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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, quilp said:

So what you are implying is that "these minority of nutters" are endowed with the power to influence both the science and the state. Really?

They need reassuring and not endure the subjective ridicule promulgated by insufferable dolts such as yourself.

The Doom Coven just need to be told to be quiet and give their heads a wobble. 

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55 minutes ago, quilp said:

What, apart from the media, fuels people's anxiety and paranoia? Even in light of what we now know about transmissibility, the vaccines, precautionary measures, etc., some people remain unquestionably fearful.

Who is it they don't trust?

Science? Government? Themselves? Others? A combination of those, perhaps.

There is an element of 'information overload' in all of this. With the abundance of conflicting information via mainstream and social media, reports from accredited 'scientific' sources saying one thing then another, it's little wonder we have a minority panicked into believing the covid bogeyman lurks just around the corner poised to strike.

But does this social anxiety serve a purpose in a bigger picture? Are they the foil to those who clamour and bray that our borders should just open up as once was, thus allowing the virus to rip and be damned? The 'doomsayers' feel that their opinion is just as valid, that their message is at this stage collectively, that we cannot afford to be too relaxed about this virus, given that we are still in the middle of a pandemic.

If this Island experiences another potentially-unmanageable outbreak and resulting lockdown, they'll all be saying, 'we-told-you-so'.

Lots of big questions in there. 

I think a lot of it can squarely be placed on the conservative party. They're such fucking assholes, every single one. Despite them holding such a large majority in the house, the country as a whole is a lot less supportive. So there was a lot of anti-tory resentment out there already, and if you're so inclined you can easily play off that. They've made repeated mistakes too, building it themselves, which continues to feed it. Then there's the disgraceful corruption right from the very start. More fuel. The absolute worst possible government at the worst time.

Then there are people. Love splitting themselves up into tribes. Social media algorithms are even worse than partisan press, and people who've taken a view get stuck with it by their chosen and less chosen news sources endlessly confirming it, the whole echo chamber thing. Twitter is a good example, people put emojis or hastags in their name to warn you. If they've got a cats anus they're anti-sense, if they've got a bee they're a hypochondriac mum, if they've got #FBPE they're not going to listen to Boris with an open mind, about anything, ever. Might not be a bad thing, he's a lying shit.

And then there's science. Listen to it, follow it, all that shit. It frequently doesn't agree! To be fair to Witty and Valance, while the models they've commissioned and displayed to the public have mostly been wrong, a lot of what they've said has made sense. But despite their clear non-political stance they are seen as political, and so people don't trust them and seek alternatives. There is also bad science. Much of this is generated in the United States, and involves money.

Which brings me again to the alternative. The feeder of so much doom. The 'independent' sage and their various associates. I've been banging on about them for quite some time, but they're awful. Vallance said we'd like to open up in the summer to build as much immunity in the population as possible before the winter when everything would be worse, isage called it dangerous and unethical. But it is obviously the right thing. "You don't need a control group" said Deepti last month about long covid as she pushes out massive lies about it. Read that interview I posted yesterday to find out exactly why you absolutely do. All of our local alarmists and a few politicians follow this group, and share their stuff. They are wrong all the time and have been proved to be time and again and will be proved wrong in the future too. 

The psychologists have a lot to answer for.

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22 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I wouldn’t be too worried about Hooper if he’s in that job for three months he’ll be lucky. He’s a smug shifty individual who isn’t used to putting the hours in as his plea for people not to contact him attests. 

Minister for DHSC has got to be the hardest job in gov, I'm surprised he took it. Good luck to him really, I genuinely hope he can do some good. He should take a lesson from Ashford though and not openly demonstrate his ignorance.

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25 minutes ago, quilp said:

So what you are implying is that "these minority of nutters" are endowed with the power to influence both the science and the state. Really?

They need reassuring and not endure the subjective ridicule promulgated by insufferable dolts such as yourself.

What more reassurance do they want.

One of the main protagonists our former MLC has already publicly admitted that two of his close family/contacts have tested positive in the not too distant past.  He still seems plenty well enough to be tweeting about it.

The only way government are going to calm these people is to publish actual details of the covid deaths, and even then they won’t be happy.

