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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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27 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

I still need to get a specialist contractor here who hasn’t been vaccinated.


Surely he can't be the only person in the British Isles who can do the job? Just how specialised is this work? 

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3 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Surely he can't be the only person in the British Isles who can do the job? Just how specialised is this work? 

It’s very specialised and he did the original installation in 2017.

There probably are others if I could be arsed phoning around and paying to bring them up to speed and build a relationship with them but why should I?

And why should a Manx resident not be allowed I have the partner she lives with at Uni for a year come here to visit? Why should she only be able to go there so he can’t meet her family?

They are hoping to setup home here but he still can’t come over to see what he thinks of the place! Why not?

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7 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

It’s very specialised and he did the original installation in 2017.

There probably are others if I could be arsed phoning around and paying to bring them up to speed and build a relationship with them but why should I?

And why should a Manx resident not be allowed I have the partner she lives with at Uni for a year come here to visit? Why should she only be able to go there so he can’t meet her family?

They are hoping to setup home here but he still can’t come over to see what he thinks of the place! Why not?

You can apply for exemptions for unvaccinated key workers.

Residents can have unvaccinated family visit too.

Both are under the test and release pathway.


Edited by AcousticallyChallenged
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6 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

You can apply for exemptions for unvaccinated key workers.

Residents can have unvaccinated family visit too.

Both are under the test and release pathway.


Neither of which help.  One isn’t a “key worker” and the other isn’t “immediate family or a partner” by their definition.

So why are they still being kept out and even if they were allowed through that pathway, why should they have to  apply anyway.

Just open up ffs. There is no benefit to anyone apart from keeping a few jobsworths employed.

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14 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Neither of which help.  One isn’t a “key worker” and the other isn’t “immediate family or a partner” by their definition.

So why are they still being kept out and even if they were allowed through that pathway, why should they have to  apply anyway.

Just open up ffs. There is no benefit to anyone apart from keeping a few jobsworths employed.

Manx Residents can have their partners visit. It’s on the page. 

“a spouse or partner / father / mother / stepfather / stepmother / son / daughter / stepson / stepdaughter / grandmother / grandfather / grandson / granddaughter / sister / brother / the spouse or partner of any of the above.”

So even if the Manx resident in question is coming to see their family members and has applied for permission, they can get permission for their spouse or partner too. 

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18 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Manx Residents can have their partners visit. It’s on the page. 

“a spouse or partner / father / mother / stepfather / stepmother / son / daughter / stepson / stepdaughter / grandmother / grandfather / grandson / granddaughter / sister / brother / the spouse or partner of any of the above.”

So even if the Manx resident in question is coming to see their family members and has applied for permission, they can get permission for their spouse or partner too. 

They claimed he isn’t a “partner” he is a “boyfriend”. She tried.  It’s insane.  There shouldn’t be any restrictions at all on people anymore. There is no logical reason for it.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

IMO - We have to observe the view and advise of the Heath professionals that advise our governments. People who are trained, educated and appointed to advise us so. What else could we do, what else could governments do?

If you are saying we should not listen to those who are our experts, who should we listed to? The system has served us well for a centuries. Why would we start to believe a load of fantasists just because a pandemic has come along?

I'll grant that out health professionals are not always right about every single thing. No one can be. But I'll tell you who I am putting my faith in, now and always. 

The current 5 years of GP medical training includes less than 2 hours on nutrition and, I believe - although maybe wrong about this - nothing on exercise. If one looks at the stats' and finances the reality is that our health professionals are in fact no longer that, but almost entirely simply prescribers of products made by pharmaceutical companies. Likewise, almost all 'medical research' is funded by pharma co's or foundations which rely on pharma co's for their own funding.

The consequence is that little that does not favour those backers is either developed or promoted. So for example, during the covid crisis, although ivermectin was ridiculed as a 'horse product' the reality is that it is a Nobel prize-winning medicine and its' human version is provenly effective. But there is little money in it for the pharma co's so we've had their hastily and unproven vaccines pushed upon us. Almost laughably, Pfizer has now produced their own 'new' non-vaccine product, which is effectively ivermectin.  

I am not rubbishing the medical profession, but their independence is now irrevocably tainted. As anyone working within it knows only too well. But dare not say.


1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Please cite your references for the worthless PCR tests. Peer-reviewed, not 'conspiracies.com' or similar.

The virus has such a high survival rate now because of, wait for it, effective vaccination. Just compare the outbreaks in January, pre-vaccination, vs how the outbreaks unfolded after that. Rates kept climbing, hospitalisation and deaths didn't. Magic when science works isn't it?

Plus, whilst a lot of people are in that range of being over life expectancy, does that dehumaise them opposed to anyone else? The tone of your writing suggests 'well, they'd die anyway, pity really'.

