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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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17 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Which teachers don't want to work. What on earth are you talking about?

Are we not hearing them bang on about more 'COVID mitigations' constantly in the news at the moment? Just get on with teaching. There doesn't need to be any more measures put in place. COVID isn't going away. We don't need to mask children, we don't need to disrupt their education, we don't need to hear their union reps in the media with more demands. If teaching is too hazardous and isn't for them anymore go and work at Shoprite. I'd much rather my kids were taught by adults with backbones anyway.

Edited by Danoo
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14 hours ago, momo65 said:

This time they didn't notice, next time they might &  presumably you don't care about infecting others? 

Give it a rest with your unscientific guilt-tripping. This is a virus, you cannot stop the spread, only delay it. You get on with life and you let nature take it's course. Go and lock yourself away if living isn't for you anymore. 

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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

So why aren’t we vaccinating kids and dual dosing at that.

Because kids aren't at risk, the risk/benefit for vaccinating kids is non existent. Any society worth it's salt doesn't get kids to shield adults. The loss of even one child to any kind of side effect is not worth saving 10,000 adults. That's not how civilised societies work.  

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1 minute ago, Danoo said:

Because kids aren't at risk, the risk/benefit for vaccinating kids is non existent. Any society worth it's salt doesn't get kids to shield adults. The loss of even one child to any kind of side effect is not worth saving 10,000 adults. That's not how civilised societies work.  

Kids have got it, kids have got long Covid, kids have died. There is most definitely a risk to kids. Most other countries are double vaccinating kids 12+. Moral mazes and compasses don’t change with geographical/political boundaries.

Morally bankrupt, corrupt, Boris led, Britain hasn’t any claim to the moral high ground on Covid, as the figures show. And now IoM figures are worse.


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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Kids have got it, kids have got long Covid, kids have died. There is most definitely a risk to kids. Most other countries are double vaccinating kids 12+. Moral mazes and compasses don’t change with geographical/political boundaries.

Morally bankrupt, corrupt, Boris led, Britain hasn’t any claim to the moral high ground on Covid, as the figures show. And now IoM figures are worse.


Kids are not at risk. Lots of children with underlying health issues fall ill and suffer long term consequences or die as a matter of course. If the parents of those children want to attempt to offer some extra security then fine. But leave the rest of the kids alone. A society that views it's next generation as dangerous walking biohazards isn't a society any of us should aspire to live in. 

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

There will be masks in schools here within the next couple of weeks. You can just see the line of trajectory here. 

Are they masked up in parts of the UK?  I am in Wales today and my nieces and nephews aren’t so why would we? 

I am not disagreeing with you as I think that is what they are angling for, just wondering if parts of the UK are?  Surely at secondary school the majority have had the option to get jabbed anyway?

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19 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

There will be masks in schools here within the next couple of weeks. You can just see the line of trajectory here. 

There is the option for masks in schools now. I don't think they wil go down that road, it always has and will remain optional. 

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36 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s very clear what the teachers are pushing for here and we will be bullied in line with that thinking is my guess. Regardless of what the UK is doing. Some groups simply don’t want the comfort blanket of covid rules over with. 

If we do follow this trajectory we should hold the line. We cannot have a union bullying the public into an action that no-one wants apart from them. 

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7 minutes ago, Danoo said:

If we do follow this trajectory we should hold the line. We cannot have a union bullying the public into an action that no-one wants apart from them. 

There appear to be quite a few loons who would like to see all the kids masked up.

A vocal minority, but there are a few and most of the normal people tend to be the ones who just sit quietly with better things to do than kick up a fuss

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21 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

There appear to be quite a few loons who would like to see all the kids masked up.

A vocal minority, but there are a few and most of the normal people tend to be the ones who just sit quietly with better things to do than kick up a fuss

You don't make a national policy based on union jockeying and vocal loons on Facebook. I imagine quite a few will move to home schooling until this dies down if they do.

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5 hours ago, Danoo said:

So you're suggesting we play hide and seek forever then?

Let's leave silly similes & attempted put downs to the school yard. 

We all want the same thing. To get to a steady state where Covid is a background illness at likely persistent low levels & causing no disruption. Big waves of any disease be it flu, d&v, TB, plague or Covid are disruptive. Lots of people sick at the same time off work, off school etc causes disruption & of course there's disruption to routine health services as part of that. 

So what's the quickest & easiest way for us to achieve that with a disease which has a fairly limited post infection immunity? The answer is to prevent big spikes.

Waves occur when there's a lot of susceptible people. Where natural immunity wanes fairly quickly & predictably that means all those infected in this wave will be susceptible again about same time. So this wave creates the next. Over time, because not everyone's immunity expires on the same day the waves get progressively smaller, but that may take several cycles of disruption to achieve, typically 4 or 5 without vaccine effects. 

However if you put minor mitigations in place people get infected at a slower rate & their immunity will not all expire at the same time. That means no disruptive waves and you achieve the steady state much more quickly. 

So you either choose the safest, quickest route to "normality" or you go with the more disruptive, longer, more expensive way. 

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