach your body how to recognise the virus, just by getting your cells to make some spiky looking bits.

Turns out, teaching your Granny's immune system about the virus through natural immunity tends to be really not great for Granny's odds at survival. The same applies to young and old across the country, even otherwise seemingly healthy folk. The vaccination is why it's lower risk now to people like Granny. It even makes the unvaccinated safer, as they're less likely to be exposed to it.

Hardly phantasmagorical, or fantasmagorique, to keep up a theme.

Now, imagine if we started treating electric light as some fundamentally horrific thing. People would think you've gone a bit funny. The first vaccinations with cowpox to prevent smallpox came well before that mind you.

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