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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

You sound concerned as that’s at least twice you’ve mentioned it now unprompted. You are certainly not anonymous especially to the admins and mods. 

Eh?  How would I not be anonymous?

Do I take it you signed up with a identifying email address?  Schoolboy error if you did.  I used a random email never used anywhere else 

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’m happy not to be anonymous. Subscribers accounts are linked to payment cards. But to assume that the admins don’t know who non subscribing people are is a bit naive to be honest. I suppose it relies on how much anyone trusts the admins. I manage a few hobby and special interest forums and it’s amazing what info you have access to as administrator. 

Anyone who enters info that would are them identifiable to an admin is a bit dumb.  Sorry.

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

That might equally apply to those who think they’re ok. On one of the groups I admin you’d be surprised what you can extract about users. The forum platforms are quite sophisticated these days. 

Sorry.  I and lots of others are completely anonymous to anyone, even the admins.  

Feel free to explain how that wouldn’t be the case.

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37 minutes ago, momo65 said:

As I said they could not have had a plan for an infection with these characteristics just sitting there. Nor probably could they have formulated one to cover all eventualities until autumn 2020 at the earliest due to lack of evidence of what they were dealing with. Any  plans at that stage would have included the eventuality of varients with worse characteristics (ie delta). So whether a plan at that stage would have changed substantially the actions is up for debate. 

As a concept I'd agree a plan should have been done then but it would have needed to be so flexible that the outcome may not have changed. What it might have stopped was bizarre all or nothing approach that swang from lockdown to no mitigations in a few short weeks with no change in circumstances to trigger it. Whatever side you take in mitigations v none, that swing was bizarre and almost certainly triggered by election approaching 

I agree a specific plan for Covid could not have been drawn up in anticipation.  But a framework plan for any national emergency could have been.  It would specify a decision making framework (not the decisions), the key committees and their composition including representation from the private sector, identify key national  infrastructure that had to be protected and those which could be suspended to allow resource to be diverted to areas of need, communication with the public, identification, contact details and involvement of voluntary organisations and civil defence, and so on. A professional emergency planner would be able to draft such a framework. 

There were probably such plans from the war, obviously out of date now, but there would be the bones of it.  The air raid siren used to sound every Saturday when I was a kid, which was probably the last vestige of a plan. Just after Summerland, another national emergency at the time, it was often impossible to get a phone line, so the framework would involve the communications network to be sure of a reliable information flow.  There are lessons which have been learnt in real life situations of the key points in any response plan. 

What we had was made up on the hoof, by people who may not have been best placed to make the kind of decisions required, vis the ridiculous time and expenditure in establishing the vax hubs.  Vulnerable people were told to self isolate but no support was given for shopping, etc.  that was left to private individuals to set up a network of helpers through the Helpout scheme. 

You can't have a specific plan for every eventuality but you can have a framework which targets effort in the right direction depending on the circumstances.  

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6 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

If that’s what you believe I’m sure it’s true 😂 As I said I manage a few hobby online forums and the data you can extract is interesting. 


ISO 27001?  If you want advise on getting there I can help 😂

I and lots of others are unidentifiable on here . 

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10 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well I don’t know who you are

I don’t know who Happier Diner, Gladys, Barlow, Ramseyboi (or anyone else using a pseudonym) is, which kind of blows your theory out of the water

it's not about knowing who anybody is on here 'now' , but if anybody on here posted anything that warranted legal action   then who they really were could be found out in short order 

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25 minutes ago, WTF said:

it's not about knowing who anybody is on here 'now' , but if anybody on here posted anything that warranted legal action   then who they really were could be found out in short order 

If you read the terms of the forum that's what it says. The admin will not give out identity unless an offence

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9 hours ago, Zarley said:

A typical sock puppet MO. 

Hardly.  Just a typical good oboe security move.

no way I would sign up with the same email address to loads of different sites, any one of which is liable to be the source of a data leak.

I suppose I should use the same password for all my different online accounts as well?


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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

If you read the terms of the forum that's what it says. The admin will not give out identity unless an offence

And they don’t have identify anyway.  They have an email address and probably IP addresses (which are of very little use if someone runs a VPN and maybe some details about what device and browser you post from

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10 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

And they don’t have identify anyway.  They have an email address and probably IP addresses (which are of very little use if someone runs a VPN and maybe some details about what device and browser you post from

Yes that's correct. However the point I am making is that to pass any details that might identify anyone would be an offence unless the police had a warrant to request the information. 

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