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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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14 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

And the jack boots was tongue in cheek - ie, while the world is fighting over whether vaccinated or unvaccinated people are in hospital or not - we’re losing sight of the bigger picture. Always. 

Please don’t ask me what the bigger picture is.  I don’t know the answer.:) 

Comparing the rise of the Nazis with getting folks vaccinated is well OTT.

As I remember it the Nazis were not known for causing very mild inconvenience for the good of all.

Not getting vaccinated means you completely fail to grasp the bigger picture.

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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

What has conspiracy theories got to do with Nazis?  I never mentioned nazis. I reported that my friend said that fascism was currently alive and well in Germany.

You said that your friend suggested this in the context of Covid - the idea that the response to Covid is like the persecution of the Jews (you said this yesterday). 

That is a meme common amongst many of conspiracy fringes. Mostly but not exclusively the far right.

It is also clearly inflammatory and, at best, fringe.

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On 11/21/2021 at 7:51 AM, Trackman said:

Does anyone know the reason why we still have the landing card kerfuffle here when we have 40 or 50 new cases daily announced? It's not like we are managing to keep it out by this control. Thank for for any sensible response.

Because it's a very good idea to protect people. Stuffing 160 people into a corridor with piss-poor ventilation for 20mins while each new arrivee at the desk at the front proclaims "Oh no, my ID is in my bag!" one by one.

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Vaccine - good

Personal choice - very good

Mandates - very bad

"Long-term effects" - mostly known, this does not refer to effects that start after a long time, it's effects that persist for a long time, but it's a good buzz-term that the anti-crowd have latched onto

Boosters - fine whatever if you want

Potentially changing definition of "unvaccinated" to mean "hasn't had a booster" - incredibly stupid and bad

Masks - still good

Border restrictions - pointless

Two-tier rules & society - stupid and bad, largely due to being mostly pointless, also morally very poor


There, you can all stop arguing because I've sorted it. You're welcome.


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14 hours ago, Roxanne said:

No. That’s not my take from the article. My take is that this constant ‘division’ between the people is dangerous.

15 hours ago, Roxanne said:

And the jack boots was tongue in cheek - ie, while the world is fighting over whether vaccinated or unvaccinated people are in hospital or not - we’re losing sight of the bigger picture. Always. 

Please don’t ask me what the bigger picture is.  I don’t know the answer.:) 

That wasn't apparent. If your only intent was to troll PK, then surely a post where he didn't actually comment himself but only (partially) quoted from and linked to a newspaper article wasn't really the place to troll with such emotive language if you weren't even commenting on the article.

To lay my cards on the table - I am vaccinated and I would like to see the whole world vaccinated to give everyone the best chance of moving forward. 

That said, I also believe in personal choice.

So does the doctor who wrote the article, as do I.  As I asked before, did you read the whole article?

 "Despite this, I find the idea of NHS and care staff being forced to be vaccinated very difficult."

I can tell, from your reaction to my post that there’s a lot more evidence of this ‘division’ that I’m not aware of. It’s a heated topic for sure and I’m sure people are getting worked up but to me it feels as if media of every variety has a piece in stirring people up and I’m not a fan.

 It’s stuff like this that really pulls people apart instead of uniting them. The more and more apart we are, the more vulnerable we become as a people and that’s not a good place to be in 

An emotive reference to jackboots - an obvious Nazi reference - isn't something that will stir people up and help divide them? And isn't the act of trolling a fellow poster precisely meant to divide?

Doubling down? I’m not sure what that is.  Betting?

Doubling down is to continue to do something in an even more determined way than before;  it originally comes from the game of blackjack.

The only influence my friend has in this is that our conversation started me thinking more about what’s going on there and the division of the people that caused it  I have no skin in this game. It’s her stuff, not mine. I was just the messenger  

Fair enough. But didn't you consider how being the messenger regarding your friend's perceptions might be received here? When scant details are given, people will rightly or wrongly fill in the blanks for themselves.



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25 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Because it's a very good idea to protect people. Stuffing 160 people into a corridor with piss-poor ventilation for 20mins while each new arrivee at the desk at the front proclaims "Oh no, my ID is in my bag!" one by one.

I was on a full flight from Liverpool on the tenth of this month. As you say, we were stuck in the unventilated corridor and the last people in the queue easily would have been there for twenty minutes. Nearly everyone had removed their masks as they left the plane and the two people checking the landing cards were also maskless. I was one of about three or four who kept our masks on. 

Pointless exercise.

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26 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I was on a full flight from Liverpool on the tenth of this month. As you say, we were stuck in the unventilated corridor and the last people in the queue easily would have been there for twenty minutes. Nearly everyone had removed their masks as they left the plane and the two people checking the landing cards were also maskless. I was one of about three or four who kept our masks on. 

Pointless exercise.

I beg to differ.

Masks work in controlling the spread of the virus.

Therefore we wear them in supermarkets etc because a very minor inconvenience is still an awful lot better than stupidly catching the virus.

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