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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

They claimed he isn’t a “partner” he is a “boyfriend”. She tried.  It’s insane.  There shouldn’t be any restrictions at all on people anymore. There is no logical reason for it.

Ill agree with you on that. It just plain stupid now. There are no differences within the CTA. There are similar proportions of 

. Infections

. Vaccinated persons 

. Unvaccinated persons 

In all the CTA so what are we protecting ourselves from.

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Let's be honest: There are very few reasons not to get vaccinated and nobody sensible is refusing.

Some people don’t want to, and as much as I disagree with their thought process I don’t believe they should be treated any differently to anyone else.

Six months ago I did.  Now as time has moved on and the situation has developed I don’t.  

We need to drop the remaining restrictions as they achieve absolutely nothing.

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1 hour ago, ricardo said:

The current 5 years of GP medical training includes less than 2 hours on nutrition and, I believe - although maybe wrong about this - nothing on exercise. If one looks at the stats' and finances the reality is that our health professionals are in fact no longer that, but almost entirely simply prescribers of products made by pharmaceutical companies. Likewise, almost all 'medical research' is funded by pharma co's or foundations which rely on pharma co's for their own funding.

The consequence is that little that does not favour those backers is either developed or promoted. So for example, during the covid crisis, although ivermectin was ridiculed as a 'horse product' the reality is that it is a Nobel prize-winning medicine and its' human version is provenly effective. But there is little money in it for the pharma co's so we've had their hastily and unproven vaccines pushed upon us. Almost laughably, Pfizer has now produced their own 'new' non-vaccine product, which is effectively ivermectin.  

I am not rubbishing the medical profession, but their independence is now irrevocably tainted. As anyone working within it knows only too well. But dare not say.


I cite Dr Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR test. Dr Mullis is on record that his test is not accurate or appropriate as a diagnostic tool.

I suspect the reason 'conspiracy theorists' - like our former so-called health minister - say 'do your own research' is because these subjects are so big, and complex. There is no one fact, example or answer that proves or disproves anything. My own research - more than simply watching a few YouTube links - reveals the history of vaccines is not as presented. Pasteur - the 'father' of what is actually only another theory - was proven to be fraudulent in his vaccine research by Princeton University. Neither was smallpox 'cured' by vaccination - it is far more complex than that (vaccines helped, but also did great damage). This information is suppressed because it does not suit the narrative peddled by the pharma industry. Ultimately we must make our own choices.


This thread is about restrictions related to covid. I have said my piece on the subject - I will now go off to give my head a wobble. Hopefully that will help. I repeat though IMO - although it is one shared by millions of other 'bell-ends' including Tony Abbott, former Australian premier - we are heading towards tyranny. Few Germans believed that was where their country would end up in 1930's Germany, although all the signs were there. Their decent into tyranny started with dividing their society into 'us and them' - the jews were declared 'diseased and dirty' then confined to ghetto's. This is what is happening again, and whether we choose to see it or not, all the signs are slowly appearing again. As in 1930's Germany we ignore them at our peril..




Should anyone be interested in an alternate perspective, the film Plandemic 2 illustrates the issues very well. I am not saying it is 'the truth' - and lots of energy has certainly gone into 'debunking' it - but it is certainly well-researched and very interesting. The accompanying website references all the claims, as does the best-selling book by director/author Mikki Willis. Surely we are overdue a well-informed public debate about such an import issue?





Don't feed the sanity vampire.  

Sometimes I just agree with people so they will stop talking - Jet Li.

Yes Ricardo, it's all a hoax.  There is no Covid and it's all been an excuse for our overlords to keep us at home for a year! 

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3 hours ago, ricardo said:

The current 5 years of GP medical training includes less than 2 hours on nutrition and, I believe - although maybe wrong about this - nothing on exercise. If one looks at the stats' and finances the reality is that our health professionals are in fact no longer that, but almost entirely simply prescribers of products made by pharmaceutical companies. Likewise, almost all 'medical research' is funded by pharma co's or foundations which rely on pharma co's for their own funding.

The consequence is that little that does not favour those backers is either developed or promoted. So for example, during the covid crisis, although ivermectin was ridiculed as a 'horse product' the reality is that it is a Nobel prize-winning medicine and its' human version is provenly effective. But there is little money in it for the pharma co's so we've had their hastily and unproven vaccines pushed upon us. Almost laughably, Pfizer has now produced their own 'new' non-vaccine product, which is effectively ivermectin.  

I am not rubbishing the medical profession, but their independence is now irrevocably tainted. As anyone working within it knows only too well. But dare not say.


I cite Dr Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR test. Dr Mullis is on record that his test is not accurate or appropriate as a diagnostic tool.

I suspect the reason 'conspiracy theorists' - like our former so-called health minister - say 'do your own research' is because these subjects are so big, and complex. There is no one fact, example or answer that proves or disproves anything. My own research - more than simply watching a few YouTube links - reveals the history of vaccines is not as presented. Pasteur - the 'father' of what is actually only another theory - was proven to be fraudulent in his vaccine research by Princeton University. Neither was smallpox 'cured' by vaccination - it is far more complex than that (vaccines helped, but also did great damage). This information is suppressed because it does not suit the narrative peddled by the pharma industry. Ultimately we must make our own choices.


