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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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17 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

And yet in typical MF style you are still just having a pop rather than answering the point made.

Maybe all the posters who labelled me “insecure”. “Vulnerable”, “narcissistic” and “giving in to peer pressure” have just been really busy and not read wrighty post yet to level the same accusations?  Maybe they will be along to admit that actually it is a sensible and pragmatic approach to mask wearing depending on the situation.  Or maybe they will just say nothing rather than having to either criticise one of the in crowd or look a bit silly by backing down.

Oh give up you daft queen and stop looking for for smiley emoticons all the time.  For the most part I agree with your comments. But don't worry, those comments of yours that I don't agree with I'll be sure to let you know, as will others.

Just give the fucking thing a rest and move on, you've made your point.

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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

Not on here they won’t. People’s reactions to something are more based on who posts it that what the opinion is.

If you or I had made the same post that wrighty did there would be a very different response.

In fact Wrighty’s post was in response to a dig at me expressing a similar viewpoint over the last couple of weeks and basically confirms we are of the same opinion.

I don't know about that. Most people are educated enough to make up their own minds but often lately it appears the subject is so binary that discourse is thrown out the window. Shades of grey are frowned upon.

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56 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I think he acted in a highly irresponsible manner. Glad he's not my doctor!

Do you think wrighty has theoretically raised the risk to himself and others, clinical settings in particular?

Being triple-jabbed gives some protection against covid infection, including Omicron, and as wrighty says, he's fit and not clinically vulnerable. And in being so, likely if he picked up the virus at the gig he'd be asymptomatic, possibly having no real indication at all that he was infected and return to clinic none-the-wiser.

I'm sure he's sensible enough to test himself every day for a week on return to ensure the safety of some possibly vulnerable patients in clinic, ward-round and theatre. He wouldn't leave it to chance, I'm sure.

I can see why people might see his enjoying himself amongst hundreds  of un-masked people in close proximity as irresponsible, given he's a medic, there may be an assumption that he should know better under his circumstances, but as long as he hasn't become a vector for the virus and a danger to others then fair play to him.

He knows what he's doing.

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48 minutes ago, quilp said:

Do you think wrighty has theoretically raised the risk to himself and others, clinical settings in particular?

Being triple-jabbed gives some protection against covid infection, including Omicron, and as wrighty says, he's fit and not clinically vulnerable. And in being so, likely if he picked up the virus at the gig he'd be asymptomatic, possibly having no real indication at all that he was infected and return to clinic none-the-wiser.

I'm sure he's sensible enough to test himself every day for a week on return to ensure the safety of some possibly vulnerable patients in clinic, ward-round and theatre. He wouldn't leave it to chance, I'm sure.

I can see why people might see his enjoying himself amongst hundreds  of un-masked people in close proximity as irresponsible, given he's a medic, there may be an assumption that he should know better under his circumstances, but as long as he hasn't become a vector for the virus and a danger to others then fair play to him.

He knows what he's doing.

The fact you should have to explain why an intelligent and well informed man has made a rational decision on how to live his life is absurd.

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59 minutes ago, quilp said:

Do you think wrighty has theoretically raised the risk to himself and others, clinical settings in particular?

Being triple-jabbed gives some protection against covid infection, including Omicron, and as wrighty says, he's fit and not clinically vulnerable. And in being so, likely if he picked up the virus at the gig he'd be asymptomatic, possibly having no real indication at all that he was infected and return to clinic none-the-wiser.

I'm sure he's sensible enough to test himself every day for a week on return to ensure the safety of some possibly vulnerable patients in clinic, ward-round and theatre. He wouldn't leave it to chance, I'm sure.

I can see why people might see his enjoying himself amongst hundreds  of un-masked people in close proximity as irresponsible, given he's a medic, there may be an assumption that he should know better under his circumstances, but as long as he hasn't become a vector for the virus and a danger to others then fair play to him.

He knows what he's doing.

My first thought was - triple-jabbed doesn't mean you can't get infected, particularly where omicron is concerned.

My second thought wasn't that he might pass it on, although that's a concern as well. 

 Nope, my second thought was if he tests positive, he's going to have to isolate.... how many appointments would be cancelled as a result?

Fair enough if he's on leave and won't be returning until some time in the New Year, but if he's not on leave and does test positive he's screwed patients out of their appointments. It's not on that he'd take that chance given the current waiting lists. 

