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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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8 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

It is not as big a drop as I expected, but still a drop and I still expect we will be seeing much lower figures by this time next week.

Based on previous figures we should have seen a big jump if there is no additional testing or fabricated positives.

Time will tell and I never have an issue admitting if I was wrong.  Let’s revisit it in a few days.  

Still a few wanting next week off Then? 

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1 minute ago, Paulos The Great said:

It’s now so low as plenty of people have left here in the last two years as a combination of border closures and Brexit. The labour pool post Covid is not the same as the labour pool pre Covid.

Correct.  To be replaced by more old duffers who don’t work

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35 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

. With the continual flexing by Russia, the union needs bolstering not weakening. NATO is becoming more fractured, and this is not a good thing. 

Only time will tell.

i'm ahead of the curve on this one comrade.


Edited by WTF
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1 minute ago, Bill1977 said:

I’m not saying when we were in an IOM wide lockdown.

Oh you mean the artificial siege economy government deliberately created to create enforced local spend by unnecessarily curtailing peoples lives to dig them out of the s***? It was funded by considerable Covid loans (it was costing £9M a month in government support) and still is so in hospitality which still won’t recover in 2022 either. 

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4 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Correct.  To be replaced by more old duffers who don’t work

Not all but plenty. But the labour market is very different now. A significant number of Bulgarians, Romanians and Poles when home to be nearer family due to the pandemic and Brexit concerns and Brexit is now stopping many EU citizens returning. This is where the retail and hospitality labour pools have been badly stretched as a lot of very hard workers left due to the pandemic. There has also been a lot of retired or semi retired move here seeking Covid “sanctuary” I agree. They have bought a lot of the houses off people who sold up to return to the UK to be nearer to family due to border closures. Across the board a lot of this had been driven by border restrictions and peoples positive or negative view on the personal impact of those restrictions. 

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24 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

It is not as big a drop as I expected, but still a drop and I still expect we will be seeing much lower figures by this time next week.

Based on previous figures we should have seen a big jump if there is no additional testing or fabricated positives.

Time will tell and I never have an issue admitting if I was wrong.  Let’s revisit it in a few days.  

And for your next post I am sure you will explaining Black is really white and 2 + 2 don't make 4

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3 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

And for your next post I am sure you will explaining Black is really white and 2 + 2 don't make 4

Serious question looking for an honest answer.

Were you expecting an increase or decrease in cases today compared to yesterday? Which way do you expect them to go tomorrow?

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On 12/30/2021 at 1:28 PM, joebean said:

Really Derek? Are you really stooping to the level of insulting those that wanted to leave the EU as jingoists? I had thought better of you than that. 
As for non-existent problems.. it wasn’t that long ago that the right to self-determination; democracy; primacy of our country’s own laws; the right to control your own borders and assets and to set your own country’s economic policy via the ballot box were, in part at least, considered big enough issues to give up your life for. Now, we gladly give it away for the sake of tomatoes on shelves all year round and no queues at passport control the other side of the tunnel. Ok, that is glib but some comments you read from those that continue to want to be in the EU (rather than Europe) do repeat these simplistic notions of what EU membership was really about. 
I predict that in the not so distant future, when Germany realises that the EU, having once been very advantageous to them now saddles then with high inflation, low earnings and a huge debt mountain created by economic policies determined by the likes of France and Italy, big questions will be asked about their ability to sustain membership. Jingoists may become visionaries, in that scenario. In the meantime Mr Macron’s petty insults and posturing are a very small price to pay.  I actually quite enjoy them. 

Apologies for being off-topic, and there is a separate thread for this, but I just have to respond to the above comments that were posted here.

IMHO, all of these proclamations about self-determination, ability to set economic policy via the ballot box, the right to control our own borders and assets are largely red herrings, nationalist flag-waving and political delusions i.e., a modern version of what Henry V could have said to rouse his troops before a battle, or even an excerpt from speeches by Putin or the ‘democratically-elected’ Iranian leaders. Comparing leaving the EU with the Grand Alliance of soldiers who defended our collective freedoms (and dying in the diches) against the NAZIS in WW2 seems to me to be bizarre.

The clichéd quip that no country is an island is particularly true in the modern world. People like Churchill (not exactly an arm-chair patriot albeit with his own idiosyncratic faults and weaknesses) understood this. He passionately supported the idea of creating the ‘United States of Europe’ with the UK being an integral part. But if the UK wants to be truly ‘independent’ then it should immediately sever its membership of the World Trade Organisation, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, the OECD, the NATO, the Commonwealth, INTERPOL, etc and of course an UK PM must stop taking calls from an American President and stop asking him/her how high to jump.

Nationalist jingoism is an anathema to a civilised democracy and it is often a primary justification to go to war. Shallow political jingoism is a vile insidious incarnation of ‘us versus them’ thinking. At its zenith it morphs into a violent insurrection against; Johnny foreigner, outsiders, sub-human others who don’t belong to our tribe. It is a dangerous political path to walk down and I for one don’t believe that countries like modern Germany, given their history, will ever willingly go down that path again. Many British people are dismayed that our relationship with France keeps sinking to new lows, but let’s not blame ‘petulant’ Macron for everything – it’s largely us who created the distrust that has led to the current frictions.

Ever since Brexit the opinion polls in Europe consistently demonstrate an unwavering resolve of the EU citizens to remain being the EU citizens. Over the next few years Brussels will distribute hundreds of billions of Euros to all of the EU countries who have been impacted by Covid. This is an act of unity, and also an act of self-serving common sense.

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On 12/30/2021 at 12:07 PM, wrighty said:

I'm the same.  Multiple exposures - must have had, as people I've been out and about with have tested positive when I never have, including in Milan at an indoor concert with about 5000 people just as it was all kicking off in Italy last year.

Having said that I'll probably go and test positive :rolleyes:

A positive LFT just now has disproved my ‘totally immune to it’ hypothesis. 

Happy New Year all.  Jools Holland for me tonight 😜

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11 minutes ago, wrighty said:

including in Milan

You're a Vet??? I thought you were a Doctor, I'll not take your advice anymore!    Unless I have distemper!

Tough but enjoy your 'quiet evening in', you can even have drink as you're not on call!

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13 minutes ago, code99 said:

People like Churchill (not exactly an arm-chair patriot albeit with his own idiosyncratic faults and weaknesses) understood this. He passionately supported the idea of creating the ‘United States of Europe’ with the UK being an integral part...

Churchill toyed with this idea of European unification as a combined defence against a crazy Stalin and the threat posed by communist expansionism.

His vision was rather that Europe unite in a military powerful enough to contain the Russian threat. He was all for a united Europe, but with good old benevolent Blighty looking on independently from the sidelines.

It was used by remainers out of context.

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3 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Careful wrighty. This is how the interrogations start with his employees . Within 5 mins he'll be screaming if you're well enough to watch jools holland you are well enough to go to work too. Then start hinting at how you can be easily replaced

Ir just vaguely interested as despite the comments on here I am yet to hear of anyone who has tested positive this month who had any more than a slight headcold.

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