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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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On 12/30/2021 at 1:28 PM, joebean said:

Really Derek? Are you really stooping to the level of insulting those that wanted to leave the EU as jingoists? I had thought better of you than that. 
As for non-existent problems.. it wasn’t that long ago that the right to self-determination; democracy; primacy of our country’s own laws; the right to control your own borders and assets and to set your own country’s economic policy via the ballot box were, in part at least, considered big enough issues to give up your life for. Now, we gladly give it away for the sake of tomatoes on shelves all year round and no queues at passport control the other side of the tunnel. Ok, that is glib but some comments you read from those that continue to want to be in the EU (rather than Europe) do repeat these simplistic notions of what EU membership was really about. 
I predict that in the not so distant future, when Germany realises that the EU, having once been very advantageous to them now saddles then with high inflation, low earnings and a huge debt mountain created by economic policies determined by the likes of France and Italy, big questions will be asked about their ability to sustain membership. Jingoists may become visionaries, in that scenario. In the meantime Mr Macron’s petty insults and posturing are a very small price to pay.  I actually quite enjoy them. 

Boris Jingoed. Farage Jingoed. Half the population believed them and so we are where we are. With the continual flexing by Russia, the union needs bolstering not weakening. NATO is becoming more fractured, and this is not a good thing. 

Only time will tell.

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9 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

There is a days lag on the results.  Let’s wait and see what happens.  Anyone who came in those numbers has just had yesterday and today off

Here's another reason people likely aren't doing it for a couple of days off: they'll end up fired when they catch it for real in two weeks time.

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Just over another 500 positives on the figures today. As John Campbell says this might be the end of the pandemic as this strain doesn’t cause that much illness.

Hats off to NZ as they held their nerve and keep the borders tight knowing this wouldn’t go on forever. 51 deaths compared  to the thousands and thousands elsewhere.  

Our problem was the close proximity to the UK, especially England where where the government was clueless for large parts and a large number rebelled against the restrictions even though the science was clear.

I will always maintain we were at our best during this when the borders were tight and we could carry on our business on island without issue. Not a popular viewpoint, especially with those with relatives in the UK and those with too much disposable income.

Unfortunately when you move to an island like ours the chances are you are signing up for reduced contact with your family. I’m sure that last comment will cause offensive to some too.

By March it will be a case of if you feel ill like any other flu etc you will be allowed to be off work. If not carry on, no need for masks or testing. The mental health damage done by the last two years will go on for decades.

Edited by Bill1977
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7 minutes ago, Bill1977 said:

i will always maintain we were at our best during this when the borders were tight and we could carry on our business on island without issue. Not a popular viewpoint, especially with those with relatives in the UK and those with too much disposable income.

That is absolute nonsense. Sorry but it is. Unemployment quadrupled when we locked down and how long do you think we’d have been able to afford to pay people to stay at home? It would be for well over 2 years looking at NZ and we’d basically be bankrupt by now. 

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4 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

Just noticed that the dashboard says “from 23rd December positive test results from lateral flow tests which have been reported before midnight the previous day have been added”

So the “spike” reported yesterday was actually people not wanting to go into work on the first non bank holiday - which is exactly what I said would happen last week.

I guess a drop of at least 200 today

Just for posterity

Yesterday 576. Today 504. So a drop of 72 which is nowhere near a drop of "at least 200 today" 

I look forward to Ramseyboi explaining that away as simply being a consequence of Manx Forums posters filing false LFT positive test results just to skew the "real" figures.

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More good news on Omricon being less likely to cause hospitalization, although still early days , BBC news 


A booster dose of a Covid vaccine is 88% effective at preventing hospitalisation with the Omicron variant, new data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) suggests.

UKHSA analysed 528,176 Omicron cases and 573,012 Delta cases between 22 November and 26 December in England.

It confirmed that the risk of going to A&E or being admitted to a hospital ward after catching Omicron was roughly half that of the older Delta variant, while the risk of hospital admission alone with Omicron was approximately one-third of that for Delta.

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1 minute ago, Lost Login said:

Just for posterity

Yesterday 576. Today 504. So a drop of 72 which is nowhere near a drop of "at least 200 today" 

I look forward to Ramseyboi explaining that away as simply being a consequence of Manx Forums posters filing false LFT positive test results just to skew the "real" figures.

It is not as big a drop as I expected, but still a drop and I still expect we will be seeing much lower figures by this time next week.

Based on previous figures we should have seen a big jump if there is no additional testing or fabricated positives.

Time will tell and I never have an issue admitting if I was wrong.  Let’s revisit it in a few days.  

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2 minutes ago, Paulos The Great said:

That is absolute nonsense. Sorry but it is. Unemployment quadrupled when we locked down and how long do you think we’d have been able to afford to pay people to stay at home? It would be for well over 2 years looking at NZ and we’d basically be bankrupt by now. 

Do you have no memories of the last two years?  Unemployment did go up when there were lockdowns (though not by as much as many thought) but dropped rapidly during the periods when we were Covid-free and the economy was able to operate.  It's now so low that various sectors are complaining of labour shortages.  It was very similar in New Zealand.

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10 minutes ago, Paulos The Great said:

That is absolute nonsense. Sorry but it is. Unemployment quadrupled when we locked down and how long do you think we’d have been able to afford to pay people to stay at home? It would be for well over 2 years looking at NZ and we’d basically be bankrupt by now. 

I think you need to go back and re read his post. He is talking about being open for business locally, not locked down. Only with tight border restrictions. 

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8 minutes ago, Paulos The Great said:

That is absolute nonsense. Sorry but it is. Unemployment quadrupled when we locked down and how long do you think we’d have been able to afford to pay people to stay at home? It would be for well over 2 years looking at NZ and we’d basically be bankrupt by now. 

I’m not saying when we were in an IOM wide lockdown. Just keeping the borders tight so on island we were able to work, keep the schools open and not have any restrictions like masks/social distancing. Yep people would have to reduce travelling during the pandemic, but a small price to pay for on island freedom whilst the pandemic was at it’s worst. By March it won’t be a pandemic.

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