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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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14 hours ago, rachomics said:

Well, if anyone needed convincing about how the vast majority of the posters here don't have a clue what is going on, speculate or just make stuff up, it's how I've been discussed on this thread over the last 24h. You have no idea. None at all.

Is it the vast majority or a prolific handful? This thread has largely been 3 or 4 people chuntering away scoring points off one another. 

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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

Is it the vast majority or a prolific handful? This thread has largely been 3 or 4 people chuntering away scoring points off one another. 

The old adage about not getting involved in arguments with idiots on the internet applies. The only surprise is that anyone is surprised by it.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Don't be silly. Of course DrG did a lot of good work and she should be credited for that. Ut was fantastic that she was already on Island and had the expertise. But what makes you thing she is the only person in the world that could have done it. Sure it would have taken longer, but do you really think that we would be in  position where we could not do PCR testing 18months later?

There is no sense of urgency in government.

Remember the triage van that appeared when government was on radio silence at the start of the pandemic?   Or when the govt lab copied the code for the robot by looking over Dr glover's shoulder? 

Without an injection of urgency from a non govt worker it would have been months and months before the ball started rolling.


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1 hour ago, Declan said:

You've also got to recall the then Health Minister ran a campaign to discredit her. Some people bought that hook, line and sinker leading to the current antipathy towards her. 

I don’t believe that to be true. Dr G herself is the architect of the current antipathy towards her.

I wonder now having shown her true colours if any more people now believe in  the existence of the letter penned by a disgruntled colleague? (However unwise Ashy was to destroy it)

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32 minutes ago, ManxTaxPayer said:


That title. He didn't even touch the computer. 

His boss probably wouldn't get him a flat screen and made him keep the crt, and he wanted a new keyboard with the sound controls on. I more-or-less did the same, might've been as late as 2009/10.

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12 hours ago, wrighty said:

I remember the early days of this pandemic when we could send about 25 tests across per day with a 72 hour result and were in danger of running out of swabs. Had it not been for Rachel setting up local PCR testing we’d quite possibly have spent most of 2020 under some restrictions, instead of being free of covid. And yes it is a team that work on the testing side, but I don’t think there was anyone else that could have started it all off back then. 

That achievement in itself completely surpasses anything else that may have happened since.  


Of which, to be fair, most posters on here have acknowledged and given her due credit for. This is no longer in question and has been put to bed a long time ago. 

The discussion points since then have unfortunately veered away from her professional standing. Which is a shame. 

Edited by Danoo
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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I wonder now having shown her true colours if any more people now believe in  the existence of the letter penned by a disgruntled colleague? (However unwise Ashy was to destroy it)

For sheer arrogance and fuckwittery if nothing else, the destruction of the letter trumps everything and anything Dr G could have done. Everything.

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4 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I don’t believe that to be true. Dr G herself is the architect of the current antipathy towards her.

I wonder now having shown her true colours if any more people now believe in  the existence of the letter penned by a disgruntled colleague? (However unwise Ashy was to destroy it)

See this is what you have been doing all along. It wasn't the existence of the letter that people doubted, it was that it genuinely reflected the feelings of the team and hadn't been written by a senior leader within DHSS. It was also the wisdom of a minister in charge of the department reading out an anonymous letter to discredit Dr G. 

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12 minutes ago, Barlow said:

For sheer arrogance and fuckwittery if nothing else, the destruction of the letter trumps everything and anything Dr G could have done. Everything.

I don't think I'd want either of them as my sole companion if I was stranded on a desert island. (If they knew me, I'm sure the feeling would be quite mutual.)

If I had to choose one, though, I think I'd go for Ashy. He looks like hes got more eating on him.

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25 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

Still waiting for the promised point by point rebuttal. One point - any point - would be a start.

That’s what finally did it for me. He’d stood there telling us Dr Glover was never employed by the government and then his department claims they didn’t steal her code because she wrote it while in their employment. 

He’s too stupid to realise the contradiction and still presses on with his point by point rebuttal promises. 

Never mind, at least he somewhere he can’t do much damage now. 🙄

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

There is no sense of urgency in government.

Remember the triage van that appeared when government was on radio silence at the start of the pandemic?   Or when the govt lab copied the code for the robot by looking over Dr glover's shoulder? 

Without an injection of urgency from a non govt worker it would have been months and months before the ball started rolling.


You don't know any if that to be a fact. Of course it's history now, but all sorts of backwards places all over the world had PCR testing up within weeks. Do you really believe that IOM, even with its so called gov workers, would have taken months. What utter nonsense. 

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