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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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29 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Re-re-post of this article.


It’s a very good essay. I read it last time, and again just now.  I hope we’re now in the endgame of this pandemic. Based on my personal current situation (positive, mild illness, now fine but still positive this morning) and the fact that loads of people I know are also infected with mild symptoms (unlike last time when it was only a few who were more ill) I think we’re there. The combination of vaccination and subsequent infection was, I always thought (it’s probably in this thread somewhere that I suggested the best immunological boost would be deliberate infection) the best way to make everyone’s immune response optimal going forwards. 

Back to the OP.  In my view we should get over the winter surge in cases.  Once case numbers start falling stop people testing, abandon mandatory isolation, and treat SARS-CoV-2 infection just like we treat H-CoV-OC43 infection, ie we only know about it if someone gets admitted to hospital very ill and have a ‘respiratory panel’ test to see what virus may be causing their pneumonia. Just stay home if ill, and be guided by symptoms. 

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1 hour ago, Paulos The Great said:

You probably got a ban for being a nasty aggressive little troll as that’s what you appear to be. What are you going to do if Ramsey is banned? As you won’t be able to troll yourself to amplify your posts.

You’re too new a member to know about the sock puppet clause. Basically don’t accuse one poster of being another

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Well considering I joined a year before Ramsey I didn’t think so, Paulo’s the dick is more likely.

I got a ban for posting less than 10% of the shit Ramsey is posting!!

You'll notice I wasn't agreeing with him but you'll be aware that 'professional' trolls will go to sophisticated lengths to satisfy the controlling aspect of what they do. Even as far as creating patsies they can harangue and insult without fear of complaint or discovery so they can continue to control or push a particular narrative.


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Peak sometime in the next week do we think is the collective opinion based on previous surges?

Work discussions and down the pub chatter seems to be focused on a circuit breaker type thing but as we have seen in the past, that hasn't worked so there is little point.  Things grinding to a halt based on no availability of staff seems to be the more likely route for the next couple of weeks but I see that as riding the current wave out rather than more mitigation.

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24 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Your good self and my lovely friend seem to be following the same path. She’s still negative in day seven but feels physically fine. She’s desperate to get out (she’s a nature kind of girl). Yesterday she ran three miles in her back garden just for exercise. I would say her mental health is suffering far more than her physical strength right now. I’m currently baking her some croissants and we’re going to share a distanced chat across the back fence but truly she just wants to get out and run or ride her bike. Seven days isolation when you’re feeling well is a long time to be cooped up when you’re an outdoors person. 

Let’s hope you both show negative soon. 

I’m somewhat opposite. Perfectly happy indoors. Did 2 hours guitar practice yesterday, worked on the piano part to ‘Lamb Lies Down on Broadway’, built my nerdy lego set, watched some Netflix…

Got plans for more of the same today. Sometimes being an introvert is an advantage in life. 

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33 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I’m somewhat opposite. Perfectly happy indoors. Did 2 hours guitar practice yesterday, worked on the piano part to ‘Lamb Lies Down on Broadway’, built my nerdy lego set, watched some Netflix…

Got plans for more of the same today. Sometimes being an introvert is an advantage in life. 


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Having a catch up on this thread and am very glad I went to bed relatively early with a good book.    It has turned into poking a wasps nest with a stick or something similar.   It has however given an insight if LFTs run out anytime soon.   Happy and peaceful New Year to all. 🤗

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Your good self and my lovely friend seem to be following the same path. She’s still negative in day seven but feels physically fine. She’s desperate to get out (she’s a nature kind of girl). Yesterday she ran three miles in her back garden just for exercise. I would say her mental health is suffering far more than her physical strength right now. I’m currently baking her some croissants and we’re going to share a distanced chat across the back fence but truly she just wants to get out and run or ride her bike. Seven days isolation when you’re feeling well is a long time to be cooped up when you’re an outdoors person. 

Let’s hope you both show negative soon. 

Unfortunately my friend and his wife in their late forties, are really suffering with chest and joint pains so it isn't always as benign as the news may make it appear.

Edited by doc.fixit
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There's been a fair bit of reflection going on. This is a thought provoking article. I wish people would wake up to this kind of thing and stop demanding restrictions in schools. 

"this is a very discriminatory virus. Some people are much more at risk from it than others. People over 75 are an astonishing 10,000 times more at risk than those who are under 15"


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8 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It was months ago when Dr Allinson said there were filtration systems in schools. It wasn’t true - there were none. I’d love to believe that this has all been sorted and our children and young people will be going back to air filtration systems that have been installed over the holidays but somehow, I’m not sure that will be the case. 

It would be a bit of a silly assumption that such a massive piece of work could be done over the holidays. Don’t believe what your hear on here.  Installing filtration systems in schools (that would actually have any effect) would be an enormous and costly undertaking. Its also something that isn't even proven yet. 

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