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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Came to an agreement in principle for a deal with a company that was owned by the Charity.  When they went to the Charity Trustees for approval (which allegedly they didn't need to get anyway) the Charity shot it down and told them they couldn't proceed.  The only reason I could determine was that the Trustees were being obstructive dicks, so I started digging into the whole structure and it was just frankly weird with no sensible rationale.  As Charities are 'public interest' and I could see their Accounts (which also looked weird) so raised it with the AG to get their input.  As noted they basically just said 'weird' is not a reason for to investigate.

Aah, that makes sense, thanks.  I would disagree though, for a regulated service provider  "weird" is very much a reason to put them on enquiry.  Perhaps in the context of the actual situation it was right, but I would hate to rely on it in an AML context. 

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11 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Aah, that makes sense, thanks.  I would disagree though, for a regulated service provider  "weird" is very much a reason to put them on enquiry.  Perhaps in the context of the actual situation it was right, but I would hate to rely on it in an AML context. 

Local CSP is used only for Reg Agent for some subsidiaries.  The Charity Trustees are all on island and 'employed' by the Trust and the company I was dealing with was also run and managed by properly employed directors on island. 

Edited by The Phantom
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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

NZ are going to see the same thing when they open up (if ever) except times 1000.  It's going to put their health service under massive strain.  They've simply delayed the inevitable and will receive it in one massive hit rather than being staggered.

Shame really, I thought Arden did quite well initially.  But now she just comes across as a scared mum. 

My understanding with regards to NZ, is that they have lost the handle on the highest areas of the socially economically deprived mainly indigenous communities, particularly in South Auckland near the airport, and it is these communities that are the significant bulk of Covid infections.

As often happens around the world in many ethnic communities, it is these low paid and often poorly educated folk, who have been left behind by the system. They are living in high occupation areas with poor facilities, in close proximity to each other, they simply can’t work from home (probably because the financial assistance isn’t available to them), and are therefore working in low paid essential jobs (shops, hospitals, airports etc).  Their distrust of the state along with misinformation, has resulted in a low uptake on vaccinations in these communities. I stand to be corrected, but I thought this was the area of transmission that NZ is primarily struggling to cope with, and they knew that sooner or later this would bite pretty Arden on her bottom?

Edited by Will Halsall
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52 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Open the borders properly, stop reporting figures, get the teachers out of masks, and let us all just crack on as normal.

I don't mind the reporting of figures, but I don't see the point in testing anymore, except where it is really required. Reporting new cases, new recoveries, total active cases and number in hospital is all that matters now.

And, stop giving away LFTs 

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2 hours ago, Cambon said:

I don't mind the reporting of figures, but I don't see the point in testing anymore, except where it is really required. Reporting new cases, new recoveries, total active cases and number in hospital is all that matters now.

And, stop giving away LFTs 

I was feeling a bit rough over the weekend and was due to visit my father who is 89 so decided to do an LFT, glad I did, both my wife and I were tested both positive with the virus, I feel ok today although the missus is feeling a bit sick but no coughing etc. I am all in favour of LFTs they do have a place. 

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1 hour ago, Blackajah said:

Don't let the Twitter Doom coven hear any of this - they'll be after you with pitchforks!  They're still on there screaming for masks and other mitigations.  

IOM Twitter is practically non existant. There are ~3 covid obsessed accounts all retweeting the same thing and mainly trolling Lawrie Hooper, its hardly a large online movement!

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I love it when IoM Twitter (usually a Covid coven) has a go at Manx Forums. It's brillo!!!

I do feel at times we have a coven operating on Manx Forums, but I think we have them under control.

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I don’t really do Twitter so just looked t the last few people responding to the health minister.

Wow!  These people can not be leading very fulfilling lives right now.  There is a bloke stressing that if they don’t do boosters between Xmas and New Year that some people will have been six months and a few days since their second jab and could overwhelm the hospital.

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3 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

I don’t really do Twitter so just looked t the last few people responding to the health minister.

Wow!  These people can not be leading very fulfilling lives right now.  There is a bloke stressing that if they don’t do boosters between Xmas and New Year that some people will have been six months and a few days since their second jab and could overwhelm the hospital.

If it’s the rant I seen (was actually a woman), Lawrie but her firmly in place.

The guy has gone up in my estimations 😎

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I'm blocked by most of them now I think. It's definitely cleaned up my timeline. Not even for being nasty, just for thinking vaccinate adults and get on with it is perfectly reasonable. In response i've been called 'psychotic', a 'minimiser', a 'child'; I've been told I'm ignorant, don't care, bored, someone who wants children to suffer; had "DO SOME SCIENCE" yelled by one completely unhinged lunatic, weird kind of vague mysterious threats about 'we'll see' as if I''' be personally responsible if suddenly everyone died. Oh and that I actively want to harm my own child.

Weirdly, I've often managed to trigger both groups of crazies at the same time. Smileys and Frownies.

It's not entirely their fault though, the alarmists. For obvious reasons people have serious skepticism about what the UK government are up to, and how they've handled things. So when a shiny reasonably well packaged alternative group of scientists and academics presents itself to the media, marketed as 'independent' and on the attack you can see why they'd pick up fans. 

That group have a lot to answer for for the mental damage they've done to some people.

Edited by TheTeapot
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15 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

I don’t really do Twitter so just looked t the last few people responding to the health minister.

Wow!  These people can not be leading very fulfilling lives right now.  

If you think it's bad here for trolls and rants, all you need to do is check out Twitter. 

It truly is a cesspit populated mostly by lowlife scum permanently outraged by something or another. 

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