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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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14 minutes ago, Banker said:

FFS how many posts is that in last 24 hours? Must be pushing 100!!

Heres some real news stating the next few days are critical in UK with hospitalizations increasing although you seem to deny this is happening 



The troll turns up to troll himself again. That will pad it out for another 100 posts. Unbelievable. 

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35 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Exactly, so the next thing they need to ditch is enforced total isolation.  Do that and your figures will be more accurate.

Encourage people to test and encourage them to use COMMON SENSE if they are positive but still fit and healthy.  Force people to stay home and lose income and you discourage those who may be showing no symptoms from testing.

There is less risk from someone knowing they have a positive result and managing that in their own way (sensible outdoor walks, avoid pubs/shops etc, notify close contacts to be vigilant, still work where possible - but with sensible precautions like masks, distancing) than from someone who hasn't tested and is living their life as normal.

Do that for the rest of winter and then ditch the testing altogether and only deal with anyone who is actually ill

I largely agree with this. If my experience is anything to go by (yes, I know anecdote is not data) I’ve had a cold. Felt pretty rough yesterday, but largely OK today, and in normal circumstances, 2 years ago, would have been happy to pop to the shops etc. 

At some point we should stop testing, and stop enforced isolation. If symptomatic, coughing and spluttering everywhere, I think society will dictate that masks are in order. Scrap the billions of LFTs being done every day (using Ramseyboi as a marker, there’s probably 1 billion done each day in the UK) and reserve PCR testing for those being admitted to hospital with a respiratory illness that would benefit from microbiological diagnosis. 

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In a previous post I noted 8 out of 10 people who had negative LFTs before going out as a group on Boxing Day were positive on Wednesday.  On Friday, five days after the night out, there was a full house of 10 people with positive tests. There must be lots of people going about in the community who are not taking appropriate precautions for the virus to be spreading so widely. I am in a vulnerable group and take my own precautions (have had vaccines and booster) to protect myself from the risk that others don’t care a jot for my health, doing whatever suits them at the time. 

The actual topic, referenced occasionally in the 3000+ pages, is about removing Covid restrictions. How can all restrictions be removed when we have such a mix of unvaccinated, vaccinated, boosted, and recovered people?. Thousands are currently isolating because of various levels of infection, and businesses are unable to function properly. Something needs to give, and that is perhaps to stop isolating people for minor illness, secure a supply of the newly approved Pfizer tablets for those who are more serious and need to stay at home, deal with hospitalisations with a fully staffed hospital, while I will manage the risk to my health as well as possible, as now.



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4 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

In a previous post I noted 8 out of 10 people who had negative LFTs before going out as a group on Boxing Day were positive on Wednesday.  On Friday, five days after the night out, there was a full house of 10 people with positive tests. There must be lots of people going about in the community who are not taking appropriate precautions for the virus to be spreading so widely. I am in a vulnerable group and take my own precautions (have had vaccines and booster) to protect myself from the risk that others don’t care a jot for my health, doing whatever suits them at the time. 

The actual topic, referenced occasionally in the 3000+ pages, is about removing Covid restrictions. How can all restrictions be removed when we have such a mix of unvaccinated, vaccinated, boosted, and recovered people?. Thousands are currently isolating because of various levels of infection, and businesses are unable to function properly. Something needs to give, and that is perhaps to stop isolating people for minor illness, secure a supply of the newly approved Pfizer tablets for those who are more serious and need to stay at home, deal with hospitalisations with a fully staffed hospital, while I will manage the risk to my health as well as possible, as now.



100% agree.  Nice to see someone being sensible and not just panicking and insisting that we all take OTT and arbitrary precautions that in reality, achieve very little other than costing people money and closing businesses for all of us.

Good luck to you you sensible poster you


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1 minute ago, Ramseyboi said:

100% agree.  Nice to see someone being sensible and not just panicking and insisting that we all take OTT and arbitrary precautions that in reality, achieve very little other than costing people money and closing businesses for all of us.

Good luck to you you sensible poster you


Top tip 1 - dont post you have a postive Covid test result.... Then post that you are ignoring it.  Top tip 2 - step away from the keyboard

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4 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Top tip.  Read the thread.  I haven't said either of those things 

Even topper, top, tip, take a voluntary break.

You’ve out posted your welcome today. It’s becoming obsessive. It’s not good for your  mental health or the well being of the forums.

This level of posting is reminiscent of the build up to a TJ style meltdown.

If you don’t step away voluntarily for a few days and substantially reduce your daily posting count on return it can be arranged mandatorily. 

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10 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Top tip.  Read the thread.  I haven't said either of those things 

So what was your experimental throat test?  A fictitious positive? By not reporting up, you are ignoring it, otherwise you would know what you are supposed to do, including abide by a direction notice which sets out how to deal with 2 negative tests.

It may ge that the throat swab was a false positive  but your arrogance, a. to do it and the b. ignore it, just speaks volumes. 


Edited by Gladys
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1 minute ago, John Wright said:

Even topper, top, tip, take a voluntary break.

You’ve out posted your welcome today. It’s becoming obsessive. It’s not good for your  mental health or the well being of the forums.

This level of posting is reminiscent of the build up to a TJ style meltdown.

If you don’t step away voluntarily for a few days and substantially reduce your daily posting count on return it can be arranged mandatorily. 

Any response to people suggesting other posters might like a punch in the face?


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19 minutes ago, opusManx said:

Ok. Apart from attempts at levity, I've tried to stay out of the fray.

John Wcorrect is right.

I've tried to keep mum apart from the occasional attempts at levity/distraction.

But I will share a bit of wisdom imparted on me in my unnamed professional school...at the time, the point of the advice was to conserve resources and avoid engendering unnecessary anxiety.

Prior to deciding on a course of managing a case, we were suggested to ask ourself:

"Will this intervention change the patient's management?"

In other words, am I just doing this for academic reasons or to allay my own discomfort with uncertainty.

I humbly suggest we all sometimes consider this question, rephrased as you prefer

(e.g. "Is my doing this going to make any real positive impact on myself/others/the community?"

prior to clicking "enter" or as in this case, "submit reply" on any social media.

Are you doing any good to yourself or anyone? Venting frustration is fine but at some point, if the underlying frustration persists, perhaps it's time to seek another venue.

Don't stress it.  I am fine

This site is full of absolute whoppers.  People who cant stand to see someone else have an opinion if they aren't in the "in crowd".  Winding them up is good fun.  Especially when you are doing the right thing by staying at home when you don't need to and the rest of the family are out and about having a fun New Year.

Wrighty is a respected poster on here and quite regularly posts that he agrees in part, if he said a lot of what I said it would be covered in likes and adoration, when I say it people laugh until he agrees and then they just pretend it hasn't happened.

Anyone who thinks I was an actual danger to anyone over the last 36 hours needs to take a long hard look at themselves.  Most of them don't ever test and just trot around the place as normal scared  they might catch something they have probably already had anyway.  

Today has purely been sport winding up the usual saddos (although every word of it is true, whatever they decide to believe)

Over and out.  Got some friends on their way over with pizza, one of whom also posts on here very infrequently and has been laughing all day at the usual sad acts getting more and more enraged by something that they are too thick to realise is less risk than what most of them do themselves.

Edited by Ramseyboi
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5 minutes ago, Paulos The Great said:

I think John Wright has called it right as a mod. It’s painful to read even though I agree with some of it. And trolling yourself via another account to perpetuate your own posting rate is just weird. 

There is no other account.  Whatever makes you think there is, you might need to get looked at


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