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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Trouble is with face masks it’s a little late in schoools.  October it went through ballakermeen and qe2.  Remember balla sending half kids home…it’s currently working it’s way through castle rushen high school.


interestingly reading letter from balla, they are using terminology about stopping winter viruses rather than specifically Covid.

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14 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

Dr ANGELIQUE COETZEE, who discovered Omicron says we are over-reacting



The reaction to this variant does seem very strange.  I makes no sense at all to me and I haven’t seen or heard a single thing that to me justifies why I am now expected to wear a mask and have events I was looking forward to cancelled, when last week everything was fine .

Marr (BBC): So do you think that we in Britain, in the United States, in Israel, in Europe, do you think we’re all panicking unnecessarily?

Dr. Coetzee: I think you already have it there in your country. You’re not even knowing it. And I would say yes, at this stage I would say definitely. Two weeks from now on maybe we will say something different.

Marr (BBC): You suggested just a moment ago that it may be seeded in the UK already some way back and we may simply not have not noticed.

Dr. Coetzee: Yes. Definitely, because you are seeing a lot of Delta cases. Remember we had the break. We had about 8 to 10 weeks break between out last wave and this new variant coming onto the market now and so for us to easily see there’s something different, it’s easy. Your doctors might be more focused on the Delta symptoms and missing this because it’s easy to miss this. If it wasn’t for the fact that we had not seen the really Covid cases this past few weeks we would have also missed it.

Marr (BBC): That was very very interesting. Dr. Coetzee thank you so much for talking to us.”

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4 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

The reaction to this variant does seem very strange.  I makes no sense at all to me and I haven’t seen or heard a single thing that to me justifies why I am now expected to wear a mask and have events I was looking forward to cancelled, when last week everything was fine .

Marr (BBC): So do you think that we in Britain, in the United States, in Israel, in Europe, do you think we’re all panicking unnecessarily?

Dr. Coetzee: I think you already have it there in your country. You’re not even knowing it. And I would say yes, at this stage I would say definitely. Two weeks from now on maybe we will say something different.

Marr (BBC): You suggested just a moment ago that it may be seeded in the UK already some way back and we may simply not have not noticed.

Dr. Coetzee: Yes. Definitely, because you are seeing a lot of Delta cases. Remember we had the break. We had about 8 to 10 weeks break between out last wave and this new variant coming onto the market now and so for us to easily see there’s something different, it’s easy. Your doctors might be more focused on the Delta symptoms and missing this because it’s easy to miss this. If it wasn’t for the fact that we had not seen the really Covid cases this past few weeks we would have also missed it.

Marr (BBC): That was very very interesting. Dr. Coetzee thank you so much for talking to us.”

I have even read that Omicron could be good news. More people may catch it but with mild symptoms. We still generate antibodies to protect agsinst future infections. 

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3 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

I have even read that Omicron could be good news. More people may catch it but with mild symptoms. We still generate antibodies to protect agsinst future infections. 

Yes I have seen the same, many times, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be focused on by the press.

It will almost certainly be on the island anyway so I really don’t get the panic. Why would they try and screw the hospitality sector again?

If someone wants to explain what the ACTUAL risk is that justifies further restrictions and cancelling events then please do.  All I have seen in the press is guesses and worst case scenarios that are about as likely to occur as all the other doom they have been spouting since early 2020.

The longer this goes on and the more they twist things, the less sense it makes.

Anyway.  I am on the bus this morning as car is in Douglas so best mask up and run the gauntlet in the hope that I survive the rest of the week.

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51 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

Dr ANGELIQUE COETZEE, who discovered Omicron says we are over-reacting



She’s talking in the context of 30 patients she didn’t expect to be ill with regular covid. Half vaccinated. Most males under 40.

If anything, I’d say it’s South Africa trying to save face and avoid more travel bans. 

Everywhere, she is quoted as basically saying “well I might be wrong in two weeks, we don’t know”. 

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22 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Yes I have seen the same, many times, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be focused on by the press.

It will almost certainly be on the island anyway so I really don’t get the panic. Why would they try and screw the hospitality sector again?

