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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:

So right, Wrighty.  On the news this morning was the unwelcome report that Wuhan had new cases.  This virus will not go away, it will be with us for a long time, putting dates on relaxation  measures would be wrong. 

Which is what he said wasn’t it? 

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Even the relaxation of restrictions will take some time to filter through.

Even if Strand Street, for example, opened up entirely today it wouldn't really be mobbed.  Cafe's and Restaurants are key here.

A friend of mine runs a business and a chnage that has been noticed there is that UK suppliers (around a quarter of them) had been now asking for payment upfront.  

VAT loss as well as tax losses are really going to create some scary numbers for Alf.

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

As I keep pointing out I’m not posting on here as a government spokesman.  But what haven’t they set out? They’ve published the steps we’ll be taking. As for timings - it depends on what happens. Even if approximate dates were published you’d probably be the first among many to use it against them if circumstances meant they turned out to be inaccurate. Your prime minister has set out approximate dates - they might be changed, they might be implemented against timely advice for political reasons. Either way no doubt you and the bojo hating press will be ready to pounce. Perhaps it would have been better for him to have done more like we’ve done here?

The Bojo hating press! Care to point out which ones are they?

They kept the vilification of Neil Ferguson on ice from the 8th of April so they could make a front-page splash on the 5th May to bury the news that UK fatalities had exceeded those of Italy. That's the UK alternative reality press for you...!

On Saturday I learned I had lost a second dear friend to the virus. I blame Bozo and his pals for wasting time before they instituted the lockdown which has caused a lot of unnecessary suffering. I worked out the growth numbers from the "herd immunity" announcement nonsense (at that time it was not known that having the virus generated immunity) until the lockdown and it was a big scary number. Add to that the shambles of lack of PPE, lack of testing etc etc since then and it's been a disaster.

Anyone who is grieving in the UK should feel the same way.

Of course I wouldn't hold any timings against them if they erred on caution. That's what I want. Because it 's simple. Relax restrictions too early and more folks may die.

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31 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The Bojo hating press! Care to point out which ones are they?

They kept the vilification of Neil Ferguson on ice from the 8th of April so they could make a front-page splash on the 5th May to bury the news that UK fatalities had exceeded those of Italy. That's the UK alternative reality press for you...!

On Saturday I learned I had lost a second dear friend to the virus. I blame Bozo and his pals for wasting time before they instituted the lockdown which has caused a lot of unnecessary suffering. I worked out the growth numbers from the "herd immunity" announcement nonsense (at that time it was not known that having the virus generated immunity) until the lockdown and it was a big scary number. Add to that the shambles of lack of PPE, lack of testing etc etc since then and it's been a disaster.

Anyone who is grieving in the UK should feel the same way.

Of course I wouldn't hold any timings against them if they erred on caution. That's what I want. Because it 's simple. Relax restrictions too early and more folks may die.

The Mirror and The Guardian I imagine - I don't read the papers much, just do the Guardian's crossword online.

I pretty much agree with you that the UK's response has been poor - their testing capacity in particular (only a few weeks ago it was 5000 per day, equivalent to 6 here on a per capita basis, so essentially useless) has been inadequate.  The PPE situation has not been great, but that's more of a global issue and in some respects the UK have been amongst the last to be hit by this virus when suppliers worldwide were struggling.  You could of course argue, I'm sure you will, that they should have had warehouses full of it 'just in case', but that's a 20/20 hindsight thing again.  Their pronouncements have been simply awful - "think about perhaps not going to the pub" then "Don't go to the pub from tomorrow night - feel free to go out on an infection spreading bender tonight - it'll be your last chance for a while" - that sort of thing.

It's a pity the Labour party didn't just install Keir Starmer as an emergency leader (due to the pandemic) in January/February rather than running a several months long leadership contest while providing no effective opposition to the government.  I think he's a smart guy and might have been better able to oppose/guide Boris's administration than a lame-duck Corbyn.  That's another example of 20/20 hindsight that might have helped the situation overall, which all things considered Boris probably isn't responsible for.

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16 minutes ago, wrighty said:

The Mirror and The Guardian I imagine - I don't read the papers much, just do the Guardian's crossword online.

