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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

I can remember Dr Glover confirming what that bug was. It was neither flu nor covid.

Maybe there was a special strain being tested out before release into the wild.

Maybe they just infected a few special agents who are sponsored by Garnier to see how the virus behaved?

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8 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

I can remember Dr Glover confirming what that bug was. It was neither flu nor covid.

TBF without having had a test she has as much knowledge as me as to what it was and I was visiting the Far East earlier in December 2019. 

Edited by James Blonde
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2 hours ago, James Blonde said:

I had it Christmas 2019 I'm sure of it. Never had anything make me that ill and I've had really bad regular flu before! 

I'm convinced I too had it then . Terrible cough , sweating profusely with a bad fever , no taste and just wiped. Like a really extreme flu with more symptoms. Never felt so ill and have , like most , had bad flu quite a few times. This was much worse .Took me around 8 weeks to get over it . 

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February, 2020 I was the same. Unusual, flu-like symptoms lasting a week and an exhausting 3-week hangover thereafter. The uncontrollable and sometimes significant tremoring, which lasted the first 24hours was alarming, being bedridden and doing more jigging about than that Michael Flatley - never experienced anything like it.

Edited by quilp
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17 hours ago, quilp said:

February, 2020 I was the same. Unusual, flu-like symptoms lasting a week and an exhausting 3-week hangover thereafter. The uncontrollable and sometimes significant tremoring, which lasted the first 24hours was alarming, being bedridden and doing more jigging about than that Michael Flatley - never experienced anything like it.

Same here in February 2020. I didn't have the Flatley effect but did have fever, cough, headache, fatigue etc... a very bad flu. The fatigue lasted over a month and had a cough for 14 months. 

I'd two clients over in early feb. They'd recently travelled together through several Far-East locations. One had a "headcold". Didn't really think anything of it at the time. Cursed him when I came down with it a few days after they left.

Also know someone who was very ill with respiratory issues in January 2020 and was in hospital with it for a few days. He managed to get tested for covid-19 antibodies not long after the tests came out (early summer?) and he tested positive. 


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I'm sure I had something like it in December 2019, but no significant illness. Just developed a persistent dry cough that would not shift for 3 months - it only went just before the first lockdown. There were 2 of us similarly afflicted.

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On 10/7/2021 at 6:33 PM, Numbnuts said:

I'm convinced I too had it then . Terrible cough , sweating profusely with a bad fever , no taste and just wiped. Like a really extreme flu with more symptoms. Never felt so ill and have , like most , had bad flu quite a few times. This was much worse .Took me around 8 weeks to get over it . 

Extreme flu=death.

I think we know what you mean though. 

But remember flu is a serious illness. I'd wager 99% of people who have had flu....have had a bad cold.

I've had flu ( confirmed) and covid and the flu was worse. 

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Apparently the DOI offices in the Sea Terminal were Ground Zero. 

Nick Black had authorised experiments on Manx Cats to see how reflective their eyes were in comparison to normal road cats eyes and there was a miscommunication between him and his second in command, Jeff Robinson, who misread "reflective" for "infective" and set in motion a chain of events involving genetically modified Manx Cats that were 1000% more infective than normal cats. 

These genetically modified cats were initially produced in a lab in Wuhan and that contract set in motion  a chain of  events that  resulted in the Covid 19 pandemic.....

P.S. In 2017 DOI had employed the same Lab in Wuhan to design the promenade refurbishment. Although not on the same scale as the Covid disaster and consequences, this contract and another miscommunication and translation problem came out with "Roundels", where roundabouts should have been installed and Zebras too close to junctions which may even be worse, death wise, long term than Covid 19 ever was............... 



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On 10/7/2021 at 6:16 PM, Manxas said:

The figures aren't a true reflection of the actual infection rate. Those who are responsible, are staying off work and keeping children off off school when presenting with symptoms which others think are 'just a cold'. Unfortunately, there are lots of children still being sent to school with coughs and runny noses, and whose parents think one negative LFT is proof that they don't have covid. Ask anyone who works in a school here and they will confirm that the real figures are probably much worse than Public Health reports. The next few weeks are going to be very testing for our health service! 

No-one is bothered anymore, apart from the likes of you who seem to revel in it. It's done. We're over it and moving on. Kids get sniffles all the time, you don't keep your child off school just because they have a runny nose. 

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24 minutes ago, Danoo said:

No-one is bothered anymore, apart from the likes of you who seem to revel in it. It's done. We're over it and moving on. Kids get sniffles all the time, you don't keep your child off school just because they have a runny nose. 

‘They’ don’t want it to be over - ever.

The unions & shirkers.

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

Some interesting comments in the news yesterday about the DVLA in Wales. Part of the supply chain problem seems to be the 56,000 HGV licenses still outstanding as they’re all still largely working from home and there’s a massive backlog. Similar claims from the schools as well - many of whom seem to want to just close over the winter just in case some kids have the sniffles. We’re never going to recover from this whilst this attitude prevails in government. 

Hopefully we don't follow that model. We will know more when we find out who the next Education Minister is, although we hardly have the creme de la creme to choose from.

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On 10/7/2021 at 4:05 PM, Dave Hedgehog said:

I can remember Dr Glover confirming what that bug was. It was neither flu nor covid.

Unless she actually tested the people, and why would she as testing people with random flu was unheard of before March 2020, then she has no way of knowing what it was. I had covid antibodies last summer and have never otherwise knowingly had covid at any other time... 

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