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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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19 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, at least you won't be lacking in company then. :D

You shine on too you crazy diamond. I absolutely love getting off my tits btw ... just not on the back of Covid doom mongering.

Malbec, dark rum and brandy for me ... often on the same sesh. God awful place in NDP world after one of those nights mind ... 

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1 hour ago, Nom de plume said:

He doesn't need to of course BUT it would be prudent to perhaps at least warn the sector that they should prepare to initiate ID & Covid Pass entry checks at their establishments given we are 'highly likely' to follow Westminster law.

Who'd have thought you'd need a mask, driving licence and Covid pass just to sit and have a Flat White.

The world is proper madly off it's tits. 

The first cracks in the CTA appear.

You will now have to take five daily tests on arrival in Ireland.

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43 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The more you "let it rip" the more likely it is to produce variants.

I don't think you've thought this through...

You are always going to create variants, whether you let it rip or hide it away in a box for a while and then let it escape slowly. We have lived with endemic coronaviruses that mutate themselves into homeostasis for millenia, nothing different here. 

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6 minutes ago, Danoo said:

You are always going to create variants, whether you let it rip or hide it away in a box for a while and then let it escape slowly. We have lived with endemic coronaviruses that mutate themselves into homeostasis for millenia, nothing different here. 

Exactly.  Everything is mutating a little bit everyday.  Sometimes the mutations aren't beneficial in any way and are effectively dead ends.  Other times they are beneficial and this is evolution.  If this didn't happen with everything, we'd still be bio-soup. 

Or of course, god did it. 

This also why there is a different flu shot every year. 

This is not unexpected. 



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29 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Are we booking variants now then?

omicron is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet, omega the 24th.  Given the rate of variant production, end of next year or 2023 is probably about right for omega.  And that'll be the end of the pandemic as there are no more letters left 😉

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59 minutes ago, Danoo said:

You are always going to create variants, whether you let it rip or hide it away in a box for a while and then let it escape slowly. We have lived with endemic coronaviruses that mutate themselves into homeostasis for millenia, nothing different here. 

The virus infects cells in, say, the human body and then replicates itself over and over. It is during this process that there may be a slip in the replication and a variant is produced. Which then goes on to replicate itself.

So the more people who get infected, as in "let it rip", the more mutations there are likely be. Which is very risky as some mutations may fail and fall by the wayside but others may be more successful by being more infectious as per Omicron.

Now that's how I simplistically understand it works. Which means the very last thing you should do is just let it run amok.

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