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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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56 minutes ago, tetchtyke said:

It's mandatory on the bus to school, it's mandatory in the corridors, it's mandatory in the dining hall, it's mandatory on the way home. Some things might theoretically be "discretionary" but not really. The list of locally restricted areas expands by the day.

Pubs and restaurants are, largely, insisting on masks when you're not sat at a table. They're mandatory in shops, on buses.

Call it "scare tactics" if you want, but I like being able to see my friends and I like not having to wear a mask.

Across have all these rules and yet, for travel from most of Europe, they have a 2-week quarantine as well.

But it’s not mandatory & not required at all in primary schools so not sure why you say it is?


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40 minutes ago, Banker said:

But it’s not mandatory & not required at all in primary schools so not sure why you say it is?


Most of it is mandatory and the bits that aren't may as well be. It's a brave headteacher who doesn't insist, even in areas without it.

I didn't mention primary school children? But since you did, in Scotland they need to be masked up on the school bus. A 5yo having to wear a mask to school. Madness.

The border rules mean we don't need those other rules. So I'm quite happy with the status quo for now. People can leave and return if they need to and the rest of us don't need to wear a mask or queue in Tesco's car park. That suits me, and I've also got family across I've not seen since March.

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

I've asked this a number if times to different people and never get an answer.  At the start of all this it was about protecting the nhs and flattening the curve now it seems to have changed to never having a case again. What is the end game here? With more and more tests being done in the uk the 1 in 5000 infection rate seems fanciful. Scotland released their figures today just over 200 positive tests around 1% of tests done in the last 24 hours, despite high figures the hospital admissions and deaths are way down. 

The virus is mutating and there is always the risk that it can continue to cause long term damage to people who get the virus and survive.


So the long term goal is regular testing for everyone. If you have the virus you self isolate.


At the start the risk was that the virus could run rampant if unchecked.

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55 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Politicians dont liketo admit they were wrong, just look at the bus lane on glencrutchery road. I dont think theres any great conspiracy theory in my opinion in the beginning governments were seeing pictures from wuhan of people dropping dead in the streets didnt know what we were dealing with and done such a good job of scaring people to keep them in (i agree with the early restrictions by the way) that now they are having a tough time trying to get out of it. They cant just turn around after decimating businesses airline industry etc and say sorry we over reacted. 

I could be well out and this winter sees millions of us drop dead but at the moment a lot of people are ignoring the restrictions in the uk cases are up death and hospital admissions are low which suggests the virus has ran its course. 

As I say all the above is my opinion and I may be well wrong.

Politicians love nothing more than to claim credit for things they haven't done.

"Hello proles, Covid was hideous but we've bravely fought it off because of how amazing we are. So get back to work you horrible little oiks!" would be a much easier message to deliver.

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3 minutes ago, prism10 said:

The virus is mutating and there is always the risk that it can continue to cause long term damage to people who get the virus and survive.

PMSL, I think the bigger risk is the long term debilitating brain rotting disease it seems to cause in the frontal lobes of people who read any random and unsourced article about Covid-19 they can get their hands on. 

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7 people have died (per day) on average in the last week across the UK.

That being persons that had presented Corona Virus symptoms 28 days or less prior to their demise, the cause of death not necessarily attributable to Covid itself.

Less than 10 persons per day, that might or might not have died anyway.

450 people die every day of cancer. That figure will no doubt soar in 2020 as cases are ignored or diagnosed / treated too late.

A 75,000,000 population!

Quite incredible how people are still petrified of this thing, truly remarkable.

Time to GET REAL.

Edited by Nom de plume
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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

Once the furlough ends in the uk in october it would not surprise me to see the same in the uk.

The UK will simply create liquidity. If necessary inflating its way out of the hole. It was going to have to again sooner or later anyhow, even without Covid. Same, more or less, in the US. Jerome Powell's hugely significant speech last week sets the scene. So what if the USD stops being the world's currency - if they're sick of running it to the advantage of other countries?

It's not really a big deal economically either. It's kind of already been priced in.

Edited by pongo
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Just a question for the people who might know, Do they now have a ward separate to the main hospital so if people succumb to covid19 it will not require the whole Hospital to be closed and put peoples lives at risk due to missed appointments and/or treatment. These deaths will will not show up for many months to come, and that is from the last closure. 

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2 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Nice to see that you agree, and in fact state, that the government set policy is actually to psychologically control people through fear by not allowing them to seek out any form of test to see if they actually have it. Thats been clear from the very start to me. But the fact is the tests are being done after 7 days here so nobody has the opportunity to be slack with anything when they are at the highest risk of transmitting and some people have paid no attention to self isolation rules anyway whether tested or not. 

Not sure she is saying control through fear.

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5 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I find your strange obsession with the downfall of fiat currently hilarious to be honest. It never usually seems to take long for you to get those comments in. 

It's not the downfall of govt money. In many ways it's the triumph of govt money. It's govt money as an instrument being used to solve real problems.

But obviously it shouldn't be considered an investment. 

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