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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

They always said the air was thinner down north.

So every town or country world wide that needed to suddenly start testing or up their testing just happened to have a single individual hero available and there were no alternative ways of doing it.

Her I put was valuable and spend things up, but don’t forget the similar challengers were being faced and dealt within tens of thousands of locations worldwide.

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2 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

So every town or country world wide that needed to suddenly start testing or up their testing just happened to have a single individual hero available and there were no alternative ways of doing it.

Her I put was valuable and spend things up, but don’t forget the similar challengers were being faced and dealt within tens of thousands of locations worldwide.

Sure, I get your point.

But the fact is that we were being led by imbeciles. If it wasn't for Dr G with her gear, we'd be a mess still.

Jersey and the Balliwicks pooled expertise they already had of their own. Lots of countries followed their outbreak plans, we ignored ours.

Dr Gs role is not to be downplayed because you think she's a gobshite. @wrighty said just on the last page just how important her role was and he was in the thick of it. Heck I think he even got to do a media briefing once.

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7 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

Would we not have just done what jersey, guernsey and the rest of the world did?

I don’t think suddenly needing to test for COVID and not being setup for it was a unique issue worldwide.

We might have needed to send to the UK for a few more days but countries with a a of less resources than we have managed.

Sounds like another case of the island thinking we face unique issues when we rarely do.

For months after we were doing our own testing Jersey and Guernsey were still sending to the UK.  When they did get round to organising their own labs I believe Rachel was asked how to do it.  She may wish to confirm this, however if she did no doubt you and others would level accusations of egotism and self-promotion at her. 

You know, just occasionally, not everything the island does is shit. The local PCR testing facility is one of those examples. On a per capita basis we were way ahead of the UK in terms of testing capacity; remember when Matt Hancock was fudging the figures to get 250000 tests per day and he included antibody tests? We were already doing that many pro rata.

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Listening to the PAC hearings and seeing governments initial inertia doing anything, i dread to think how long our testing facility would have taken to get going without Dr Glover.  The treatment of her and Dr Ranson by govt is one of the most appalling parts of the whole covid saga.

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12 minutes ago, Declan said:

You've also got to recall the then Health Minister ran a campaign to discredit her. Some people bought that hook, line and sinker leading to the current antipathy towards her. 

Is that true though? Very few people tow the government line over that and they’re largely people who work in government. Ashford has suffered greatly from that and rightly so as what he did (or what other people made him do) was appalling. But It’s this sort of attention seeking which seems to be annoying most people who disagree with her currently. 


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6 minutes ago, Petefella said:

Is that true though? Very few people tow the government line over that and they’re largely people who work in government. Ashford has suffered greatly from that and rightly so as what he did (or what other people made him do) was appalling. But It’s this sort of attention seeking which seems to be annoying most people who disagree with her currently. 


Aren't most Tweets attention seeking? 

She can Tweet as much as she likes, as far as I am concerned.  On matters relating to microbiology/genomics, I will bow to her superior knowledge and PhD.  On other matters, I may disagree with her opinion, and I don't need a PhD to do so. 

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8 hours ago, NoTailT said:

Sure, I get your point.

But the fact is that we were being led by imbeciles. If it wasn't for Dr G with her gear, we'd be a mess still @wrighty 

Don't be silly. Of course DrG did a lot of good work and she should be credited for that. Ut was fantastic that she was already on Island and had the expertise. But what makes you thing she is the only person in the world that could have done it. Sure it would have taken longer, but do you really think that we would be in  position where we could not do PCR testing 18months later?

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13 hours ago, rachomics said:

Well, if anyone needed convincing about how the vast majority of the posters here don't have a clue what is going on, speculate or just make stuff up, it's how I've been discussed on this thread over the last 24h. You have no idea. None at all.

Sadly some folks on here cannot have a reasonable debate without resorting to insults. 

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12 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Looks like good news


Thommo ...

It's actually up to 75% less severe but for the purposes of this thread let's dismiss it all as utter lies by the right wing press and get back to doomsday scenarios.

This is going to play merry fuck with Ben Faxfair's modelling!


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