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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, Banker said:

I have an appointment for late December so thought I’d register for standby list for any no shows to get it earlier, got an email saying I’m not in correct category so rejected!

Not sure what the category matters if you’re turning up to fill a no show slot!!

It's not a 'standby list' and it's quite clearly only open to those in certain groups and if you're under 60 and not 'high risk', you're not in those.  All it proves is you can't read instructions.

What this actually is is a way of giving the booster to those, who should have already received an appointment, but either didn't turn up or weren't sent it due to some admin cock-up.  Without of course them admitting that the latter happened.

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5 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's not a 'standby list' and it's quite clearly only open to those in certain groups and if you're under 60 and not 'high risk', you're not in those.  All it proves is you can't read instructions.

What this actually is is a way of giving the booster to those, who should have already received an appointment, but either didn't turn up or weren't sent it due to some admin cock-up.  Without of course them admitting that the latter happened.

I did read dick , trying to help stop waste by going on standby list not jumping priority!

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Several weeks ago I received my booster appointment for 9:30 this coming Tuesday, but something came up today that will make it difficult for me to attend. With much trepidation I rang this afternoon to cancel and reschedule, fearing I'd have to wait until after xmas. I was asked if I could make it the same day in the afternoon, I can, and she rattled off about ten different slots I could choose from.

They don't seem to be overrun with people wanting boosters so why they aren't taking the details of anyone in the next group who is willing to turn up at short notice strikes me as ... well ... stupid. 

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18 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Several weeks ago I received my booster appointment for 9:30 this coming Tuesday, but something came up today that will make it difficult for me to attend. With much trepidation I rang this afternoon to cancel and reschedule, fearing I'd have to wait until after xmas. I was asked if I could make it the same day in the afternoon, I can, and she rattled off about ten different slots I could choose from.

They don't seem to be overrun with people wanting boosters so why they aren't taking the details of anyone in the next group who is willing to turn up at short notice strikes me as ... well ... stupid. 

Strictly speaking they are taking people in the next groups (6 and 7) but not beyond that yet.  Obviously if it was open to everyone then they would be overwhelmed.  But the real reasons seems to be picking up on the people they have missed out for one reason or another who should have already had the booster and giving earlier boosters to those in those vulnerable groups who didn't get their first two jabs early enough, but who now only need to wait three months for the booster, not six.

And they have never operated 'standby lists' because those are really labour-intensive to administer.  So anyone who rings up or registers online will be given a slot rather than be told to hang around for another call.  Instead they seem to now be over-booking to some extent and expecting some drop out  - I certainly had wait some time so don't make any appointments afterwards expecting to be on time.  Also bring something to read, as if you're given Pfizer (or whatever daft name they're calling it now) as the booster, you have to wait 15 minutes afterwards.

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17 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Strictly speaking they are taking people in the next groups (6 and 7) but not beyond that yet.  Obviously if it was open to everyone then they would be overwhelmed.  But the real reasons seems to be picking up on the people they have missed out for one reason or another who should have already had the booster and giving earlier boosters to those in those vulnerable groups who didn't get their first two jabs early enough, but who now only need to wait three months for the booster, not six.

And they have never operated 'standby lists' because those are really labour-intensive to administer.  So anyone who rings up or registers online will be given a slot rather than be told to hang around for another call.  Instead they seem to now be over-booking to some extent and expecting some drop out  - I certainly had wait some time so don't make any appointments afterwards expecting to be on time.  Also bring something to read, as if you're given Pfizer (or whatever daft name they're calling it now) as the booster, you have to wait 15 minutes afterwards.

What groups have they done already does anyone know?

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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

I buggered off as soon as jabbed, straight home in the car. Is it a legal requirement to hang around for 15 mins? 

Yes, straight off to Jurby with you!

It's advised, as it was with Pfizer and Moderna for the first jabs (and nearly everyone will have one of those for the booster).  I may make sense to see if you have a reaction - especially as many will have not had that particular brand before.

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4 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Groups 1 to 7 inclusive are those who can book online at the moment:


and most seem to have been sent out letters.  Presumably it will be gradually opened up to others over the weeks.

It seems unlikely that now the time between vaccination has been reduced from 6 to 3 months, IOMG despite stating they are going to do the same, I doubt they will. I’m due my booster 25 December, but obviously that’s not going to happen, but the way they are shaping up it’s unlikely to happen in January either, unless they get their act in gear. 

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53 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Groups 1 to 7 inclusive are those who can book online at the moment:


and most seem to have been sent out letters.  Presumably it will be gradually opened up to others over the weeks.

What is this obsession with the obtuse level of bureaucracy? Letters, phone lines... 

Just make a website so people can book their times. Have a phone line for anyone who really struggles with online. Simple. 

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50 minutes ago, 2112 said:

It seems unlikely that now the time between vaccination has been reduced from 6 to 3 months, IOMG despite stating they are going to do the same, I doubt they will. I’m due my booster 25 December, but obviously that’s not going to happen, but the way they are shaping up it’s unlikely to happen in January either, unless they get their act in gear. 

The people doing the jabbing could keep up with it. It's just the bureaucrats smothering the system as usual. 

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