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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

@ricardo Midazolam is administered as a palliative, given to end-of-life patients. People dying of respiratory failure often become panicked when they're in their final stages; without some sort of sedative, the gasping for air is hell, and undignified. Not a nice way to go. Becalmed by Midazolam, patients slip away a little easier, maybe a little more expeditiously, but better for any family present too. If I'm gonna die that way I'd prefer to be transported into a tranquil and serene semi-catatonic state knowing fuck-all about it and not alarming anyone present.

You're saying it was used for nefarious reasons, to specifically euthanise patients, with aforethought. Midazolam is widely used in end-of-life care, how can it be proven as alleged? 

You are right, it is. I have previously mentioned the 000's of hours of testimony, much by well-qualified, bona fide medical experts, given to German lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich in his attempt at examining all aspects of 'the covid story' - including the use, either appropriately or not, of both ventilators and medazolam. Rather than repeat what has been said the information is available on Dr Fuellmich's website. I endorse Stuart Gale QC's call for a full public enquiry in the Isle of Man, where what actually happened can hopefully be established.

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10 hours ago, Happier diner said:

The reason I made the comment was mostly in the way @Debbies post ended. It started well but ended very badly. In my opinion of course.

The bit that made me angry was the bit about natural infection giving 6* better immunity. Debbie gives no reference for this claim other than saying c.f Isreal. Well c.f. means compare (or compare and contrast). Doesn't make any sense and i cannot find this.


4 hours ago, ricardo said:

I accept the valid points you make. Hopefully @Debbie will also.


On 9/29/2021 at 6:46 PM, Happier diner said:

Are you a virologist or just full of silly half baked views. 


13 hours ago, floors4u said:



12 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

That's because of the vaccines, not because of natural immunity. Ask the relatives of those who died in the first two waves if they think they died from a cold. Or don't they count?


I am sorry but the Israeli academic study was widely reported in the media and turns up immediately in google searches. Immunity from natural covid infection is much stronger and long lasting than those from the vaccines.

Also, it is a widely held opinion among immunologists and microbiologists that the pandemic will end through waves of natural infection and that as as a result in the long term covid is going to be no more serious than a common cold.

Here are some links.

Study: COVID recovery gave Israelis longer-lasting Delta defense than vaccines


Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine


It is stated in the above articles the following:

"the [Delta] variant was 27 times more likely to break through Pfizer protection from January-February and cause symptoms than it was to penetrate natural immunity from the same period."

And here is the link to the original academic paper:



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9 hours ago, quilp said:

It's Midazolam, not Medazolam by the way.

Isn't there a thread for this theorising, already..?

As the rest of us get on with life so they've got to jump into other threads to populate with their bullshit as we aren't paying them enough attention.

The only narrative for the Anti-vax covid denier nutjobs is EVERYONE LOOK AT ME, their poster child on the island Courtney Headcase is the classic is example it was statins before its covid now. Its got fuck all to do with the truth and everything to do with 'i was ignored by my parents so i crave attention'.

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10 hours ago, Debbie said:






I am sorry but the Israeli academic study was widely reported in the media and turns up immediately in google searches. Immunity from natural covid infection is much stronger and long lasting than those from the vaccines.

Also, it is a widely held opinion among immunologists and microbiologists that the pandemic will end through waves of natural infection and that as as a result in the long term covid is going to be no more serious than a common cold.

Here are some links.

Study: COVID recovery gave Israelis longer-lasting Delta defense than vaccines


Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine


It is stated in the above articles the following:

"the [Delta] variant was 27 times more likely to break through Pfizer protection from January-February and cause symptoms than it was to penetrate natural immunity from the same period."

And here is the link to the original academic paper:



Thank you for the links. I note

1. They both relate to the same study which is very small, by an academic institution and not peer reviewed

2. There are some big caveats in both e.g Still, Thålin and other researchers stress that deliberate infection among unvaccinated people would put them at significant risk of severe disease and death, or the lingering, significant symptoms of what has been dubbed Long Covid. The study shows the benefits of natural immunity, but “doesn’t take into account what this virus does to the body to get to that point,” says Marion Pepper, an

as @Andy Onchanrightly says. Catching it is never good

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As highlighted by other members this thread is about restrictions upon movement. Currently it is a quieter topic as we are no longer ‘locked-down’ and families are free to travel to and from the island. However, over the last 18 months the Isle of Man closed it’s borders and prohibited people from leaving their homes - measures not seen since World War 2. This was done on the basis of fear, propagated by government and media, which was almost entirely based upon the virtually worthless PCR tests. Whilst all deaths are tragic the fear related to a virus with a recovery rate of 99.98% where the average age of deaths has been older than average life expectancy. Ultimately - as widely predicted - the draconian restrictions achieved almost precisely nothing as we are now ‘living with covid’. I say ‘almost’ as the only thing that was achieved was the public becoming inured to this strategy and increased state interference into our lives. And we now have the border controls that were long sought-after by police and state. Measures that were previously vigorously resisted.
My own belief - one shared by millions of others (no doubt all ‘bell-ends’) - is that these measures will be repeated. I predict we will see - shortly after the COP 26 climate summit - a proposal for ‘climate lockdowns’. These however, will be cleverly marketed, and endorsed by ‘celebrities’, as ‘green sundays’. Once we apathetically accept those measures others will follow. My ‘conspiracy theory’ is that our World is ‘sleep-walking’ into tyranny. As previously stated, this will be obvious to anyone who views the police measures being enacted against its’ own citizens in Australia. Former Australian premier Tony Abbott has recently expressed similar grave concerns.
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Ricardo....give you head a wobble. Restrictions weren't about fear but about the unknown. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Personally in one instance at least we locked down too late and another we opened upnto late. Yes we have had questionable leaders during these events and I for one would question DA considerably on many matters and it follows HQ also but it is what it is. You guys need to disappear to wherever you came from and def out of this thread .    

