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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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27 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Except that isn’t what the exchange actually says or means, except in the minds of ( generally ) right wing deniers and anti restrictionists. Those who couldn’t give a damn about community responsibility from their “I’m all right Jack” positions of privilege

You don’t model for an option that would require no action. It informs nothing and wastes time/money/resources. We all know the answer to the what if of low virulence.  No restrictions are required.

Modellers are asked to model a number of scenarios relevant to matters that concern government, numbers in hospital, ICU, deaths, the effect on essential services if employees are off ill or isolating.

To portray it otherwise is just another conspiracy theory from people who do know better but are trying to score political points and make political capital.

An opinion of someone from the opposite end of the spectrum… the truth in all this lies in the mass of Covid information and disinformation that has been pushed out in the media over the last two years.  Perhaps, in time the truth will emerge.
The most alarming thing about the data published by the SAGE modellers is that we are still taking it seriously when it has been proven to be wrong time after time. This has nothing to do with being right-wing (except if you lean towards the left and wish to interpret everything as right-wing propaganda), but a desire to protect our freedoms from restrictions based on faulty or deliberately skewed data. 

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13 minutes ago, Quality said:

Can you give us an example Thommo? Where someone labelled a conspiracy theorist in the last couple of years was found to be spot on? One example will do, but more would be better...

When people said the jabs wouldn't stop at 2 and wouldn't equate to freedom. 


They were spot on. 

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33 minutes ago, Quality said:

Can you give us an example Thommo? Where someone labelled a conspiracy theorist in the last couple of years was found to be spot on? One example will do, but more would be better...

Off the top of my head and the most obvious one, vaccine passports

Edited by thommo2010
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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Except that isn’t what the exchange actually says or means, except in the minds of ( generally ) right wing deniers and anti restrictionists. Those who couldn’t give a damn about community responsibility from their “I’m all right Jack” positions of privilege

That's pretty offensive. Expecting infringements of fundamental liberties to at least be supported by proper analysis of data does not equate to being a Covid denier or not giving a damn about community responsibility. Liberty is a right which millions have laid down their lives to protect. To dismiss and insult those who do give a damn about liberty reflects very poorly on you. I had thought better of you.


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2 minutes ago, Yibble said:

That's pretty offensive. Expecting infringements of fundamental liberties to at least be supported by proper analysis of data does not equate to being a Covid denier or not giving a damn about community responsibility. Liberty is a right which millions have laid down their lives to protect. To dismiss and insult those who do give a damn about liberty reflects very poorly on you. I had thought better of you.


You know you've missed the point entirely? John's post neither supported nor opposed restrictions. It was a sensible explanation of why a document that seeks to give guidance on measures doesn't give guidance on not taking measures.

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6 minutes ago, Quality said:

Vaccine passports what? Who is the conspiracy theorist proved spot on in connection to vaccine passports?

I can't give a name but it was said at the beginning of this you would need some sort of proof of vaccination to get in places, they were scoffed at, politicians said it wouldn't happen and alas it has happened. You asked for one example I gave you it if you don't want to accept it that's up to you.

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31 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I can't give a name but it was said at the beginning of this you would need some sort of proof of vaccination to get in places, they were scoffed at, politicians said it wouldn't happen and alas it has happened. You asked for one example I gave you it if you don't want to accept it that's up to you.

But that’s not a conspiracy theory. They include chips in the vaccine, covid being imaginary, covid being a deliberate plot etc. 


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7 minutes ago, wrighty said:

But that’s not a conspiracy theory. They include chips in the vaccine, covid being imaginary, covid being a deliberate plot etc. 


As laughable as it might be, I wouldn't rule out the deliberate release of the virus ... just yet.

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There are covid deniers and libertarians at both ends of the political spectrum. However it’s only those on the right who tend to have a soap box in the MSM.

The obsession with not distancing and not wearing masks and not having to show a pass by the Libertarian right, in the name of human rights and civil liberties ( something they generally oppose ) is cynical.

Models are just that, models. They aren’t predictions, or forecasts. They tend to be misrepresented. The science matters, but politicians take into account things other than science.

Ive been in Spain since Wednesday. Most people wear masks in the street, around the Christmas markets, the poultry fairs. Everyone wears them in shops, indoor spaces, performance spaces, bars, restaurants. 

Infringement of human rights? Infringement of civil liberties? No. Reducing risk and being socially responsible? Yes.

Only problem I’ve got is that my pass still hasn’t uploaded my third dose. Had that 3 weeks ago. It’s recorded in the immunisation section of my health record, but not uploaded to the pass section. When my QR/2D bar code is scanned they get a red warning as my second dose is approaching 7 months old. I’m allowed in for now. But I’m approaching the time limit. I’m off to see Toulouse Capitole Theatre ballet production on 2/2. Just a fortnight away. I won’t get in unless it’s updated. France is operating a firm 6 month limit.

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I’m allowed in for now. But I’m approaching the time limit. I’m off to see Toulouse Capitole Theatre ballet production on 2/2. Just a fortnight away. I won’t get in unless it’s updated. France is operating a firm 6 month limit.

That bit definitely is an infringement on civil liberties though.

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