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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 hours ago, Danoo said:

Does it really matter if we have Omicron strain or not? Are we getting too obsessed with gene sequencing? Point is viruses mutate all the time so we should just be concerned with hospital capacity. Especially in light of this strain being milder than Delta. 

Perhaps good if it is? 


Omicron hospitalisations in South Africa are a THIRD of Delta level


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4 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

They won't listen. "But that that's SA, not the UK". 

They're moving from the fear stage (worst mutation ever) into a denial stage (no data for the UK)... 

Different age demographics Chris Witty says. But are the retired and at-risk most likely to have received a booster?

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8 hours ago, James Blonde said:

I wonder if BoJo and his Brexit cronies will own that fact like they were trying to badge it as the Oxford/British vaccine at the start of the pandemic? 

I’ve had the AZ (Oxford/British vaccine) for my two vaccines and not caught Covid.

Quite what it has to do with Brexit (as voted for by the majority) I have no idea.

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Tell you something, IF omicron turns out bad then the UK are in for a storm. I’m there now - in Birmingham city centre it’s busy, about 50% masks in shops, nothing in bars and restaurants, and I’m right now at a gig with a thousand others - no masks in sight. A cursory check of covid pass or negative LFT on the way in. That’s all. 

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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:

Quite what it has to do with Brexit (as voted for by the majority) I have no idea.

With luck this is the beginning of the end re Covid and Britain can get back to fixing the utter mess which is Brexit. The economic impact of which has been masked by the virus.

It not only business and the massively important financial sector which is now being negatively impacted. The once Conservative NFU is going the same way as the CBI on Brexit. Farming output is being massively impacted by the labour shortages.

And to think that the Conservatives used to be the party of the educated middle classes, business and farming.

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14 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

Boris plastering the vaccine as the Oxford/British vaccine. Trying to get international clout. Didn't work as other companies made superior vaccines.

Your personal anti Boris Johnson political fetishes are of no interest in what is a local forum and they clearly have completely blinded you to the sole key fact. You clearly do not understand  - or refuse to acknowledge - that the Oxford / Astra Zeneca vaccine has been and remains today by far the most widespread vaccine in use - in over 170 countries. And also of course The World Health Organization has recommended the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine for use worldwide.

Maybe  best if you would keep your positions on UK politics and politicians for a politics forum. And not suppress or distort demonstrable facts as that does you no credit at all.

Edited by Cassie2
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19 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

Boris plastering the vaccine as the Oxford/British vaccine. Trying to get international clout. Didn't work as other companies made superior vaccines.

The vaccine has worked for me thus far. Can’t see how you could get more superior than that.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Second sentence
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32 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

Your personal anti Boris Johnson political fetishes are of no interest in what is a local forum and they clearly have completely blinded you to the sole key fact. You clearly do not understand  - or refuse to acknowledge - that the Oxford / Astra Zeneca vaccine has been and remains today by far the most widespread vaccine in use - in over 170 countries. And also of course The World Health Organization has recommended the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine for use worldwide.

Maybe  best if you would keep your positions on UK politics and politicians for a politics forum. And not suppress or distort demonstrable facts as that does you no credit at all.

You're funny. I like that. 

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1 minute ago, Cassie2 said:

WTF has that got to with this thread topic which, lest you have failed to understand, is ''IOM Covid removing restrictions''

Its in response to Pongos post of nearly an hour ago about who the Tory Party stands/ stood for which also does not follow the brief.

You’re relatively new here aren’t you?

Responses to topics often take unexpected turns and twists but are no less entertaining or thought provoking for that.

Hope you can get into the swing of things before too long


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8 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Its in response to Pongos post of nearly an hour ago about who the Tory Party stands/ stood for which also does not follow the brief.

You’re relatively new here aren’t you?

Responses to topics often take unexpected turns and twists but are no less entertaining or thought provoking for that.

Hope you can get into the swing of things before too long


In the spirit of blatantly tangential and excessively verbose posting, I would like to express the view that there entirely far too few emoji options to do this thread justice.

(e.g. "face-palm", "embarassed smirk", etc.)


Edited by opusManx
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