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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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23 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

None of us have any idea do we?

Of the people I do know who have been in with COVID since this fares started, all but one would have been in hospital anyway and just happened to test positive.  One had come off his mountain bike.

Well I know of several who have been In hospital before the vaccinations were available who certainly wouldn’t have been in if vaccinated, I also know a number including elderly relatives who would have been in hospital if not vaccinated.

The anti vaxxers are the groups causing riots & trouble around the world & lots of them are linked to far right groups particularly in Austria, Germany, Holland & USA

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2 minutes ago, Banker said:

The anti vaxxers are the groups causing riots & trouble around the world & lots of them are linked to far right groups particularly in Austria, Germany, Holland & USA

That's such a generalisation. My daughter is just out of school so now an adult and eligible for the jab but she has decided that as she is about as fit as she will ever be and her chances of falling ill to COVID are virtually zero she will pass on it, for now. Completely reasonable approach to me.

That doesn't make her an anti-vaxxer, or a member of the far right or likely to go and throw a shopping trolley through Shoprite window.

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20 minutes ago, Danoo said:

That's such a generalisation. My daughter is just out of school so now an adult and eligible for the jab but she has decided that as she is about as fit as she will ever be and her chances of falling ill to COVID are virtually zero she will pass on it, for now. Completely reasonable approach to me.

That doesn't make her an anti-vaxxer, or a member of the far right or likely to go and throw a shopping trolley through Shoprite window.

I didn’t say that , I said the groups causing trouble are mainly anti vaxxers & many are linked to far right groups.

Its entirely upto your daughter but of course she won’t be allowed to travel or attend any music festivals etc across most of Uk with England probably following suit with Covid passports after Christmas 

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5 hours ago, Danoo said:

Young fit lads barely out of education who have opted to pass on the vaccine for the time being due to the risk/benefit, are now flat earthers?


Given that, including everyone over 12 in the UK, 88.2% of eligible have had their first dose, those “fit, healthy lads” are a pretty small minority. 

If you go to the ONS, 40% of households with those between 12-15 say they’ve already had the jab, another 43% percent say they’re going to have it. Source

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Wrighty has answered your question, unlikely to overwhelm Noble's. 

What I would also say is that if you have just started suffering from migraines, then a trip to your GP would be a good idea rather than automatically linking it to the vax. 

Don't want to overwhelm the gps

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57 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Travel will be the reason that young people get jabbed.   The young think that they are impervious to death or disaster that is why we all did crazy things which looking back I think my fairy godmother must have had strong nerves, very strong nerves 😇

You're not wrong I'm not old but I'm not young either, the only reason I got the vaccine was so I could leave this island and go watch the football

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

Don't want to overwhelm the gps

Gladys is right. There are many examples of medical coincidence. For example, bone cancer and minor trauma. It’s not that one is caused by the other, but it’s usually the case that a minor injury leads to someone doing an examination and finding something that’s been there a while. I certainly don’t want to alarm you, but I think your headaches are more likely to be coincidental rather than caused by a vaccine. And if they’re new for you, and have persisted beyond 6 weeks, get them looked at. 

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13 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You only have to read the newspapers piece today. By and large it’s scared old pensioners demanding others are mandated to do stuff to protect them as they’ve been petrified by government messaging:


People being mandated on how to behave for public health has been done for millennia. It's fundamental in supporting civilisation and society. This goes back well before the Romans etc. who were big on public health measures.

Re: jabs for health workers, they all have to have an array of jabs as a condition of employment, why should this one be any different?



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5 hours ago, Zarley said:

While it has been proven that the vaccine doesn't completely stop infection nor onward infection, it certainly does reduce the chances. It has also been shown to greatly reduce the incidence of serious illness and therefore the need for hospitalization. This is extremely important.

If you are unfortunate enough to become seriously ill and end up in Nobles due to covid (and you can't know for sure that you won't), it's not just you who suffers. It's also all the other people who are on waiting lists to be seen/treated for serious medical issues. Not to mention the people who care about you who will be distressed and suffer due to your illness or worse, your demise. Unless of course if such people simply do not exist in your life. 

I don't understand how anti-covid-vaxx people fail to see admit the connection between allowing covid to run unchecked - when there are mitigations such as vaccines available to alleviate the spread and severity of illness - and ever increasing hospital waiting list times. 

Anti-covid-vaxxers are, in my opinion, very selfish indeed. You're not on this planet alone and your actions affect other people. However I'm not convinced we can or should legislate against selfishness, but I don't think selfishness shouldn't be called out. 

So how do explain Gibraltar, a country described to be the most vaxxed on earth at 100% now cancelling Christmas due to "exponential rises in cases". Your argument taken from the media machine does not wholly add up as it clearly does not alleviate the spread of the disease.

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10 hours ago, pongo said:

She's not level headed if she is making that kind of wild comparison. More likely she has got sucked into the same kind of thinking which results in people imagining the whole thing to be a con.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

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