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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Petefella said:

I joined here just to vent because I’m getting depressed about getting nowhere through legitimate channels. Nobody wants to know. It’s like we’re an embarrassment now to government. It’s like we don’t exist as nobody wants to confront the uncomfortable truth about what they have done. I wish I could sweep £70 million of total failure under the carpet and move on smiling. The only good advice I’ve received so far is in relation to the government backed Covid load I had to take out last year. So hopefully I can close in such a way that they end up picking up the tab on that it’s basically their fault I had to borrow the money in the first place. I’m done with it all now and they can fund the next few years on my life through the benefits system. 

Very sorry for your position. But I’m not sure what you mean about closing in such a way they they ( the Government) end up picking the tab…

Its the taxpayers that will end up picking up the tab. Taxpayers money was used to make any such loans.

I understand your anger and obviously don’t know your personal situation but wouldn’t you be better off seeking employment than relying on benefits? ( maybe you wouldn’t but most would). Again it is the taxpayers not “ the Government “ who provide the money for benefits

Best of luck and hope it all comes good for you in the end.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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24 minutes ago, Gladys said:

You need professional advice.  If the company is insolvent now, you are in a tricky situation if you start removing assets.

Yes thanks v much for that. For the record I’m obviously not trading in the knowledge I’m insolvent. I have a good accountant (mates rates) who has been of more help to me than my MHK or anyone else who is supposed to be helping. Realistically i hope to receive some Covid support at the end of January based on lost income in December. If that doesn’t happen we will most certainly be unable to meet our liabilities as they fall. But they haven’t said they won’t be paying as yet. The Covid loan is underwritten by IOM government so in that case I’d expect to just dump that loan back on them. The only reason I needed it was their fault for lockdown last year. If they can dump £70m on the taxpayer I’m sure my £25K won’t even hit the sides. 

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7 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Its the taxpayers that will end up picking up the tab. Taxpayers money was used to make any such loans.

Just like we have done for the DOIs £70m incompetence. Are you suggesting that the private sector should be treated differently when it comes to dumping liabilities on the taxpayer? 

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2 hours ago, Petefella said:

My business is just about to go down the toilet after the trade I’ve lost this Xmas (which I was hoping would make up for what I lost earlier in the year) will Jason be coming out to clap for me when I’m in Markwell House mid January? These people are morons.   

Don’t suppose you’d want to name your business? Maybe get some forum support?

My wife has booked two restaurants, one for her friends and one for ex work colleagues. They’ve all dropped out, leaving her to cancel the bookings. Rather than do that I’m going with her so at least they get two covers, rather than maybe six.



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6 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Don’t suppose you’d want to name your business? Maybe get some forum support?

I’m not looking for forum support really more advice like Gladys was good enough to give as it’s probably only going to be going one way next year and I certainly don’t want to be advertising the predicament I’m in (even though lots are in a similar situation). It’s good that you would do that for a hospitality business. The damage has already been done though to most. Christmas was supposed to be the catalyst that got people though to Easter as January and February are dead anyway. 

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3 minutes ago, Petefella said:

I’m not looking for forum support really more advice like Gladys was good enough to give as it’s probably only going to be going one way next year and I certainly don’t want to be advertising the predicament I’m in (even though lots are in a similar situation). It’s good that you would do that for a hospitality business. The damage has already been done though to most. Christmas was supposed to be the catalyst that got people though to Easter as January and February are dead anyway. 

I can understand that. Good luck 🤞🏻

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With it's ability to infect so readily Omicron was always going to cause problems. Hard to believe that nearly a third of Londoners are unvaccinated and the new variant will almost certainly find them out. Little wonder the Mayor has declared a State of Emergency as it's likely at least a third of his folks will catch the virus. Yet there are still those who think it's not worth worrying about.

Some sobering facts from Kings College Hospital:

Nearly a third of Londoners are unvaccinated.

A critical care matron at King’s estimated that “80 to 90%” in the hospital’s critical care beds were unvaccinated.

They added "The disease can affect all the organs of the body, and the long-term effects can be devastating. We have a number of patients who have been with us for more than 100 days. The age of those who are unvaccinated is about 35 to 65. The message is ‘please get your vaccines’.

About a third of patients who are transferred to critical care beds with Covid will die, according to several studies carried out during the pandemic. Most will gradually improve over a week to 10 days, and a small number will require long-term treatment – for three months and longer – in the unit.

The 724-bed hospital already has a 97% occupancy rate and, according to the most recent government data, out of 119 critical care beds, just five are free. Staff are falling ill or isolating at an alarming rate.

Then there's this:

"Scientists from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine have warned that Omicron is likely to be the dominant coronavirus variant by the end of the month and, under the most optimistic scenario, there could be 175,000 hospital admissions and 24,700 deaths in England between 1 December and 30 April next year."

I guess we'll find out...

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2 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Piss up at number ten. Bring a bottle 

I was going to say that was irrelevant to whether people should have the vax, but then recovered my sense of humour.

It's staggering that a third of Londoners haven't been vaxxed.  Jesus, imagine what the poor buggers in earlier times facing all kinds of diseases (small pox, polio, measles, mumps,  etc) which have all but disappeared now due to vax would say. 

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