If someone wants to explain what the ACTUAL risk is that justifies further restrictions and cancelling events then please do.  All I have seen in the press is guesses and worst case scenarios that are about as likely to occur as all the other doom they have been spouting since early 2020.

The longer this goes on and the more they twist things, the less sense it makes.

Anyway.  I am on the bus this morning as car is in Douglas so best mask up and run the gauntlet in the hope that I survive the rest of the week.

The fundamentals are pretty simple. 

Scientists and medics really don’t know if the symptoms are bad yet. There’s nothing bar one doctor saying that symptoms are milder. Most of her cases, you’d expect to be mild anyway, young vaccinated people. But, it’s almost certainly more transmissible based on the mutations. 

Govenments want to minimise the foothold until we actually have some data. This’ll take a couple of weeks. 

What we don’t want to do is find out that, like many strains, it takes a few weeks to make you really ill, plus it’s a lot more transmissible. That would, for a lack of better words, make Christmas a real shitter.

Equally, work aren’t stopping the Christmas party, we just won’t be licking doorknobs. 

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20 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

She’s talking in the context of 30 patients she didn’t expect to be ill with regular covid. Half vaccinated. Most males under 40.

If anything, I’d say it’s South Africa trying to save face and avoid more travel bans. 

Everywhere, she is quoted as basically saying “well I might be wrong in two weeks, we don’t know”. 

Here’s another two scientists/medics

Prof ANGUS DALGLEISH: Why is Omicron variant being treated like Ebola?



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12 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Equally, work aren’t stopping the Christmas party

Lots of places are.  People are really unnecessarily panicking and don’t want to be the place that authorised the “super spreader” event.

I am thinking anyone who olives here who hasn’t heard of events being cancelled or at the very least people pulling out, must have a very limited social calender.

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8 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

Here’s another two scientists/medics

Prof ANGUS DALGLEISH: Why is Omicron variant being treated like Ebola?



That’s only 1…

He’d actually be able to cite data. Many patients is a very loose term. He’s likely referring to the same dataset of about 30 patients. Interestingly, the WHO talk about it too. 

They say, quite clearly, that there’s no significant data to suggest any real changes in symptoms. https://www.who.int/news/item/28-11-2021-update-on-omicron


It is not yet clear whether infection with Omicron causes more severe disease compared to infections with other variants, including Delta.  Preliminary data suggests that there are increasing rates of hospitalization in South Africa, but this may be due to increasing overall numbers of people becoming infected, rather than a result of specific infection with Omicron.  There is currently no information to suggest that symptoms associated with Omicron are different from those from other variants.  Initial reported infections were among university students—younger individuals who tend to have more mild disease—but understanding the level of severity of the Omicron variant will take days to several weeks.  All variants of COVID-19, including the Delta variant that is dominant worldwide, can cause severe disease or death, in particular for the most vulnerable people, and thus prevention is always key. 


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14 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Lots of places are.  People are really unnecessarily panicking and don’t want to be the place that authorised the “super spreader” event.

I am thinking anyone who olives here who hasn’t heard of events being cancelled or at the very least people pulling out, must have a very limited social calender.

The Manx government missed a trick over summer in not preparing schools and hospitality with a bit of air handling through suitable filters. 

There were one or two places in Douglas that did install quite posh units weren’t there? And they made a song and dance of it too.

It’d probably help footfall now if people knew that there was extra ventilation etc. 

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6 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I doubt that helps much at all. Nobody wants to risk being the company that hosted the spreader event regardless of the ventilation system as the Karen’s will have the bad news all over Facebook in 10 seconds. This whole thing is just unnecessary stress and worry right at the worst possible time for all concerned. All with nobody even knowing how dangerous (or likely not) this variant is. Governments and the media need to stop influencing the population by fear. 

The WHO put it quite simply, until there’s evidence to show otherwise, then we can assume it’s got the same symptoms as any other variant.

The problem is, we don’t know if it’s more transmissible, and more likely to evade vaccination, but it looks like it is. 

I think Boris reacting quickly and decisively concerned more people than the variant itself. That’s a fundamental change of tune for him. 

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