Never mind that your unvaccinated likelihood of death and severe disease are much higher than your peers at any age group.

What didn't we have when we had the lockdowns? Effective vaccination. What did we have globally in the run-up to the lockdowns? Oh yes, hospitals so packed ambulances were being turned away, ICUs full to the rafters, and medical staff worked to the bone.

What is the appeal behind conspiracy theories? Is it the 'I know something you don't' or is it 'sticking it to the Man'?

Of course, you also neglect a fundamental flaw in the world view too. If any number of nations could've embarrassed major governments they're at odds with, they would've.

I cite Dr Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR test. Dr Mullis is on record that his test is not accurate or appropriate as a diagnostic tool.

I suspect the reason 'conspiracy theorists' - like our former so-called health minister - say 'do your own research' is because these subjects are so big, and complex. There is no one fact, example or answer that proves or disproves anything. My own research - more than simply watching a few YouTube links - reveals the history of vaccines is not as presented. Pasteur - the 'father' of what is actually only another theory - was proven to be fraudulent in his vaccine research by Princeton University. Neither was smallpox 'cured' by vaccination - it is far more complex than that (vaccines helped, but also did great damage). This information is suppressed because it does not suit the narrative peddled by the pharma industry. Ultimately we must make our own choices.

2 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Ricardo....give you head a wobble. Restrictions weren't about fear but about the unknown. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Personally in one instance at least we locked down too late and another we opened upnto late. Yes we have had questionable leaders during these events and I for one would question DA considerably on many matters and it follows HQ also but it is what it is. You guys need to disappear to wherever you came from and def out of this thread .    


This thread is about restrictions related to covid. I have said my piece on the subject - I will now go off to give my head a wobble. Hopefully that will help. I repeat though IMO - although it is one shared by millions of other 'bell-ends' including Tony Abbott, former Australian premier - we are heading towards tyranny. Few Germans believed that was where their country would end up in 1930's Germany, although all the signs were there. Their decent into tyranny started with dividing their society into 'us and them' - the jews were declared 'diseased and dirty' then confined to ghetto's. This is what is happening again, and whether we choose to see it or not, all the signs are slowly appearing again. As in 1930's Germany we ignore them at our peril..




Should anyone be interested in an alternate perspective, the film Plandemic 2 illustrates the issues very well. I am not saying it is 'the truth' - and lots of energy has certainly gone into 'debunking' it - but it is certainly well-researched and very interesting. The accompanying website references all the claims, as does the best-selling book by director/author Mikki Willis. Surely we are overdue a well-informed public debate about such an import issue?





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8 minutes ago, ricardo said:

I cite Dr Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR test. Dr Mullis is on record that his test is not accurate or appropriate as a diagnostic tool

This has been debunked a number of times.

There is not evidence of such a statement.


If you actually look at the original source, he simply says that in the context of HIV, PCR wouldn't give you an estimate of someone's viral load. And that was back in 1996. 25 years ago. HIV viral load tests are now an important part of managing the condition. Note that, the place you can find it is denying the existence of HIV.


Peddling misconstrued mistruths is dangerous. If you can get simple facts so completely wrong, then, one could assume your other 'facts' are equally based on such weak foundations.

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4 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

This has been debunked a number of times.

There is not evidence of such a statement.


If you actually look at the original source, he simply says that in the context of HIV, PCR wouldn't give you an estimate of someone's viral load. And that was back in 1996. 25 years ago. HIV viral load tests are now an important part of managing the condition. Note that, the place you can find it is denying the existence of HIV.


Peddling misconstrued mistruths is dangerous. If you can get simple facts so completely wrong, then, one could assume your other 'facts' are equally based on such weak foundations.

The PCR test isn't a diagnostic tool, but that's not the slam-dunk that conspiracy theorists believe it is.

The PCR test does not tell you that someone is definitely infected with Covid19. It does, however, tell you that there is sars-cov-2 genetic material in their sample. The most likely explanation for this, particularly at cycle thresholds under 40, is that the person has Covid19. If they don't, then they may well be pre or post infection. The only way for your PCR to come back positive is that you have been exposed to sars-cov-2 in some way or another, and in a quantity that is probably enough to become infected.

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26 minutes ago, ricardo said:

So for example, during the covid crisis, although ivermectin was ridiculed as a 'horse product' the reality is that it is a Nobel prize-winning medicine and its' human version is provenly effective.

Indeed it is.  Mainly for dealing with various parasites.  The question is whether it is a suitable treatment for dealing with a viral disease that affects the lungs and other organs.  There's some in vitro evidence, but at levels of dosage higher than deemed safe and there's no real clinical evidence as yet.

In any case the best way to deal with Covid is by vaccination which will massively reduce the chance of someone suffering seriously from it.

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