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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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19 minutes ago, Danoo said:

I take it he would be okay in foregoing his salary for that period and having to apply for some form of assistance via the salary support scheme. We're all in it together hey. 

And then getting refused any support. I am still paying back debts incurred during the last one

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Moorhouse was already sitting on the front bench because he he got more votes than Cregeen in 2016.

And he asked 769 questions in the previous Tynwald, more than any other member (just beating Hooper on 758[1]).  So you might not like what he is doing, but you can't pretend it's new. 


[1]  Mercifully the Tynwald data app counts these thing up, so we don't have to.

Moor house spends all his time keeping his constituents happy. Even when they are wrong. He doesn’t particularly have any great policies other than keeping himself in a job by keeping those happy that get him that job.

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3 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

A guy in our office questioned a couple of MHK's on the lockdown rumour. He was told emphatically that there will be no more lockdowns, we have to learn live with this. 

Telling people they need to 'learn to live with it' implies it is hard. 

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Not a soul wants a lockdown. Those using mitigations are working to prevent disruption and need for restrictions. Those who aren't using mitigations are the people working on increasing the chances of restrictions or lockdowns. 

Both are living with it. We live with traffic but restrict our behaviour to reduce the liklihood of disruption & injury. Living with things isn't ignoring them, it's dealing with them. 

Edited by momo65
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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

With respect that’s total nonsense. People are just getting on with it and living with covid as directed. It’s not like the IOM or even Douglas is a crowded city where people are packing into shops or huge office blocks or are rammed onto public transport etc. There aren’t going to be anymore lockdowns. Most people have been vaccinated. Move on. 

Thanks for the advice. Just checking do you have some scientific or medical background or just someone who doesn't know about what they are discussing? With respect. 

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13 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Does it really matter what background you have in order to express an opinion? I’m tired of listening to doom-mongers like you forecasting Armageddon and supporting submitting the public to further social experiments. As that’s all they are - social experiments. None of the foretold doom and gloom has actually happened. Whether you wear a mask or not. So frankly don’t lecture to me like you’re Chris Whitty.

I haven't forecast Armageddon or any other apocalypse so that's your own construct. I've said it will settle to a steady state in time and it will. Avoiding the issue now with simple things like masks and air filters means it will take longer. Whether 6ou are fed up or not doesn't alter it. 

Of course it matters whether someone has those backgrounds. Not all opinions are equal. I don't for a minute think I'm as bright as Chris Whitty. So again if you feel lectured to then just as you like to say "move on". 

So whether you are fed up or not, people will spoil your peaceful ignoring of the facts, by sometimes pointing them out. Live with it and move on. With respect. 

Edited by momo65
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20 minutes ago, momo65 said:

Thanks for the advice. Just checking do you have some scientific or medical background or just someone who doesn't know about what they are discussing? With respect. 

You sound like an absolute bellend, so don't be patronising hard working people on here who are just expressing an opinion and want to move on with their lives. With respect.  

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6 minutes ago, momo65 said:

I haven't forecast Armageddon or any other apocalypse so that's your own construct. I've said it will settle to a steady state in time and it will. Avoiding the issue now with simple things like masks and air filters means it will take longer. Whether 6ou are fed up or not doesn't alter it. 

Of course it matters whether someone has those backgrounds. Not all opinions are equal. I don't for a minute think I'm as bright as Chris Whitty. So again if you feel lectured to then just as you like to say "move on". 

So whether you are fed up or not, people will spoil your peaceful ignoring of the facts, by sometimes pointing them out. Live with it and move on. With respect. 

You're not going to get the mitigations, restrictions and lockdowns that you crave as there is no appetite for it.

I know you think of yourself of some kind of pseudo-intellectual with intimate knowledge of virology and pandemics but you don't. You're just a frustrated doom monger who finds comfort in espousing your views online as most people in the real world would give them short thrift. 


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1 hour ago, Peter Layman said:

A guy in our office questioned a couple of MHK's on the lockdown rumour. He was told emphatically that there will be no more lockdowns, we have to learn live with this. 

This is the Isle of Man. Every office has a guy like the above.

MHKs with that sudden total knowledge brain implant as soon as they swear the oath, eh.

We don't know what the future holds and certainly not what a couple of MHKs say, emphatically or otherwise.

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43 minutes ago, Danoo said:

You sound like an absolute bellend, so don't be patronising hard working people on here who are just expressing an opinion and want to move on with their lives. With respect.  

If you don't like opinions move on. However people who think mitigations have a part to play are as entitled to express their opinions as you. Live with it

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39 minutes ago, Danoo said:

You're not going to get the mitigations, restrictions and lockdowns that you crave as there is no appetite for it.

I know you think of yourself of some kind of pseudo-intellectual with intimate knowledge of virology and pandemics but you don't. You're just a frustrated doom monger who finds comfort in espousing your views online as most people in the real world would give them short thrift. 


Oh dear the level of discussion is name calling. Mitigations work and speed things up. Lockdowns should not happen or need to but just pretending it's gone away does not make it so. 

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48 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It very much does. There is no public appetite for further restrictions or lockdowns and Government knows that. They won’t happen as the public has had enough and the economy can’t take another hit either and if the vaccination process hasn’t worked then we’re all screwed anyway. They’re now pushing booster vaccine jabs. If three jabs for the vulnerable don’t make them safe then most sane sensible people will work out that it’s all a waste of time and just crack on. Another UK lockdown simply will not happen. If the NHS can’t cope without locking people up inside their own homes again then basically the NHS is the problem.

So you're going to scream and scream till you make yourself sick trying to pretend it's not real because it's inconvenient. You may choose to ignore it but it may not choose to ignore you or yours 

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

You seem to be the one doing the screaming to be honest. I have offered a rational view which you clearly disagree with. As I have said the UK government knows there is zero appetite for further lockdowns and they won’t be able to enforce them anyway. They are also now over two trillion in debt following a pandemic response which has wrecked parts of the economy. If you think the public will go back to standing in their gardens clapping like goons for a government and a system that has badly let them down again you are sorely misguided I’m afraid. 

Never underestimate the ease with which the public can be manipulated.

Edited by Ham_N_Eggs
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33 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You seem to be the one doing the screaming to be honest. I have offered a rational view which you clearly disagree with. As I have said the UK government knows there is zero appetite for further lockdowns and they won’t be able to enforce them anyway. They are also now over two trillion in debt following a pandemic response which has wrecked parts of the economy. If you think the public will go back to standing in their gardens clapping like goons for a government and a system that has badly let them down again you are sorely misguided I’m afraid. 

Clapping was a pointless activity that those in the NHS neither asked for or wanted. It was an attempt by government to suggest we are all in it together & build community resilience. It wasn't for the benefit of the people being clapped it was for the benefit of the clappers and government. So no worry if that never happend again. 

We all want this to go away and disappear back to a story for medical journals. Each wave will dig it all up again. As someone else said its like a bouncing ball. Eventually it will stop but it will stop quicker if you damp it down. That's all that is being said

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