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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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43 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

Mixing up couriers. The initial contract to deliver LTF Tests was awarded to Manx Independent Carriers much to the absurd outrage of the empire of the self-entitled, self-serving IOM Post Office hierarchy.

And then outsourced to Hermes.

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49 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

Mixing up couriers. The initial contract to deliver LTF Tests was awarded to Manx Independent Carriers much to the absurd outrage of the empire of the self-entitled, self-serving IOM Post Office hierarchy.

Absurd outrage? Would you like for there to no longer be an Isle of Man Post Office? I thought it was very short-sighted and frankly idiotic to not give the contract to IOMPO. Absolutely made zero sense. 

ETA It made even less sense when MIC then outsourced to Hermes. As has been noted above, they can be very unreliable. Some of the couriers are fantastic (the one in my area is) but others are abysmal. The one before the current guy was terrible.

Haven't had a single problem either since the PO took over the delivery of smaller packages. Even though the current Hermes guy is good, the company itself still screws up and he does his best to rectify their mistakes. 

Edited by Zarley
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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ve always found Hermès brilliant to be honest. But hopefully these kits will have serial numbers so it will be easy to trace where they came from. Unless NHS procurement is so bad that you can just dump thousands of pounds worth of essential kit and nobody knows where it came from.

Hermes are godawful as a company.

Local drivers can be a godsend, some of them go above and beyond what they ever should over here.

Just see Joe Lycett's points on Hermes, or their customer satisfaction ratings.

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On 10/19/2021 at 12:49 PM, Zarley said:

QEII High School has also made mask wearing mandatory.

Awaiting outrage from the usual suspects.


Literally nobody cares.  Even the schools who are allegedly making masks mandatory.

I know, let’s make them all wear meals in the corridors and then sit them all next to each other and encourage them to blow as much out of their lungs into the room as is physically possible.  Then after school they can all go to an indoor sports session or cram into a small dance studio with 50 others and do loads of exercise.

Time to give up with the virtue signalling and “suggestion” of masks and just crack on which is what most are doing anyway.

And get the borders fully open.  Why on earth are some people still not able to visit?

Friday 15th October saw over 60 musicians entertain an enthusiastic audience in the sixth annual concert performed jointly by the QEII High School Wind Band and the Isle of Man Wind Orchestra. 
Both bands played a short programme each during the first part of the evening that featured music from John Williams, Adele, G.F. Handel, Neil Diamond and British composer Nigel Hess amongst others. The bands then combined to perform together which this year featured music from ‘Stage and Screen’. The joint performance began with Mr Dunderdale from the IOMWO conducting the theme music from ‘Wallace and Gromit’ before moving on to Leonard Bernstein’s ‘West Side Story’. Mr Dunderdale then handed the baton over to QEII’s Mr Kinley who directed both bands through the evening’s finale of music from 'Mamma Mia’ and ‘Les Miserables’. 
The evening was once again a great success and raised over £600 for QEII High School Association! 

Further pictures of the concert can be found on the school website by following the link below –




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18 hours ago, Zarley said:

''.................I thought it was very short-sighted and frankly idiotic to not give the contract to IOMPO. Absolutely made zero sense. ETA It made even less sense when MIC then outsourced to Hermes.......................''

1. The IOM PO is a Statutory Board  and commercial trading entity They bid for this contract and to their disgrace they were outbid by MIC. The costs of the IOM Post Office to the taxpayers and the customers ARE absurd.

2.  Looking at their service levels taking but one example my mail arrives between 10.45 and 14.25. That is needlessly random and unacceptable nonsense. Absurd.

3. I receive items from many suppliers often using UK Post Office 48 hours tracked. Frequently the UK PO tracking page shows the package has arrived here on the early morning mail flight but it is then not delivered to me (in Douglas!) until 1 or 2 days later. If a weekend intervenes that becomes 3 or 4 days later. Absurd.

4.  Hermes for the past 5+ years takes only 2 or 3 days from the UK business sending it to reach me which beats the UK & IOM Post Office constantly. 

