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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

This is a genuine observation.

Everywhere I go hardly anyone is wearing a mask, so how come you are all reporting this massive compliance?

I am not anti mask, every building I have been in this week I have had one with me to wear if I felt others expected it.

Crosby CO-OP.  1 customer out of about 20 I saw was wearing one.  A group walked through the door wearing them, noticed no one else was and took them off.  That is pretty much what I have been doing.

Petrol station.  None.

Spar. None.

Schools.  Hardly any kids are wearing them.

Various offices as part of work. Very, very few.

I really don’t understand where all these mask wearers are hanging out, but accept that I haven’t been to Tesco etc.

Absolute bollocks, the only person plus your sidekick Offshore who says this 

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The absolute stupidity of the current fear mongering is staggering.

Firstly this constant obsession with case numbers is very misplaced. It is hospital numbers, iCU numbers and deaths that is more important. You can argue they are linked, but recent figures indicate despite large variances in case number per day the hospital figures have remained much more constant. Lets keep in mind so far as we know we are not even talking about the new variant yet. Also we need more information of who is dying with Covid there is a big difference between a disease that can take anyone and one that is killing those who are very very ill in the first place. This may sound rather heartless but it all counts towards the irrational fear factor being generated of what is now a disease that has a death rate of 0.07%.

Secondly we are miles away from where we were at the start of 2020. We have stocks of PPE, ventilators, testing kits, drugs that treat cases (which still do work), and effective treatment regimes. Plus a massive vaccine uptake, and we are now not dumb enough to empty hospital beds into care homes. No variant will strip all of the away.

Thirdly we have no idea what the omicron variant can do. Yes it may be more virulent but if it is less deadly it does not really matter. Some say better act now than be sorry, if that is genuinely the case then the only effective measure we have come up with is closing the borders so why not do that.

Covid in now endemic and we will be living with it forever to do so we must get back to normal. Does this mean doing nothing, no. We have the vaccines rollouts. We must educate the vulnerable in being able to protect themselves (heck why not have Tuesday and Thursday morning for them to shop). For the rest of us we need to be able to make our own decisions and take our own risks. Keep an eye on hospital capacity and act when it is threatened but not before.

The current governments over reaction spreads panic, hurts businesses and livelihoods and does little to achieve anything. What is worse having children sitting in drafty cold classrooms is more of threat to their health than Covid is. Let alone restricting Doctor access and all of the other damage that has been wrought on the health service by cancelling everything at the first cough. Spreading half truths and rumors about a new variant is not helpful and is a vast over reaction. Since the last administration it seems we have gone backwards very quickly.






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27 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Once again I am not anti mask. I have not said one thing anti mask whatsoever on this forum at all. And I don’t care about what Ramsey does or does not do. You basically discredit yourself by aggressively telling lies in order to troll. I have however pointed out the myths being spread by certain people on this forum about how many people are wearing masks. Even down to publishing a picture taken in M&S which clearly showed the reality. Again no agenda, just facts. 

We all know you’re trolling as going back through your feed you are taking a complete 180 degree turn on anti border closure and anti lockdown posts you yourself have made further back. 

Again Bollocks, you posted pictures of mannequins, everyone else on forum & elsewhere is reporting high use if face masks so just stop the lies! You’ve been trolling everyone who doesn’t agree with your any masks agenda , 

And yes I’m anti lockdown & borders restrictions but no issues with mitigation unlike yourself 

Edited by Banker
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15 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ve not at any point advocated not wearing a mask, just pointed out that the reality is that not as many people as some report here are wearing masks. 

The image you posted could hardly be considered an average of public mask use. I would suggest that the food hall would have been the complete opposite and had you put an image of that up also, it may've given your claim more credibility. Historically you have opined that masks are pointless and have the attitude of, 'I'll-wear-one-if-everyone-else-is.' That's fairly flawed logic given our immediate circumstances considering that we have a more virulent variant doing the rounds, if you think about it.

Edited by quilp
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40 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

You’re just a troll so best ignore to be honest. Thanks. I’m not sure how pointing out reality and validating it with actual photographic evidence is in anyway anti mask. I’ve not at any point advocated not wearing a mask, just pointed out that the reality is that not as many people as some report here are wearing masks. 


21 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

No I have not. I have not once said on this forum that masks are pointless. Not once. Feel free to find a quote but I strongly object to you attributing quotes to me that I simply have not made and which are patently untrue. 

Calm down before you get an enforced leave of absence.

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41 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

No I have not. I have not once said on this forum that masks are pointless. Not once. Feel free to find a quote but I strongly object to you attributing quotes to me that I simply have not made and which are patently untrue. 

Oh. Maybe I was getting you mixed-up with that Ramseyboi fella.

Can't understand how that happened.

No comment on the image theory then? Did you enter the food hall? 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

I think you & Ramsey are the aggressive ones as no one agrees with your anti mask rhetoric .

Que Ramsey 😂

Seriously dude.  What is this obsession.

I am sat at home having just got in from work.  I have no idea who offshore is.

If it is causing you such issues then suggest a way we can prove we are separate people who have never (knowingly) ever even met and I am happy to oblige.

I am in Ramsey all evening.  I have no idea where the person I do t know is, but tell me what you want a photo of with some sort of time stamp in it and as long as it isn’t identifying I will oblige.

Or, just let whatever weird obsession you have go eh?

Oh, and also. Show me one example of me being aggressive during this exchange or laughing at someone else or their views?


Oh.  Also show any evidence of me being anti mask!

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