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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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But surely you don't count anything over the weekend, and on Monday all the testing gets caught up with, then Tuesday gives you the figures for 3 days?

A rather simplistic view I know, and doesn't explain anything, but realistically, I don't think you can take too much notice of today's count.

See what it looks like tomorrow.

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12 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

But surely you don't count anything over the weekend, and on Monday all the testing gets caught up with, then Tuesday gives you the figures for 3 days?

A rather simplistic view I know, and doesn't explain anything, but realistically, I don't think you can take too much notice of today's count.

See what it looks like tomorrow.

Testing gets done and the numbers released on a week round basis so it shouldn't make a difference.  But there may be a Monday effect (people may have had a LFD test over the weekend and book a test for the Monday).  As ever and as you say, we ought to be very cautious about a single day's figures anyway.

The same may apply to hospital numbers as well - it may be easier to discharge people on a Monday than over the weekend, especially if they require support.

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4 hours ago, Beelzebub3 said:

I was feeling a bit rough over the weekend and was due to visit my father who is 89 so decided to do an LFT, glad I did, both my wife and I were tested both positive with the virus, I feel ok today although the missus is feeling a bit sick but no coughing etc. I am all in favour of LFTs they do have a place. 

Of course LFTs have a place. However, while they are free, people will stockpile and dispose of ad we saw the other week. If they just started charging, say, £1 per test, people would not stock pile and the situation would be taken more seriously. 

Withregard to your own situation, dl you really think it would have been wise to visit you 89 year old Dad when you were feeling off colour? Regardless of Covid? 

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6 hours ago, quilp said:



4 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:



4 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

I literally logged in to Twitter today for the first time since 2014!  Wtf are you laughing at ?


3 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:


and @quilpwhat is the issue?  Who do you think I am on there because I swear on my kids lives I don’t  use it? 


2 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

@the stinking enigma there is another one.  I dont post on Twitter so who on earth do you and your fellow Walters assume I am?

I was just having, literally, a laugh with you, pulling your leg. Hence the emoji.

Maybe not take yourself so seriously?


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