This thread is about restrictions related to covid. I have said my piece on the subject - I will now go off to give my head a wobble. Hopefully that will help. I repeat though IMO - although it is one shared by millions of other 'bell-ends' including Tony Abbott, former Australian premier - we are heading towards tyranny. Few Germans believed that was where their country would end up in 1930's Germany, although all the signs were there. Their decent into tyranny started with dividing their society into 'us and them' - the jews were declared 'diseased and dirty' then confined to ghetto's. This is what is happening again, and whether we choose to see it or not, all the signs are slowly appearing again. As in 1930's Germany we ignore them at our peril..




Should anyone be interested in an alternate perspective, the film Plandemic 2 illustrates the issues very well. I am not saying it is 'the truth' - and lots of energy has certainly gone into 'debunking' it - but it is certainly well-researched and very interesting. The accompanying website references all the claims, as does the best-selling book by director/author Mikki Willis. Surely we are overdue a well-informed public debate about such an import issue?





Comedy genius. How do some people get by in life.

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According to the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, Laurie Hooper MHK is bemoaning the COMIN response to EAG advice as ‘vague and unhelpful’, especially in terms of possible new variants. I think he likes the sound of his own voice and wants to be the first MHK on the radio talking shite.

He is probably correct in some respects, but what’s the handwringing going to achieve? Does he think we should have to endure another lockdown? Or does the LibLabManVan have alternative ideas to bring to the table? Most people have been double jabbed and the booster program is under way. If the scientists and experts in the EAG were creating the policy, I’m sure we will still be in lockdown. It’s not ideal the virus still in circulation, but people using common sense and judgement is the best policy.

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BBC quote :- "Care home workers who are not prepared to get the Covid vaccine should get another job, Sajid Javid has said. The health secretary said he was not prepared to "pause" the requirement for care staff in England to be fully vaccinated by 11 November".

I wonder if they will haver the bottle to not follow the UK on this (and protect care and potentially hospital staffing levels) or whether the new DHSC Minister and Comin will make . .(gulp) their own minds and bring it in.

If they don't, then all the UK health and care workers whop don't want the jab or just don't want to be blackmailed can come here to work. Win - Win or what ?

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

BBC quote :- "Care home workers who are not prepared to get the Covid vaccine should get another job, Sajid Javid has said. The health secretary said he was not prepared to "pause" the requirement for care staff in England to be fully vaccinated by 11 November".

I wonder if they will haver the bottle to not follow the UK on this (and protect care and potentially hospital staffing levels) or whether the new DHSC Minister and Comin will make . .(gulp) their own minds and bring it in.

If they don't, then all the UK health and care workers whop don't want the jab or just don't want to be blackmailed can come here to work. Win - Win or what ?

Win-win yes, the island may get some fresh workers etc. In realty it won’t last long, when they see how much the General cost of living is, the high utility costs, the high eating out costs and the high transport costs. Win-Lose is more likely. 

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

BBC quote :- "Care home workers who are not prepared to get the Covid vaccine should get another job, Sajid Javid has said. The health secretary said he was not prepared to "pause" the requirement for care staff in England to be fully vaccinated by 11 November".

I wonder if they will haver the bottle to not follow the UK on this (and protect care and potentially hospital staffing levels) or whether the new DHSC Minister and Comin will make . .(gulp) their own minds and bring it in.

If they don't, then all the UK health and care workers whop don't want the jab or just don't want to be blackmailed can come here to work. Win - Win or what ?

when did England suddenly become the UK , it is only 1 part of it.

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

If they don't, then all the UK health and care workers whop don't want the jab or just don't want to be blackmailed can come here to work. Win - Win or what ?

Except do we really want the sort of health and care workers who are so keen to avoid getting vaccinated that they would move to another country?  There's going to be some very strange people there.

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25 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Except do we really want the sort of health and care workers who are so keen to avoid getting vaccinated that they would move to another country?  There's going to be some very strange people there.

In my view , No.

But politicians would never waste a crisis in one area to improve their lot in their own. 

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4 hours ago, Apple said:

BBC quote :- "Care home workers who are not prepared to get the Covid vaccine should get another job, Sajid Javid has said. The health secretary said he was not prepared to "pause" the requirement for care staff in England to be fully vaccinated by 11 November".

I wonder if they will haver the bottle to not follow the UK on this (and protect care and potentially hospital staffing levels) or whether the new DHSC Minister and Comin will make . .(gulp) their own minds and bring it in.

If they don't, then all the UK health and care workers whop don't want the jab or just don't want to be blackmailed can come here to work. Win - Win or what ?

I heard the interview, he actually said “if they can’t be bothered to get the jab they can get another job”, which I thought was pretty strong stuff from a cabinet minister.  Good on him. 

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