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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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11 hours ago, Cambon said:

Of course LFTs have a place. However, while they are free, people will stockpile and dispose of ad we saw the other week. If they just started charging, say, £1 per test, people would not stock pile and the situation would be taken more seriously. 

Withregard to your own situation, dl you really think it would have been wise to visit you 89 year old Dad when you were feeling off colour? Regardless of Covid? 

No it would not have been wise, hence the reason for the test, although if I had not done the LTF I would have thought I had a cold and carried on as normal and spread the virus throughout the rest of the clan. as regards charging for LFTs I would gladly pay £1 a go for them, but there are folk out there struggling to put food on the table and paying for LFTs would be down their priority list, sometimes in life we have to look after people who are less fortunate than ourselves and if that means passing out free LFTs to protect the less able in our community that is fine by me.

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4 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

No it would not have been wise, hence the reason for the test, although if I had not done the LTF I would have thought I had a cold and carried on as normal and spread the virus throughout the rest of the clan. as regards charging for LFTs I would gladly pay £1 a go for them, but there are folk out there struggling to put food on the table and paying for LFTs would be down their priority list, sometimes in life we have to look after people who are less fortunate than ourselves and if that means passing out free LFTs to protect the less able in our community that is fine by me.

You did have a cold, but it might not have been a cold for someone 89, regardless of vaccination. You did the right thing, and show clearly the value of having free and easy to use rapid tests available. 

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23 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

To the surprise of no one


"The findings of this cross-sectional analysis of a large, population-based French cohort suggest that persistent physical symptoms after COVID-19 infection may be associated more with the belief in having been infected with SARS-CoV-2 than with having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection."



Ah, the mysterious Long Covid that we have been brainwashed into being scared of and that certain members of this forum keep banging on about as one of the pillars for the justification of their desired mitigations. 

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49 minutes ago, Danoo said:

Ah, the mysterious Long Covid that we have been brainwashed into being scared of and that certain members of this forum keep banging on about as one of the pillars for the justification of their desired mitigations. 

And it's a favourite subject of the Doomwankers on Twitter.    If we don't all die, we're all going to get 'long covid' and be permanently affected/disabled.   It really is ridiculous.   

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I have no patience with people who are forever foretelling of doom, but I do have sympathy with people who have long covid - some of whom I know. One is a retired doctor, and about as far removed from the doom brigade as you can get.

Why are people on here trying to deny that it exists?

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6 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

I have no patience with people who are forever foretelling of doom, but I do have sympathy with people who have long covid - some of whom I know. One is a retired doctor, and about as far removed from the doom brigade as you can get.

Why are people on here trying to deny that it exists?

I don't think 'Long Covid' is any different to post viral fatigue / syndrome.   Would be interesting to get the Doc's view on this though.  Personally I just think you're giving a different name to something that already exists. 

It's no laughing matter however.  I had similar a few years back.  For about 4 months I lived permanently in slow mo and pretty much slept every spare minute I had.  

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On 11/6/2021 at 7:54 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

I’m not Ashford, Dr Glover

What amazes me is that she thinks that Ashey must spend his time on a Manx Forums with herself on his mind. From what I can see, he barely uses social media. She probably does even enter his head yet he is living in hers. She seriously needs to let it go. Time is moving on... 

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1 hour ago, FookADoodleDoo said:

What amazes me is that she thinks that Ashey must spend his time on a Manx Forums with herself on his mind. From what I can see, he barely uses social media. She probably does even enter his head yet he is living in hers. She seriously needs to let it go. Time is moving on... 

Running joke on the forum. Whenever someone seems to be supporting a government minister they get ‘accused’ of being them, or their wife, etc.  I don’t think many actually think that David Ashford posts here as ‘the voice of reason’. 

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11 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Running joke on the forum. Whenever someone seems to be supporting a government minister they get ‘accused’ of being them, or their wife, etc.  I don’t think many actually think that David Ashford posts here as ‘the voice of reason’. 


We all know THOR is the Bishop.

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Potentially big news, had been speculated on by people for a while. Keeps with the theory that this virus is just another cold and that regular infection by common respiratory viruses when young is a good thing

Guardian article https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/10/people-exposed-to-covid-yet-not-falling-ill-may-have-immune-memory-finds-study

Twitter thread and study from the authors 



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20 hours ago, FookADoodleDoo said:

What amazes me is that she thinks that Ashey must spend his time on a Manx Forums with herself on his mind. From what I can see, he barely uses social media. She probably does even enter his head yet he is living in hers. She seriously needs to let it go. Time is moving on... 

Hi Howard.

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22 hours ago, monasqueen said:

I have no patience with people who are forever foretelling of doom, but I do have sympathy with people who have long covid - some of whom I know. One is a retired doctor, and about as far removed from the doom brigade as you can get.

Why are people on here trying to deny that it exists?

Long Covid is just another name for illness. My sister suffered a pretty severe bout of the flu a few years ago, knocked her for 6 for a decent spell afterwards. She didn't refer to herself as suffering from Long Influenza, she just took that as a wake up call that her body wasn't in great shape if it couldn't fight off a flu bug without having some lasting issues, so she joined a gym, decided to lose the extra pounds and smartened up her diet. The 'Long Influenza' disappeared soon after. 

Post viral fatigue isn't new. What is new is the name given to it for this fancy new variation. 

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11 minutes ago, Danoo said:

Long Covid is just another name for illness. My sister suffered a pretty severe bout of the flu a few years ago, knocked her for 6 for a decent spell afterwards. She didn't refer to herself as suffering from Long Influenza, she just took that as a wake up call that her body wasn't in great shape if it couldn't fight off a flu bug without having some lasting issues, so she joined a gym, decided to lose the extra pounds and smartened up her diet. The 'Long Influenza' disappeared soon after. 

Post viral fatigue isn't new. What is new is the name given to it for this fancy new variation. 

Here's an interview with a couple of scientists working on aspects of long covid, its worth a read for anyone with a passing interest  https://www.science.org/content/article/how-scientists-are-teasing-apart-biology-long-covid

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