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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Paulos The Great said:

Yes everyone needs to get looked at except you I’m sure. 

I am probably about to get banned anyway, so please just say who you think my "other account" is, and I will have to leave it to them to tell you how massively wrong you are

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In the first wave I was absolutely terrified (by Government) of dying from the virus. In the early 2021 wave(s) I wasn’t comfortable but had become accustomed to avoiding high risk situations. Now, while I don’t completely trust the vaccines and booster to protect me they are all that is on offer to help me should I misread my level of risk in any situation.

Noting the above, I stopped spending my disposable income in IOM shops, pubs, restaurants etc. If I want anything I will order it online and socializing will be at home with reduced or no risk!. Local businesses will have lost many hundreds if not thousands of pounds because of my “virus enforced” lifestyle changes. Others, not necessarily posters on this forum, have probably also made certain lifestyle changes which have permanently impacted our economy

So, again noting my caution, I believe CoMIN should remove isolation rules etc and stop the IOM sinking further into the mire.  Dr Allison, come up with an economic strategy that delivers something, rather than talk about bringing everyone along ...... Meanwhile I will continue to take my own precautions to protect myself as I will always trust myself and family more than I do strangers.

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2 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

In the first wave I was absolutely terrified (by Government) of dying from the virus. In the early 2021 wave(s) I wasn’t comfortable but had become accustomed to avoiding high risk situations. Now, while I don’t completely trust the vaccines and booster to protect me they are all that is on offer to help me should I misread my level of risk in any situation.

Noting the above, I stopped spending my disposable income in IOM shops, pubs, restaurants etc. If I want anything I will order it online and socializing will be at home with reduced or no risk!. Local businesses will have lost many hundreds if not thousands of pounds because of my “virus enforced” lifestyle changes. Others, not necessarily posters on this forum, have probably also made certain lifestyle changes which have permanently impacted our economy

So, again noting my caution, I believe CoMIN should remove isolation rules etc and stop the IOM sinking further into the mire.  Dr Allison, come up with an economic strategy that delivers something, rather than talk about bringing everyone along ...... Meanwhile I will continue to take my own precautions to protect myself as I will always trust myself and family more than I do strangers.

Now, while I don’t completely trust the vaccines and booster to protect me they are all that is on offer to help me should I misread my level of risk in any situation.


Is that true?

What about these anti viral drugs that Pfizer and others have developed? 

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2 minutes ago, cheesypeas said:

Now, while I don’t completely trust the vaccines and booster to protect me they are all that is on offer to help me should I misread my level of risk in any situation.


Is that true?

What about these anti viral drugs that Pfizer and others have developed? 

Yep, mentioned the pills in my earlier post. But they aren’t here yet, so have to work with what I have available..... 

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23 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Anyone who thinks I was an actual danger to anyone over the last 36 hours needs to take a long hard look at themselves. 

I could speed without causing danger to anyone, but I don't. I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim you're not doing anything wrong when you're actively ignoring the rules because you don't want to follow them. Couldn't give a toss whether you do or don't, but if you're not going to follow them at least have the stones to admit you're doing wrong.

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5 minutes ago, ManxTaxPayer said:

That would be a shame. You're obviously a bit of a cock but you don't deserve a suspension. It must be personal with you as it is with The Teapot. 

There is one mod who likes to think he is god.

He suspends people, he "bans" people but in reality it os so easy to work around he has no clue who comes back and when.

He gave me this screen once.  Took all of 30 seconds to work around it.  He probably still thinks I cant view his poxy forum



Screenshot 2022-01-01 at 20.48.21.png

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