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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

Oh there we go again. The constant attempt to write off genuine and balanced concerns as anti mask or covid denier. The pathetic backstop smear tactic after all else has failed. Sad. Juan should have seriously thought twice before sending out that garbage. 


What genuine and balanced concerns?

"....all else has failed" to do what exactly?

Personally I think Watterson thought he had to be seen to be doing something about Covid. Sure on MF he comes across as being misinformed but there's a lot of that about.

No such thing as bad publicity and has been shown just spout off any old bollox and you'll probably get re-elected...

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Thought bringing back masks was as a precaution against omicron?  Not reducing 'case' numbers which weren't a problem last week before it was  considered a 'scariant of concern'.      Stick to spewing on the bus Juan.    

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28 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This is a genuine observation.

Everywhere I go hardly anyone is wearing a mask, so how come you are all reporting this massive compliance?

I am not anti mask, every building I have been in this week I have had one with me to wear if I felt others expected it.

Crosby CO-OP.  1 customer out of about 20 I saw was wearing one.  A group walked through the door wearing them, noticed no one else was and took them off.  That is pretty much what I have been doing.

Petrol station.  None.

Spar. None.

Schools.  Hardly any kids are wearing them.

Various offices as part of work. Very, very few.

I really don’t understand where all these mask wearers are hanging out, but accept that I haven’t been to Tesco etc.

Maybe they are all walking round with them in their pockets, too scared to wear them in case the big boys laugh at them. Meanies they are.

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26 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This is a genuine observation.

Everywhere I go hardly anyone is wearing a mask, so how come you are all reporting this massive compliance?

I am not anti mask, every building I have been in this week I have had one with me to wear if I felt others expected it.

Crosby CO-OP.  1 customer out of about 20 I saw was wearing one.  A group walked through the door wearing them, noticed no one else was and took them off.  That is pretty much what I have been doing.

Petrol station.  None.

Spar. None.

Schools.  Hardly any kids are wearing them.

Various offices as part of work. Very, very few.

I really don’t understand where all these mask wearers are hanging out, but accept that I haven’t been to Tesco etc.

Literally everyone is wearing a mask in shops in Douglas. I saw one very sheepish looking bloke walking through M&S without one. But he was the only one. Admittedly some of the older ones haven't quite worked out that masks go over the nose as well as the mouth they did at least have one on. 



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34 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This is a genuine observation.

Everywhere I go hardly anyone is wearing a mask, so how come you are all reporting this massive compliance?

I am not anti mask, every building I have been in this week I have had one with me to wear if I felt others expected it.

Crosby CO-OP.  1 customer out of about 20 I saw was wearing one.  A group walked through the door wearing them, noticed no one else was and took them off.  That is pretty much what I have been doing.

Petrol station.  None.

Spar. None.

Schools.  Hardly any kids are wearing them.

Various offices as part of work. Very, very few.

I really don’t understand where all these mask wearers are hanging out, but accept that I haven’t been to Tesco etc.

I was in town this morning lots of people with masks on in shops I went to, to be fair I didn't have one on and didn't get any grief.people just minding their own business and getting on with it

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44 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This is a genuine observation.

Everywhere I go hardly anyone is wearing a mask, so how come you are all reporting this massive compliance?

I am not anti mask, every building I have been in this week I have had one with me to wear if I felt others expected it.

Crosby CO-OP.  1 customer out of about 20 I saw was wearing one.  A group walked through the door wearing them, noticed no one else was and took them off.  That is pretty much what I have been doing.

Petrol station.  None.

Spar. None.

Schools.  Hardly any kids are wearing them.

Various offices as part of work. Very, very few.

I really don’t understand where all these mask wearers are hanging out, but accept that I haven’t been to Tesco etc.

Yesterday and today most people in M&S definitely are wearing.  

Most offices don't appear to be doing so, but then again they haven't been requested to. 

At the gym the staff are and weirdly there is a notice saying members should, but don't have to whilst exercising.  I agree/don't have an issue with the staff.  But it is a bit odd for them to ask you to wear a mask effectively whilst you're just walking in and getting changed, but then it's fine to pant over each other sans mask for 90% of the time you're there. 

On a related, note Allan Bell was there yesterday and bench presses more than anyone in the current Govt I reckon.

Edited by The Phantom
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22 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Ok I’ll feed the troll this once.

The “back to square one” threat/comment alone is totally unwarranted and basically the worst form of scaremongering. Why would anyone in that position publicly hypothesize that we might ever be back to square one rendering the last two years utterly pointless? Is he trying to literally petrify people to death? 

He also suggests people aren’t following guidance and basically it’s their fault not government that cases are climbing. This was after three whole days of restrictions (that really aren’t restrictions either as they have no legal basis) we’re put in force. So basically - scare the public then blame the public for everything because he’s sat on his ass working from home getting paid when everyone else is living with it. He was a poor candidate who shouldn’t have been voted back in and now he’s categorically proving it. 

I happen to mostly agree with you.

His expecting immediate results from mitigations and the back to square one etc etc just showed how out of touch he is. However you only need to see how many unvaccinated are filling up the wards to realise that you can't scare these people into being sensible. They're already beyond that...

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10 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

He’s right though. On this one. 

Does he really need telling on this one though? Have we reached peak infantile, nanny state reliance whereby you can't use your own discretion and common sense to work out if you're ill or not?

Must check symptom checklist and post every thought on social media. What an embarrassment this man is. 

Edited by Danoo
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7 minutes ago, Danoo said:

Does he really need telling on this one though? Have we reached peak infantile, nanny state reliance whereby you can't use your own discretion and common sense to work out if you're ill or not?

Must check symptom checklist and post every thought on social media. What an embarrassment this man is. 

He should get a job on local radio where  his voice will be heard.

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