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17 hours ago, ricardo said:

Many of us agree our politicians are inept, or worse. Allowing them increased powers and impositions upon our hard-won liberties is something we might choose to question more.

@ricardoI liked the whole post but pulled this phrase out as I thought it was worth highlighting.

I agree totally with the sentiment but just to suggest that many of those politicians are or have been as scared as some of the rest of the population. Fear and anxiety, mostly displayed in the media, has driven some of their own "compliance with the science" agendas without question. 

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1 hour ago, ricardo said:
As highlighted by other members this thread is about restrictions upon movement. Currently it is a quieter topic as we are no longer ‘locked-down’ and families are free to travel to and from the island. However, over the last 18 months the Isle of Man closed it’s borders and prohibited people from leaving their homes - measures not seen since World War 2. This was done on the basis of fear, propagated by government and media, which was almost entirely based upon the virtually worthless PCR tests. Whilst all deaths are tragic the fear related to a virus with a recovery rate of 99.98% where the average age of deaths has been older than average life expectancy. Ultimately - as widely predicted - the draconian restrictions achieved almost precisely nothing as we are now ‘living with covid’. I say ‘almost’ as the only thing that was achieved was the public becoming inured to this strategy and increased state interference into our lives. And we now have the border controls that were long sought-after by police and state. Measures that were previously vigorously resisted.
My own belief - one shared by millions of others (no doubt all ‘bell-ends’) - is that these measures will be repeated. I predict we will see - shortly after the COP 26 climate summit - a proposal for ‘climate lockdowns’. These however, will be cleverly marketed, and endorsed by ‘celebrities’, as ‘green sundays’. Once we apathetically accept those measures others will follow. My ‘conspiracy theory’ is that our World is ‘sleep-walking’ into tyranny. As previously stated, this will be obvious to anyone who views the police measures being enacted against its’ own citizens in Australia. Former Australian premier Tony Abbott has recently expressed similar grave concerns.

IMO - We have to observe the view and advise of the Heath professionals that advise our governments. People who are trained, educated and appointed to advise us so. What else could we do, what else could governments do?

If you are saying we should not listen to those who are our experts, who should we listed to? The system has served us well for a centuries. Why would we start to believe a load of fantasists just because a pandemic has come along?

I'll grant that out health professionals are not always right about every single thing. No one can be. But I'll tell you who I am putting my faith in, now and always. 

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51 minutes ago, ricardo said:
This was done on the basis of fear, propagated by government and media, which was almost entirely based upon the virtually worthless PCR tests.
Whilst all deaths are tragic the fear related to a virus with a recovery rate of 99.98% where the average age of deaths has been older than average life expectancy. Ultimately - as widely predicted - the draconian restrictions achieved almost precisely nothing as we are now ‘living with covid’. I say ‘almost’ as the only thing that was achieved was the public becoming inured to this strategy and increased state interference into our lives. And we now have the border controls that were long sought-after by police and state. Measures that were previously vigorously resisted.

Please cite your references for the worthless PCR tests. Peer-reviewed, not 'conspiracies.com' or similar.

The virus has such a high survival rate now because of, wait for it, effective vaccination. Just compare the outbreaks in January, pre-vaccination, vs how the outbreaks unfolded after that. Rates kept climbing, hospitalisation and deaths didn't. Magic when science works isn't it?

Plus, whilst a lot of people are in that range of being over life expectancy, does that dehumaise them opposed to anyone else? The tone of your writing suggests 'well, they'd die anyway, pity really'.

Never mind that your unvaccinated likelihood of death and severe disease are much higher than your peers at any age group.

What didn't we have when we had the lockdowns? Effective vaccination. What did we have globally in the run-up to the lockdowns? Oh yes, hospitals so packed ambulances were being turned away, ICUs full to the rafters, and medical staff worked to the bone.

What is the appeal behind conspiracy theories? Is it the 'I know something you don't' or is it 'sticking it to the Man'?

Of course, you also neglect a fundamental flaw in the world view too. If any number of nations could've embarrassed major governments they're at odds with, they would've.

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I still need to get a specialist contractor here who hasn’t been vaccinated.

Any indication when this madness might end and he can come over.  There is no indenture for him to get jabbed to come here as he is happily working all over the UK.

We all know the virus is here and not going anywhere so why persist with these last and completely pointless restrictions on people.  He is happy to LFT and is doing three a week anyway.

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12 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

I still need to get a specialist contractor here who hasn’t been vaccinated.

Any indication when this madness might end and he can come over.  There is no indenture for him to get jabbed to come here as he is happily working all over the UK.

We all know the virus is here and not going anywhere so why persist with these last and completely pointless restrictions on people.  He is happy to LFT and is doing three a week anyway.

Habe you tried applying for an exemption 

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