I pretty much agree with you that the UK's response has been poor - their testing capacity in particular (only a few weeks ago it was 5000 per day, equivalent to 6 here on a per capita basis, so essentially useless) has been inadequate.  The PPE situation has not been great, but that's more of a global issue and in some respects the UK have been amongst the last to be hit by this virus when suppliers worldwide were struggling.  You could of course argue, I'm sure you will, that they should have had warehouses full of it 'just in case', but that's a 20/20 hindsight thing again.  Their pronouncements have been simply awful - "think about perhaps not going to the pub" then "Don't go to the pub from tomorrow night - feel free to go out on an infection spreading bender tonight - it'll be your last chance for a while" - that sort of thing.

It's a pity the Labour party didn't just install Keir Starmer as an emergency leader (due to the pandemic) in January/February rather than running a several months long leadership contest while providing no effective opposition to the government.  I think he's a smart guy and might have been better able to oppose/guide Boris's administration than a lame-duck Corbyn.  That's another example of 20/20 hindsight that might have helped the situation overall, which all things considered Boris probably isn't responsible for.

labour keeping out the way has i suspect purposely given their new leader the not his fault get out of blame clause quite nicely so that corbyn could carry the can for their uselessness .


the big question for me at the moment is why,  if the posting that was made is assumed correct, medical staff at nobles that don't show symptoms aren't being tested even though it is known they have been in close proximity to people who have since shown symptoms and tested positive?  what is the incubation period ?   it comes across to me like we won't test everyone because we know the numbers will be up ,   firstly we don't want to admit that and secondly it would mean too many staff signed off and not enough troops left to deal with things.  

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2 hours ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Even the relaxation of restrictions will take some time to filter through.

Even if Strand Street, for example, opened up entirely today it wouldn't really be mobbed.  Cafe's and Restaurants are key here.

A friend of mine runs a business and a chnage that has been noticed there is that UK suppliers (around a quarter of them) had been now asking for payment upfront.  

VAT loss as well as tax losses are really going to create some scary numbers for Alf.

If all restaurants, cafes and bars open right now they'd have no customers..... or very, very few. For some the level of risk is too high to venture into these places, most probably not for themselves but for others in the extended family and at home. That's why I said in a post elsewhere on here it will be the consumer/user that determines when businesses get back to normal. 

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38 minutes ago, WTF said:

labour keeping out the way has i suspect purposely given their new leader the not his fault get out of blame clause quite nicely so that corbyn could carry the can for their uselessness .


the big question for me at the moment is why,  if the posting that was made is assumed correct, medical staff at nobles that don't show symptoms aren't being tested even though it is known they have been in close proximity to people who have since shown symptoms and tested positive?  what is the incubation period ?   it comes across to me like we won't test everyone because we know the numbers will be up ,   firstly we don't want to admit that and secondly it would mean too many staff signed off and not enough troops left to deal with things.  

to be honest you would have to test them every day, once you have taken that test and leave the building and go home or back to work you are at risk of catching the virus.

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37 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

That is nonsense.   Jesus wept.

How is it a "win" to have infected staff and to keep it a secret and then send them in to work? Utterly delusional.

where did i say it's a win, it's shit.  

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9 minutes ago, WTF said:

where did i say it's a win, it's shit.  

You've said that we dont want to test people as the numbers would be up.  So you are implying that the numbers being better are more important so they dont test.

That is just stupid and delusional.  It's concerning that someone could actually think that they avoid testing people at the hospital etc.  On purpose.   You are genuinely detached from reality.

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43 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

If all restaurants, cafes and bars open right now they'd have no customers..... or very, very few. For some the level of risk is too high to venture into these places, most probably not for themselves but for others in the extended family and at home. That's why I said in a post elsewhere on here it will be the consumer/user that determines when businesses get back to normal. 

I don't agree wity that.  They won't have no customers.  Bars and restaurants will certainly get busy fairly quickly.  Most people want to return to normal.

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2 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

You've said that we dont want to test people as the numbers would be up.  So you are implying that the numbers being better are more important so they dont test.

That is just stupid and delusional.  It's concerning that someone could actually think that they avoid testing people at the hospital etc.  On purpose.   You are genuinely detached from reality.

The issue is that 'they' don't know who out there is asymptomatic and likely to be a carrier. We don't know how many actually have the virus vs. those that don't. And you won't know that until everyone is tested. 

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