5. Hermes deliver to me between 9 & 10am and that is far earlier than the IOM Post Office ever manage. 

6. Hermes deliver routinely on Saturdays as if it was just another weekday - something that the IOM Post Office refuse to do in spite of Saturday being when most people are at home. I had two packages delivered by Hermes at 9.20am this morning which I only ordered on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. 

The Isle of Man Post Office repeatedly shows that it is a smug, badly run and self-serving empire with no regard for its customers. That IS aburd.

Edited by Cassie2
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2 hours ago, Cassie2 said:

1. The IOM PO is a Statutory Board  and commercial trading entity They bid for this contract and to their disgrace they were outbid by MIC. The costs of the IOM Post Office to the taxpayers and the customers ARE absurd.

2.  Looking at their service levels taking but one example my mail arrives between 10.45 and 14.25. That is needlessly random and unacceptable nonsense. Absurd.

3. I receive items from many suppliers often using UK Post Office 48 hours tracked. Frequently the UK PO tracking page shows the package has arrived here on the early morning mail flight but it is then not delivered to me (in Douglas!) until 1 or 2 days later. If a weekend intervenes that becomes 3 or 4 days later. Absurd.

4.  Hermes for the past 5+ years takes only 2 or 3 days from the UK business sending it to reach me which beats the UK & IOM Post Office constantly. 

5. Hermes deliver to me between 9 & 10am and that is far earlier than the IOM Post Office ever manage. 

6. Hermes deliver routinely on Saturdays as if it was just another weekday - something that the IOM Post Office refuse to do in spite of Saturday being when most people are at home. I had two packages delivered by Hermes at 9.20am this morning which I only ordered on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. 

The Isle of Man Post Office repeatedly shows that it is a smug, badly run and self-serving empire with no regard for its customers. That IS aburd.

1. What cost to tax payers? It’s turned a profit for all bar 2 of the last 30 years. And IoMG take a cut.

2. it will depend on who does the round, what route they take, volume of post.

3. I think the tracking shows arrived IoM when handed over at East Midlands. Bit like Hermes showing local depot when it’s actually in Bolton.

4. you’ve been very lucky. That’s not my Hermes experience at all.

5. that’s down to your self employed driver who only covers a small area. Depends when they go collect and when they choose to deliver.

6. It’s a GIG economy job. They deliver around what suits then with other jobs/responsibilities.

if I was sending stuff I’d never choose Hermes. If I had the choice when ordering I’d pay more and choose the post office every time.

Hermes is an exploitative business, paying less than minimum wage to self employed drivers. No pension, sick pay, holiday pay. Most are using their own cars, wonder how many are insured for business use? It has no customer service ( and yes I know IoMPO doesn’t have the best customer service - but at least you can speak to someone )

There are all sorts of things like safe place you can nominate to the PO. Safe place to Hermes is lobbed over the fence, or in full view on the door step, or in the rain, or another address entirely.

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On 10/17/2021 at 9:23 PM, Ramseyboi said:

High level of natural immunity because they got clobbered early doors.

We locked ourselves away, but will get there eventually

Really ?

I seem to remember the Italian and Spanish lockdowns being a whole lot stricter than anything experienced in the UK .

I guess it just doesn't suit your psychotic agenda eh ? 

Funny that

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2 minutes ago, floors4u said:

Really ?

I seem to remember the Italian and Spanish lockdowns being a whole lot stricter than anything experienced in the UK .

I guess it just doesn't suit your psychotic agenda eh ? 

Funny that

Psychotic agenda?  To protect as many people as possible until vaccinations were rolled out and then get as back to normal as possible without having our life’s dictated by measures to protect a tiny percentage of people who might still be at risk and who if really concerned can take measures to protect themselves?

Is that psychotic?  I think it’s a pretty widely held view to be honest.

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Bloody hell.  This Walter actually got elected and from some of his fb posts it would seem he is pro more mitigation and restrictions.

I fear a very difficult Christmas for hospitality.  Are most places cracking on with Christmas party etc?


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