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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I'm starting to think that Quayle, Ashford, Allinson, Cannan and Co. actually played a blinder here in regards to Covid.

Cracking on was clearly the right approach all the way along and although they fannied around in parts & perhaps should have opened us up a lot sooner, we've faired remarkably well.

Despite Glover, Fairfax & the Twitter depressives telling us we're gambling lives by not masking up and taking further preventative action, the reality is, we've cracked on without restrictions and we're doing just fine.

CoMin took some real shit, I threw some myself but I'll happily swallow some humble pie.

Ditch the landing forms and enjoy Christmas. 

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4 hours ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Am I still allowed to have a gas leak in the bath?

There was gentleman who had a butler called Weeble. One evening whilst the gentleman was taking a bath Weeble arrived with a hot water bottle.

Mystified, the gentleman asked Weeble what he was doing.

"Sir, I thought I heard you say 'whataboutawaterbottleweeble'.."

Edited by Barlow
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1 hour ago, the stinking enigma said:

Dr glover puts her twitter feed to private then ramseyboi, who seldom uses twitter reposts her post on here, then usual crackpots lose their shit about how she is desperate for attention. You just could not make it up jesus fucking christ i actually hope covid takes me

Wtf are you on about?

I logon to Twitter maybe once every three or four days, and up until recently did’t even do that.

You don’t have study and recall people’s posts! I can’t think of a single thing you have ever posted before without searching it.

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1 hour ago, Nom de plume said:

I'm starting to think that Quayle, Ashford, Allinson, Cannan and Co. actually played a blinder here in regards to Covid.

Cracking on was clearly the right approach all the way along and although they fannied around in parts & perhaps should have opened us up a lot sooner, we've faired remarkably well.

Despite Glover, Fairfax & the Twitter depressives telling us we're gambling lives by not masking up and taking further preventative action, the reality is, we've cracked on without restrictions and we're doing just fine.

CoMin took some real shit, I threw some myself but I'll happily swallow some humble pie.

Ditch the landing forms and enjoy Christmas. 

They should have open end bordered with restrictions earlier than they did, but to let it rip May was about the right time.

Vaccine uptake was good and summer was coming.  Those who wanted to delay further completely missed the point of late spring/early summer being the perfect time, and like you say guess what? There was no end of the world.

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Are we not having about 3 to 4 deaths a week now? Due to Covid

If so, is that not a huge amount considering our small population?

I may be totally wrong with 3- 4 deaths but that s how I read the last few weeks reports.

I am not saying this it is in excess of say Flu deaths of similar but just looking at Covid statistics, Roger?????

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3 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Are we not having about 3 to 4 deaths a week now? Due to Covid

If so, is that not a huge amount considering our small population?

I may be totally wrong with 3- 4 deaths but that s how I read the last few weeks reports.

I am not saying this it is in excess of say Flu deaths of similar but just looking at Covid statistics, Roger?????

My lord.

Several of the deaths are not due to COVID but they are people who contracted COVID who were already very weak and vulnerable.

People die.  The quote above from the German minister was absolutely spot on.

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People are pleased when hospital numbers go down but do we know if they recovered or died.    At the beginning it was a black tie and one of our own has passed now it is just two more people have died this week, neither is wrong we are just getting used to it.   Regarding flu numbers, last year we were not mixing and washing our hands a lot this is why the flu did not take hold.

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3 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Do we care?  Have we ever all taken such a community interest is causes of death before?

How many people have died as a result of contracting MRSA this year for example?

Probably a lot if they were at Nobles, its not clean.........

When were the curtains last washed that go around the ward beds?

Who knows? Not the Nobles management.

In a decent hospital they have disposable curtains and they have a date on them when they are due to be replaced.

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29 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I would hope that a Covid Inquiry would reveal the truth behind the huge change in approach and tactics around the year end in 2020 and early 2021. My guess is that a few real covid nutjobs got to call the shots early on and it took a long while for them to be beaten into submission by Comin. It’s the same with the way the police turned into total twats at the start of it all forcing people to empty their boots to prove they only had essential items on shopping trips and the police outriders for returning residents like they were plague victims and all the jailings. A few high up the chain totally lost their s**t and they should be identified and brought to account so it doesn’t happen again. 

Is it not more about the fact that over time more was known and understood?

It started out as something which was very dangerous and worrying - perfectly healthy people were dying from it. But, especially as the vaccination programme has been rolled out, we have all been gradually able to get back towards some kind of normal. Taking the heat out of it.

Today it is really only the unvaccinated who may need to be isolated, especially in winter, against the risk of them overwhelming national health services.

Edited by pongo
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