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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s been an issue for a while. Especially as most of the younger players in any team are unlikely to be double vaxxed so basically they can’t come to the IOM and play on the same day of arrival. Makes you wonder why on earth our government still thinks it’s 2020. No wonder there are big doubts still being cast over the TT too. 

You can arrive on Island with one dose of the appropriate jab if you're 12-17.

Uptake of them is pretty high, 40% of households with 12-15 year olds had taken them according to ONS, another 43% said the child is very or fairly likely to take it.

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6 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Surely the only ones that can't get in are probably the ones who think it's all a big con anyway.

Are we really missing out on their charms?

There are plenty of perfectly normal people who don’t want to be double jabbed.

Why can’t they come in when people from here who don’t want to be double jabbed can go away and come back?

It makes no sense at all

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2 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

It’s been an issue for a while. Especially as most of the younger players in any team are unlikely to be double vaxxed so basically they can’t come to the IOM and play on the same day of arrival. Makes you wonder why on earth our government still thinks it’s 2020. No wonder there are big doubts still being cast over the TT too. 

That doesn't seem to the case here - indeed the post Amadeus quoted mentioned them having to use junior players to replace unvaccinated senior ones.  So most should have had the chance to be fully vaccinated and you would think that sports teams would be the first to encourage their players to do so - you don't want your whole team being quarantined.

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8 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

There are plenty of perfectly normal people who don’t want to be double jabbed.

Why can’t they come in when people from here who don’t want to be double jabbed can go away and come back?

It makes no sense at all

Whether we like it or not the unvaccinated are going to become not welcome in most countries & increasingly not allowed into hospitality, sports events, theatres etc.

Australia have announced a ban on unvaccinated competing in Australian tennis open.

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27 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

 She’s level headed but even she said it’s like the beginnings of the persecution of the Jews all over again only this time the unvaccinated are the ‘scum! and should be eradicated.

She's not level headed if she is making that kind of wild comparison. More likely she has got sucked into the same kind of thinking which results in people imagining the whole thing to be a con.

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10 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Surely the only ones that can't get in are probably the ones who think it's all a big con anyway.

Are we really missing out on their charms?

Young fit lads barely out of education who have opted to pass on the vaccine for the time being due to the risk/benefit, are now flat earthers?


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5 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

you’re questioning the mental capacity of the person who is currently living in fear. 

I am not questioning her mental capacity. I am questioning her level-headedness. Because she said "it’s like the beginnings of the persecution of the Jews". 

On any scale that is, at very least, a deliberately OTT comparison. It is also historically and factually inaccurate given that the persecution of the Jews began at least as far back as the Middle Ages. What happened in the 1920s and 1930s began many centuries earlier.

It's a shrill comparison - almost the biggest thing she could say. Boom. But she is propagating a meme which is common on the anti-vax, anti-mask fringes and adding her own spin. It has become a common meme not just on the far right but also amongst many who might once have been called new-agers.


News Anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists use vile anti-Semitic memes to spread Covid misinformation online 


Several memes found by i compared the pandemic to the start of the Holocaust during WWII by suggesting guidance and rules on masks and vaccines are the beginning of a genocide


Antisemitic rhetoric continues to be used by some opponents of COVID-19 measures


Comparisons with Nazi era becoming a common refrain at protests against vaccine mandates and COVID rules


Kansas anti-vaxxers condemned for comparing vaccine mandates to the Holocaust by wearing yellow stars


Republican state lawmakers and anti-vaccine protesters have made comments comparing the vaccine mandate to the murder of more than six million Jews by the Nazis


Jewish leaders condemn ‘shocking’ Nazi references in debate on Victoria’s pandemic bill


Comparisons between the controversial pandemic powers and Nazi Germany are called ‘inappropriate and wrong’


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37 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

With respect, you’re not living there and experiencing it day in and day out.  Just because we’re not hearing about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. 

Seen there were riots in rotterdam a couple if days ago. As you say it's happening its just not being widely reported in fact what is being reported is the unvaccinated being treated like lepers. Me personally I'm done I'm not getting any boosters or anything. I survived pretty much 18 months of covid before the vaccine, my immune system is strong I am fit and healthy so I don't feel I need it to protect me 

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

Seen there were riots in rotterdam a couple if days ago. As you say it's happening its just not being widely reported in fact what is being reported is the unvaccinated being treated like lepers. Me personally I'm done I'm not getting any boosters or anything. I survived pretty much 18 months of covid before the vaccine, my immune system is strong I am fit and healthy so I don't feel I need it to protect me 

You clearly do not understand.

Personally I view anti-vaxxers as natural selection at work and certs for a Darwin Award.

Unfortunately some folks are very vulnerable to the virus. That's not their fault by the way. So the more folks who refuse vaccinations the more folks there are to spread the virus thus increasing the chances of vulnerable folks getting the virus and dying a nasty death from it.

Getting vaccinated is hardly a massive deal but it's incredibly thoughtless and selfish not to.

IMHO of course.

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49 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You clearly do not understand.

Personally I view anti-vaxxers as natural selection at work and certs for a Darwin Award.

Unfortunately some folks are very vulnerable to the virus. That's not their fault by the way. So the more folks who refuse vaccinations the more folks there are to spread the virus thus increasing the chances of vulnerable folks getting the virus and dying a nasty death from it.

Getting vaccinated is hardly a massive deal but it's incredibly thoughtless and selfish not to.

IMHO of course.

But I'm not an anti vaxxer, I've had vaccines for other things and how is it thoughtless and selfish not to get vaccinated? It's been proven being vaccinated doesn't stop you catching or passing covid on so whether I get vaccinated or not makes no difference to anyone else it would just be me that suffers. As I say prior to the vaccine I worked every day, I worked with people who got covid, I didn't need hospital treatment or die so what exactly will I need the booster for?

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7 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

But I'm not an anti vaxxer, I've had vaccines for other things and how is it thoughtless and selfish not to get vaccinated? It's been proven being vaccinated doesn't stop you catching or passing covid on so whether I get vaccinated or not makes no difference to anyone else it would just be me that suffers. As I say prior to the vaccine I worked every day, I worked with people who got covid, I didn't need hospital treatment or die so what exactly will I need the booster for?

But without the vax, you increase your chances of needing hospital treatment, blocking beds for others including those who cannot have the vax for medical reasons.  That is reason alone IMHO. 

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