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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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12 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Thommo, the whole world is waiting for the data right now. You’re right, about past evidence but you can’t use past evidence on a new variant. The new data isn’t far away and if it proves what we are all thinking then we can move ahead in a different way. For now we’re doing the best we can.

I’m just grateful that unlike this time last year, we’re not heading for lockdown, we’re vaccinated, we have access to LFT tests and PCR. 

We now have a government that are, for now taking a more balanced approach and are encouraging the public to go back to what they should have been doing all the way through - taking responsibility for themselves.

Try to see the good bits instead of concentrating only on the bad. You’ll hurt yourself inside if you keep getting exasperated and critical of everything to do with the pandemic.

The pandemic is out of our control but our own behaviour is in our control. You’ll fell a lot better if you let go of the first abs only concentrate on the second. 

On the island I am happy with how the government is treating this, however I was due to go over to scotland next month but no point now due to the restrictions they have imposed so I am more angry about things that are happening in the UK than here. the last time Scotland had a 2 week circuit break it lasted 4 months. 

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25 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

You’re not a new poster.  A new poster wouldn’t go in all guns blazing so soon. You’re an old poster trying to keep their post count down on your other account. That’s really sad. 

There’s some right crackpots on here. I don’t really know what your problem is but by adding to the hundreds of pages of complete rubbish already in this thread is what’s really sad. 

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45 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

What evidence? have you been asleep for the last 2 years? the pattern is new variant, panic NHS will be overwhelmed. Reality is the NHS isn't getting overwhelmed and at no point has it been. They built new hospitals that never saw a single patient. What will happen come the end of January is pretty much nothing. 

This is not evidence.

13 minutes ago, Petefella said:

There’s some right crackpots on here. I don’t really know what your problem is but by adding to the hundreds of pages of complete rubbish already in this thread is what’s really sad. 

I agree with Roxanne, it's plainly obvious you're another construct created to support a narrative.

7 minutes ago, Petefella said:

It’s hard to see what your problem is either other than being a clear imbecile who seems to enjoy provoking responses from people which is an odd sort of psychology to deploy under the cloak of anonymity. 

Pure Sultanese. It always surfaces in the end, the style is unmistakable. You're not fooling anyone. 

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

I agree with Roxanne, it's plainly obvious you're another construct created to support a 

The general level of obsession and paranoia on this forum is a bit disturbing really. Do you all put little tinfoil hats in the Christmas crackers? it’s hard to see why expressing a minor different perspective to some of the rambling nonsense about Covid posted above draws such fire. Is it just an attempt to stop people expressing views you don’t subscribe to? 

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6 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

My point is, that you are angry about things that are out of your control. What I’m trying to get you to see is that your anger is futile. All it’s going to do is hurt you emotionally and physically. You’re a nice lad and I don’t like to hear that you’re angry about something that you can’t do anything about. It’s really not good for you.

There are only three things we can do when we feel anger.  1. Change the situation (impossible in this case) 2. Get away from the situation (impossible in this case) 3. Accept the situation. (Possible in this case) 

Number 3 is better for your health and for the health of those around you. 

All the best. 

I am not angry just frustrated.

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44 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I am not angry just frustrated.

As are a lot of people who have seen their income and their lives and businesses massively impacted by this complete mess. You shouldn’t feel guilty about feeling frustrated. It’s mainly civil servants and the retired who can’t possibly understand the stresses that others have gone through in the last two years. 

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Accept the situation.

No - compliance with idiocy should not be an option and should be questioned if only to expose the mental inadequacies of those making these brainfart decisions.  That is precisely why the population has turned into a compliant flock of nappy-wearing sheep.

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18 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The public are indeed policing themselves and doing so by staying away from situations where they might catch Covid .  Which means the coffers aren't filling.  It seems to me that an awful lot of those calling for people to "look after their own health"[1] then get very upset  when people actually start to do that and then make decision that are different from their own.


[1]  Which is a completely stupid thing to say if you think about it anyway.  What are people supposed to do - set up their own hospital? learn to do their own brain surgery?

Well the coffers won't get filled if the shops/restaurants are closed and the government is instigating unneccessary panic by entering into a form of lockdown, like what is being intimated daily across. This is policing on the basis of health by the state.

Letting people take responsibility for their own health again and not reporting in to a central authority or being constrained by some arbitrary measures means confidence will start to return again, once people begin to see there is nothing to fear out there in the big wide world.

If the concept of 'looking after your own health' sounds stupid then you are in a minority. Don't try and sound pompous all the time Roger, it's wearing thin. 

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3 hours ago, Gladys said:

A person with a microbiology PhD is no more qualified to comment about the role of a politician than a person without.

In defence of Dr G, she has stated on many occasions that she is not a medical Dr. However as a fellow scientist I feel I can point out that an experienced and qualified scientist, even in a slightly different field, must be better placed than a layman politician.

Saying that, many of us have become sort of experts on coronavirology over the last 20 months and now are at a stage where we are starting to have a fundamental understanding which is probably as close as makes no difference to the actual experts view in terms of what we should do next.

Edited by Happier diner
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6 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

In defence of Dr G, she has stated on many occasions that she is not a medical Dr. However as a fellow scientist I feel I can point out that an experienced and qualified scientist, even in a slightly different field, must be better placed than a layman politician.

Saying that, many of us have become sort of experts on coronavirology over the last 20 months and now are at a stage where we are starting to have a fundamental understanding which is probably as close as makes no difference to the actual experts view in terms of what we should do next.

No, her comments in the quoted post were about the role of a politician acting for their constituents, not the baying crowds on FB and elsewhere.  Her PhD makes her no more qualified to make that comment than anyone else.  Her PhD is irrelevant in that context, and I was responding to Alpha-Acid's dismissal of the critical poster. 

I was a supporter of Dr G, but in respect of her specialist knowledge and expertise and how she was treated by the last administration.   Outside of that, her opinion is no more authoritative than anyone else's. 

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59% of yesterday’s new cases were Omicron.

Do we have stats for how many are actually ill.  Everyone I know who has tested positive recently is either completely symptom free or a slight sniffle for a day or so.

No conspiracy theory, but I personally know of more people taking a day off post booster than have needed to stay home because they were actually to ill to work.

Seems encouraging that it looks very mild

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