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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Manx Resident said:

"........... Something needs to give, and that is perhaps to stop isolating people for minor illness, secure a supply of the newly approved Pfizer tablets for those who are more serious and need to stay at home, deal with hospitalisations with a fully staffed hospital, while I will manage the risk to my health as well as possible, as now.


26 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

......... So, again noting my caution, I believe CoMIN should remove isolation rules etc and stop the IOM sinking further into the mire.  Dr Allison, come up with an economic strategy that delivers something, rather than talk about bringing everyone along ...... 


Made two posts trying to promote discussion of removing Covid restrictions, but clearly, apart from one comment querying the Pfizer drug, not the topic people want to spend pages and pages discussing here tonight. Oh well.

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37 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

 Winding them up is good fun. 

Today has purely been sport winding up the usual saddos 


I think I probably regret my last comment having read what John Wright and opus Manx wrote as on reflection it was probably not the best idea to rattle the cage of a poster who would appear to have a pretty sad life if the best way they can think of spending it is to choose to spend a day on an internet forum trying to wind people up and then get a of a kick giggling about it.


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5 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

Made two posts trying to promote discussion of removing Covid restrictions, but clearly, apart from one comment querying the Pfizer drug, not the topic people want to spend pages and pages discussing here tonight. Oh well.

To be honest, there is nothing more on that topic that can be said.  No one wants restrictions, but over the past couple of years the whole focus has been on protecting the health service.  Not sure we are yet at the position that that can be assured without restrictions. 

The Pfizer drug looks promising, but the objective is to limit the number of people needing any treatment for covid.

The danger has always been that protecting the health service impacts on the economy and also health provision in general, but it is one of those gordian knot things and we will be feeling the repercussions for a long while yet, even when covid causes nothing more than a sniffle in everyone. 

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17 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

I think I probably regret my last comment having read what John Wright and opus Manx wrote as on reflection it was probably not the best idea to rattle the cage of a poster who would appear to have a pretty sad life if the best way they can think of spending it is to choose to spend a day on an internet forum trying to wind people up and then get a of a kick giggling about it.


Ban worthy for anyone not in the club for sure.

No doubt you will be OK

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8 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

We are all aware of your pugilist tendencies.

From one of the same people who claims everything I post is made up, yet wont let that one lie.

You know the post before about winding up the usual whoppers - you were in the top 3

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3 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

From one of the same people who claims everything I post is made up, yet wont let that one lie.

I don’t believe ( no I know) I have ever claimed everything you post is made up.

If you are going to bring up punching people in the face you can’t be surprised that your past admissions are going to haunt you. 

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