It is everywhere, we are all exposed to it regularly, none of their worse case scenarios have even come close to playing out.

Just give it a rest.  They will die of something else having wasted the last years of their lives stressing if they don’t chill out.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

What, apart from the media, fuels people's anxiety and paranoia? Even in light of what we now know about transmissibility, the vaccines, precautionary measures, etc., some people remain unquestionably fearful.

Who is it they don't trust?

Science? Government? Themselves? Others? A combination of those, perhaps.

Before the internet, it was thought that the lack of access to information was the reason for mass stupidity.  Turns out to not be the case... 

27 minutes ago, quilp said:

So what you are implying is that "these minority of nutters" are endowed with the power to influence both the science and the state. Really?

Isn't that how it works?  Aren't laws generally put in place to control the stupid, loud and vocal few.  The silent and sensible majority generally know how to behave and what is right or wrong.

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A three-stage plan has been set out to keep Covid cases on the Isle of Man at a "manageable level" over the winter months, the chief minster has said.

It explains how the government could scale up mitigations like increased testing or working from home if health services become "overwhelmed".

How's that working out so far Alfie?  Can we use A&E at Nobles yet? Or is it still "overwhelmed" a month before winter starts?

Year after year we get the same story. How about we get the capacity to cope and then use the spare capacity to fix the obvious backlog in the off peak times?

Even if that is building a small medical facility at Peel and Castletown so minor treatments or the bed ridden can be transitioned home and free up beds at the hospital. That way you could have facilaites to do public health like winter vaccines, A&E light and give GP's access to

How about giving medical students full grants (like the old days) on the understanding that they'll either return to the island for an agreed period and work here or repay a portion of the grant. Help them build a career where its about ability and not just availability.

Get them before they have a family and other commtiments that means to get them to even consider coming here you have to offer eye-watering amounts that guarentee next to nothing.

What they've tried so far has failed time and again. There is no short term, easy fix. This needs a real strategic plan for the next 15-20 years. But as usual it'll have to get beyond crisis point before someone will get a grip. Meanwhile, people suffer. money is pissed away, staff strees out and we try to compete for staff with UK hospitals who are also in the same boat.

Maybe save the virtue signalling vanity bridges and hand wringing over 0.0025% contribution to world CO2 and the theoretical future suffering and deaths and deal with the actual suffering and deaths happening right now. 




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26 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Minister for DHSC has got to be the hardest job in gov, I'm surprised he took it. Good luck to him really, I genuinely hope he can do some good. He should take a lesson from Ashford though and not openly demonstrate his ignorance.

They will chew him up and spit him out in no time. It needs someone with considerably higher IQ then a turnip to make a difference in there, which rules him out before he starts.  

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I think Hooper may be okay he will have a very different approach from the past few ministers of health, he has already been around the hospital engaging with staff and hopefully listening.   It is a hell of a job and the most important, in my view, of all the departments.   Good health is everything in this crazy world it is the enabling tool to survive and enjoy life.

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15 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I think Hooper may be okay he will have a very different approach from the past few ministers of health, he has already been around the hospital engaging with staff and hopefully listening.   It is a hell of a job and the most important, in my view, of all the departments.   Good health is everything in this crazy world it is the enabling tool to survive and enjoy life.

Getting his boots on the ground rather than hiding away behind his inbox like his predecessor. That can only be a good thing. 

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4 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Even if that is building a small medical facility at Peel and Castletown so minor treatments or the bed ridden can be transitioned home and free up beds at the hospital. That way you could have facilaites to do public health like winter vaccines, A&E light and give GP's access to

We have the perfect opportunity in Peel. The Corrin Home site is right between the Peel Medical Centre and the Western Wellbeing Centre. They could join the two with a multi-use facility which includes some respite beds and some beds to replace what we had with the home. We've already recently extended PMC and have minor surgery capabilities. I had a minor surgery there last week. 

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3 hours ago, James Blonde said:

Getting his boots on the ground rather than hiding away behind his inbox like his predecessor. That can only be a good thing. 

Or Anderson. He was like the invisible man and his inbox it would appear was open to his constituents only.


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