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19 minutes ago, Danoo said:

The fact you should have to explain why an intelligent and well informed man has made a rational decision on how to live his life is absurd.

I've always had a lot of respect for Wrighty. He's one of the main reasons I came back to the forum at the beginning of the pandemic after a hiatus of several years. 

However on this occasion I think he was acting irresponsibly. Going to a crowded venue where people aren't wearing masks is just asking to be infected.

Unless of course if he's already on leave and will be for long enough to cover any isolation period. That's fair enough, as I said above. Fill yer boots.


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1 hour ago, quilp said:

He knows what he's doing.

This from the same poster who when I said I did the same (in much less crowed situations) said Something along the lines of

So you only when mask when it he is do and you are bowing to peer pressure “you are not thinking this through”

wrighty took the Hippocratic Oath yet you are the one who is practicing hypocrisy - and you seem to be getting pretty good at it depending on who you want to suck up to 😂

Edited by Ramseyboi
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37 minutes ago, Zarley said:

My first thought was - triple-jabbed doesn't mean you can't get infected, particularly where omicron is concerned.

My second thought wasn't that he might pass it on, although that's a concern as well. 

 Nope, my second thought was if he tests positive, he's going to have to isolate.... how many appointments would be cancelled as a result?

Fair enough if he's on leave and won't be returning until some time in the New Year, but if he's not on leave and does test positive he's screwed patients out of their appointments. It's not on that he'd take that chance given the current waiting lists. 

I dare say the guy works considerably harder than most around these parts given some of the post counts.

He's entitled to a life, he lives in a Western democracy ffs (questionable currently).

This pandemic has properly messed with minds. 

Edited by Nom de plume
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37 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This from the same poster who when I said I did the same (in much less crowed situations) said Something along the lines of

So you only when mask when it he is do and you are bowing to peer pressure “you are not thinking this through”

wrighty took the Hippocratic Oath yet you are the one who is practicing hypocrisy - and you seem to be getting pretty good at it depending on who you want to suck up to 😂

"He knows what he's doing" can have a few connotations, dickhead.

You’re such a massive drama-queen. 

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I wore a mask at a gig across in September, but I was one of the few. My reason was to minimise risk to others because I’d been to a festival the previous weekend, then been on coaches and trains.  I didn’t wear a mask at the festival because it was out of doors. 

I suppose my point is you make your own risk assessment. Maybe Wrighty was at an all-seater sparsely attended gig (the Darkness are on tour after all). That’s probably going to be an ok amount of risk. Given his job, the mosh pit of an Idles gig would be too much risk, I’d say, unmasked. 

BTW it’s not very rock n roll to not wear something because nobody else is. 

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39 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

This from the same poster who when I said I did the same (in much less crowed situations) said Something along the lines of

So you only when mask when it he is do and you are bowing to peer pressure “you are not thinking this through”

wrighty took the Hippocratic Oath yet you are the one who is practicing hypocrisy - and you seem to be getting pretty good at it depending on who you want to suck up to 😂

I don’t think I’ve ever posted this before, but get a life, boy. 

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

I've always had a lot of respect for Wrighty. He's one of the main reasons I came back to the forum at the beginning of the pandemic after a hiatus of several years. 

However on this occasion I think he was acting irresponsibly. Going to a crowded venue where people aren't wearing masks is just asking to be infected.

Unless of course if he's already on leave and will be for long enough to cover any isolation period. That's fair enough, as I said above. Fill yer boots.


I suppose that as these types of events are permitted to happen now, people make their own risk assessment. I agree with you, I wouldn't be going to such an event right now. Not whilst omicron is still an unknown. But wrighty and others probably booked tickets before this.

My employer is trying to get us to cancel our Christmas dinner ffs. The risk when seated in a restaurant is much smaller, but several of my colleagues have pulled out 'just in case'. Others have said they'll eat but will go home immediately after. 

There are 10 in hospital and 2 in ICU now, which is worrying. 

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4 hours ago, quilp said:

Actually and firstly, I was idly interested whether or not wrighty faced a dilemma about the mask-wearing, or lack of it, as related to his initial post about the gig. Idle curiosity mainly. Incorporating a satirical dig at you came as an afterthought.

You take yourself far too seriously.

Irony alert!

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