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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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25 minutes ago, wrighty said:

And I think we have it about right. Compare our government with Wales, Scotland for example. I think they’ve taken a ballsy, but correct, decision to allow us to crack on with minimal interference. Good on ‘em. 

I’d agree with that I think our government is 100% on the right track with its minimum interference approach. 

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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

Look at the premier league this weekend.

Their usual testing that normally picks up a few people with no symptoms has picked up a record number and led to matches being called off costing absolute fortunes.  Everything I have read says nearly all  those players were perfectly fit to play and only missed games because of the positive tests.

I dont know how much more data people want?  Omicron spreads quickly and is very mild.  Its pretty obvious.

Totally agree. I tested positive a couple of days ago and apart from the shortness of breath which prevents me from wearing a facemask when I'm out and about, I'm otherwise OK.

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26 minutes ago, littlebushy said:

Totally agree. I tested positive a couple of days ago and apart from the shortness of breath which prevents me from wearing a facemask when I'm out and about, I'm otherwise OK.

Tested positive a couple of days ago but still out and about👍

Troll off

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

And I think we have it about right. Compare our government with Wales, Scotland for example. I think they’ve taken a ballsy, but correct, decision to allow us to crack on with minimal interference. Good on ‘em. 

I haven't a clue which is right. I guess it is one of those finally balanced decisions and you hope you get the call right. Rather like weather forecasters and snow. A fraction of a degree can make a huge difference either way and get it wrong and you are vilified. No recognition that decisions are made on fine margins 

All I ask is that those making the decisions base on the facts etc before them and if they come to a different decisions to want I think is appropriate so be it.  If I lived in Wales or Scotland I think I would probably be of the view that they had over stepped the mark, but if I lived in England I might think the opposite as it seems in England decisions are being based about not causing unrest in Tory back benchers and generating -ve headlines. 

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As I understand it, it is the transmissability of Omicron that is the concern.  Even if the likelihood of adverse effects is a low percentage and lower than Delta,  because so many are infected the actual number of people who could potentially suffer adverse effects, possibly hospitalisation, will be higher.  It is just a mathematical function.

It is that data that is currently being  analysed.  Until we have some certainty, it is advisable to continue measures, such as testing and isolation until two negative results. 

Even I get that and I don't do sums.

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Seeking herd immunity perhaps.... I also suspect the white House is under pressure from employers as thousands of flighs have been cancelled and many businesses are facing a shortage of employees in the US 


(CNN)The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday shortened the recommended times that people should isolate when they've tested positive for Covid-19 from 10 days to five days if they don't have symptoms -- and if they wear a mask around others for at least five more days.


The CDC also shortened the recommended time for people to quarantine if they are exposed to the virus to a similar five days if they are vaccinated. People who are fully vaccinated and boosted may not need to quarantine at all, the CDC said.


"Given what we currently know about COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, CDC is shortening the recommended time for isolation from 10 days for people with COVID-19 to five days, if asymptomatic, followed by five days of wearing a mask when around others," the CDC said in a statement.

People whose symptoms are getting better may also leave their homes after five days so long as their symptoms are improving, the CDC said. People who have a fever should stay home until the fever clears up, the CDC added.

Edited by snowman
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So has the Chief Secretary been banged to rights? Man compensated for being denied the right to access his own home due to the IOM border restrictions. Is this the same bloke who got sacked from Douglas Corporation as he couldn’t get back too?

Deprived of the “peaceful enjoyment of his own possessions” as they failed to engage with him to help him get home. It’s an interesting read.


Edited by Paulos The Great
Swapped picture as text was poor
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14 minutes ago, Paulos The Great said:

So has the Chief Secretary been banged to rights? Man compensated for being denied the right to access his own home due to the IOM border restrictions. Is this the same bloke who got sacked from Douglas Corporation as he couldn’t get back too?

Deprived of the “peaceful enjoyment of his own possessions” as they failed to engage with him to help him get home. It’s an interesting read.




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12 hours ago, Raffles said:

Omicron still causes hospitalizations and deaths. Less so than the delta, but omicron is far more contagious. There is still a worry it could overwhelm the NHS due to this, which has always been the main concern with covid.

Some posters here and elsewhere seem to be under the impression it causes no more than the sniffles for everyone but that's not the case at all. Current UK data shows a 40% reduction in admissions from omicron, but that is still a lot of admissions, particularly if many more catch it at the same time.

It's a respiratory ailment and we have lived with them for ever. It is no more virulent than the flu now by all accounts.

You are doing yourself no good living life with a negative mindset like this. Most are ready to move on now, including IoM government by the looks of it. It'd be good if everyone else followed suit.

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38 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I have a friend who is currently caught up in this. She tried to leave in her van to travel to Spain about four weeks ago and has had her vehicle barricaded. She is now relying on friends to bring provisions to her house. It sounded bad four weeks ago but she tells me the situation now is escalating by the day. 

I’ve been in Spain for a fortnight. It’s all pretty normal where we are.

Bigger population centres, with high infection rates, have a curfew between 1 and 6am.

Mask wearing is mandatory, including outdoors.

Restaurants and bars are operating at 50% capacity indoors, but no limit on exterior terraces.

Indoor venues are at 70%.

Vax passport being scanned.

The odd thing is that vax rates are high, and infection rates lower than UK/IoM.

still feels safer than London, where I stayed 4 nights before catching the ferry to Spain.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Thanks he’s not the Douglas Corporation chap then. That is 14 years ago now though. It’s interesting to see such an action be successful though. I wonder how many others who were denied the right to return are pursuing similar cases? 

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