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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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So if you get a bit of a sore throat, sneeze, cough, a bit achy or tired or some other 'symptom' you're supposed to do a LTF? If it's positive you are then meant to self-report on some website and self-isolate for 10 days or keep testing until you get two succesive negative tests with a minimum of 24 hours between them. And any household members are allowed out and about, so long as they test negative?

So if you choose to ignore the symptoms and don't feel a test is necesary nor self isolate then that's it? 

They really do want it to quietly disappear. In the New Year we'll get a few pulling sickies to extend their hols on sick pay while they quietly wind down the mask mandates, shops will begin removing the screens and it'll all be over by Easter.

Then we'll have to pick up the peices while watching the figures rise for excess deaths from all other causes over the next few years as the NHS struggle to deal with the backlog and mental health implications and annual flu & booster vaccines.

Until the next one.



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2 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

So if you choose to ignore the symptoms and don't feel a test is necesary nor self isolate then that's it? 

They really do want it to quietly disappear. In the New Year we'll get a few pulling sickies to extend their hols on sick pay while they quietly wind down the mask mandates, shops will begin removing the screens and it'll all be over by Easter.

No different to when it was a PCR test. People weren't rounded up and shipped off to the Grandstand, were they?

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15 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Yeah looking good but who knows with boris

South Africa data shows cases had a sharp rise and and a sharp fall but with far fewer hospitalisations. Omicron seems to strike in the upper airways rather than down in the lungs so although more virulant/transmissable it has far less complications/severity. The hope is Omicron seems to push out Delta in effect and could be a natural innoculation. Herd immunity at last.


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3 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

South Africa data shows cases had a sharp rise and and a sharp fall but with far fewer hospitalisations. Omicron seems to strike in the upper airways rather than down in the lungs so although more virulant/transmissable it has far less complications/severity. The hope is Omicron seems to push out Delta in effect and could be a natural innoculation. Herd immunity at last.


That certainly seems to be what the evidence is showing.

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1 hour ago, CallMeCurious said:

South Africa data shows cases had a sharp rise and and a sharp fall but with far fewer hospitalisations. Omicron seems to strike in the upper airways rather than down in the lungs so although more virulant/transmissable it has far less complications/severity. The hope is Omicron seems to push out Delta in effect and could be a natural innoculation. Herd immunity at last.



Those of us who said that previously were ridiculed 

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1 hour ago, NoTailT said:

Also, South Africa deaths. You know, that big dangerous Omicron hotspot...

But deaths are a really lagging indicator, so it's too early to tell yet, especially outside Gauteng.  And South Africa's previous wave was when hardly anyone was vaccinated or naturally immune, so comparisons are difficult.

You also need to be very careful about reporting lag.  If you actually look at the latest figures on the SA Governments's own website it does look like a big drop from 8019 to 1445:


But compare it with the day before's report:


that made it look like there was a drop from week 49 to 50 as well.  Now more data has come in and week 50 is showing an increase on 49.  And of course week 51 isn't even completed yet.  Because SA's health system is more fragmented than the UK's it takes longer for data to be finalised.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

That useful post from RM was hilarious was it Ramseyboi?

Why's that? 

Looking at the negative all the f*****g time.

RM is a doomer who needs to just let it go.

Omicron will be the end of COVID restrictions but some of the doomed haven’t twigged it yet.

It spreads quickly, is a mild illness, doesn’t put many people in hospital and hardly kills anyone (assuming vaccines blah blah)

Its all good.  It is the best but if news since this shit show started.  Wait and see.

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7 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Looking at the negative all the f*****g time.

RM is a doomer who needs to just let it go.

Omicron will be the end of COVID restrictions but some of the doomed haven’t twigged it yet.

It spreads quickly, is a mild illness, doesn’t put many people in hospital and hardly kills anyone (assuming vaccines blah blah)

Its all good.  It is the best but if news since this shit show started.  Wait and see.

Let's see how well this post has aged by the end of January.

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19 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Looking at the negative all the f*****g time.

RM is a doomer who needs to just let it go.

Omicron will be the end of COVID restrictions but some of the doomed haven’t twigged it yet.

It spreads quickly, is a mild illness, doesn’t put many people in hospital and hardly kills anyone (assuming vaccines blah blah)

Its all good.  It is the best but if news since this shit show started.  Wait and see.

Don't patronise me. The reality is that the progress and consequence of this variant is still unknown. It only appears that it might have mutated in our favour but that is yet to be fully revealed. Science is keeping its fingers-crossed, most people who are interested and have something of an understanding of how covid works are very optimistic, that's most people I know.

After the ubiquitous xmas and new year bonding sessions let's see how the figures are come end of January, if not hopefully before.

ETA: Ham_N_Eggs and opusManx beat me to it...

Edited by quilp
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2 minutes ago, opusManx said:

Wait and see. In the meantime, previous rules apply. Be careful of yourself and others.

Been doing that for nearly two years and guess what? I am still here, my friends and family are still here but some of them are pretty much bankrupt.

Most people I know have “had it” a few were needing a few days off work.

A couple of them who unfortunately would have probably died in the last two years anyway have died, and one who might have otherwise been OK got COVID and went into Noble’s - then died from complications from getting MRSA.

None of the doomsday scenarios have played out and all is good in the hood.

If they stopped reporting it people wouldn’t even notice anymore and anyone who tries to argue that point is on a massive loser.

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